Worst "Compliment" Ever...

Recently someone who is very, very thin told me I was "Voluptuous." She said this after I said, "I know you think I'm fat - you make enough comments about what I eat and how much." She said, "You're not fat. You're voluptuous. That's a compliment."

I said, "Voluptuous is the nice way skinny people call fat people fat."

Then I called her a *****...in a nice way. Except that I literally called her a *****. But I laughed so she knew I was "joking."

That wasn't MEAN was it???? :wink:


  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Lol..gotta love the back handed compliments. I took some clothes over to my friend's grandma (my too big clothes fit her), and she said "I didn't know you were that fat". Gee, thanks.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Recently someone who is very, very thin told me I was "Voluptuous."
    I got "pleasantly plump" from my thin roommate. umm, thanks.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    At xmas my fiance likes to call me festively plump..
    Im like yeah thanx..
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I used to use those words to explain me. I used to say my fat was 'evenly proportioned' because I was heavier than I looked. LOL
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    or when they say - you look SO much better. I'm so sorry I was so atrocious to look at. Bite me.
  • rmdemattia
    My Chiropractor called me "fluffy".
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    That's kind of like calling someone "curvy" when you mean fat. I am curvy AND overweight, but curvy means curves in my vocab.

    Ignore the comment. It wasn't well thought out.
  • becky_turcotte
    thats what we call in the south a "sweet Compliment". U know, like when you try to set up your not so cute friend with a guy and he ask you what she's like and all you can say is "She is very sweet". YEAH!!
  • zumba_smurf
    I have to say I was mortified when someone came up to be a few months back, patted my tummy and said you look positively blooming this pregnancy is making you glow! And I replied 'That would be a great compliment but I'm not even pregnant" and her reply was 'oh well sorry I thought you were at least twenty weeks!!!' Another kick up the *kitten* to loose this damn weight!!!!
  • streetnamejim
    I always thought "voluptuous" carried a bit of confidence in it. Like a sexy, curvy, confident chick.

    I also think "boobs" when I hear voluptuous.... but I think boobs about a lot of stuff, so maybe that doesn't count. Hehe..
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Jerks - all of them. My sister in law is very thin - and she's great. She says, "I never comment on people's weight. It's mean. Also, just because I'm small doesn't mean I won't some day be in the same boat as a heavy person. It's called Karma." My mom is also great - she always tells me how good I look. But some people...I swear...Like those back handed compliments don't do more to demotivate us than a nice one. With this person, the only time I feel I win her approval is when I start to lose weight -as if being skinny makes one a good person. Ugh...And I HAVE to deal with her. She's family.
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    I don't think skinny people that don't work to be skinny understand?!?! Haven't you ever did the...when are do you due? and she says she's not pregnant? I think everybody has! I just brush it off as they are ignorant, or it is a compliment in their eyes! I have a friend that is 98lbs...she doesn't understand why I have to watch what I eat...ummm cause I wasn't blessed with high metabolism like you!!!!! Good luck with your weight loss...someday you go back to her and say now I'm ripped!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    not even 20 minutes ago when I was putting together the below picture

    Hubby: "Just goes to show what a lucky man I am"
    Me: What, you weren't lucky back then??
    Hubby: well, you just look better now, I didn't say I didn't love you, (etc, as he tries to dig himself out of that hole)

    god, it's a good thing I love that man ;-P
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    lol, wow...I had almost the exact same conversation with someone a few years ago...almost makes me wonder if it was the same girl! :wink:

    You know, at your current weight I find it very hard to believe that anyone could think you were FAT!

    My ex told me I had a Buddha belly. I'm still a bit bruised about that one. :[
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    I worked in an inner city school and this one african american women told me,"you're not fat, you're thick. If you were a couple shades darker, you'd be hot". I guess that was a compliment lol
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    Lol..gotta love the back handed compliments. I took some clothes over to my friend's grandma (my too big clothes fit her), and she said "I didn't know you were that fat". Gee, thanks.
    I put on an old pair of jeans that I could have maybe fit 2 of me in & showed my boyfriend how big they were. He said - I didn't know you were ever that fat! I actually did take it as a compliment coming from him. It made me feel like he always liked how I looked & my size isn't what he sees when he looks at me.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Recently someone who is very, very thin told me I was "Voluptuous." She said this after I said, "I know you think I'm fat - you make enough comments about what I eat and how much." She said, "You're not fat. You're voluptuous. That's a compliment."

    I said, "Voluptuous is the nice way skinny people call fat people fat."

    Then I called her a *****...in a nice way. Except that I literally called her a *****. But I laughed so she knew I was "joking."

    That wasn't MEAN was it???? :wink:

    I'm going to play devil's advocate here......what did you want/expect her to say when you said "I know you think I'm fat - you make enough comments about what I eat and how much." ? Did you want her to say "you're right, I think you're fat"? IMHO, you opened the door with your initial comment to her.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    My uncle called me Tunzafunz when I was younger. I was devastated when I finally realized it didn't mean I was tons o' fun.

    He used to be my favorite uncle :)
  • kmumansky
    kmumansky Posts: 119
    two weekends ago someone asked me how I was feeling then followed it up with "You look great!" And I was really confused...SHE THOUGHT I WAS PREGNANT!!! I mean I can stand to loose a few lbs, but Im still a size 6....anyway THATS what motivated me to get back on track and loose 20 lbs.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    I often refer to myself that way. It's true -- I have curves no matter how "thin" I get. And I haven't required any surgery to pump up certain spots! I consider it a compliment.