New recipe for kale and black bean veggie burgers

amflautist Posts: 941 Member
Last night I was staring at a 2# bag of fresh kale that I bought. What to do with it? I started by cutting and slow-frying a very big sweet onion, then added 1# of chopped kale. When the kale was about 1/2 done, I added a chopped up pre-cooked (Gardenburger) black bean chipotle patty that was left over from a previous dinner. The single patty didn't look like enough, so I also cut up a slice of a very good multigrain bread. Spruced it all up with lots of balsamic vinegar and a few T. of olive oil. OMG was that ever good! The black bean chipotle patty was the key to the flavor. Today, after Curves, I will buy more Gardenburger Black Bean patties to do it again tonight! This time, because I will be starting with an uncooked veggie burger, I will cook the burger along with the onion. Maybe I will also try it with 2 sweet onions this time.


  • BeeMarieG
    BeeMarieG Posts: 61 Member
    This sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing. :) I have a bunch of kale from our garden, and happen to loooooove Morningstar Farms spicy black bean burgers. That combo sounds like one I will have to try.
  • eldee3
    eldee3 Posts: 14 Member
    I love kale, this sounds delicious!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Sorry - forgot to tell you that I chopped up two tomatoes and mixed them in just before serving. I remembered that when I had to buy more tomatoes at the grocery store this morning after Curves.
  • marnieinMB
    marnieinMB Posts: 196 Member
    Hi. Soounds delish. You might also try using the boca tofu crumbles!
  • marnieinMB
    marnieinMB Posts: 196 Member
    Hi. Soounds delish. You might also try using the boca tofu crumbles!