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Is counting calories all wrong?



  • witchaywoman81
    witchaywoman81 Posts: 280 Member
    Dr Fung pushes intermittent fasting, which naturally reduces your calories anyway. Most of these diets where "Calories don't matter" still restrict your calories without you realizing it, so that's kind of when I accepted it was all calories in, calories out.

    Here's the thing, though. Intermittent Fasting - in and of itself - does *not* naturally reduce your calories. It is entirely possible to overeat in whatever your non-fasting window might be.

    I know because I've done it. Been doing IF for literally decades. I've gained weight doing it, lost weight doing it and maintained weight doing it, too. The timing of when you eat is irrelevant.

    Tl;dr? You are absolutely correct in that it *is* all about calories in, calories out. :)

    So true. I have seen people around the forums swearing up and down that calories don’t matter with IF; the make it sound like IF is magic. Personally, I’m glad it’s NOT magic. I would rather know exactly how and why I’m losing weight, i.e. I’m in a calorie deficit or I’m not.

    I think if you’re someone who tends to binge at a certain time of day (I know a lot of night time snackers and have been one myself at certain times of my life) and you prevent yourself from eating during that time, it could be beneficial, but because you’re restricting calories, not because you’re doing something magical.

    🤔 This seems like one of those threads where we’re going to get a lot of first-time posters spewing woo. Brb, grabbing my 🍿.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok, with this logic, let's stop believing in gravity & see how that works out...(><)