100lbs to loose



  • Aint2Proud2Meg
    Aint2Proud2Meg Posts: 193 Member
    I'm planning to lose 80 overall, but there is a good chance when I get there that 100 is more where I need to be. Anyone in this thread is more than welcome to add me!
  • nancymarie22
    nancymarie22 Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in, I have 100 pounds to lose and need motivation to stick with it!
  • XxAngry_Pixi
    XxAngry_Pixi Posts: 236 Member
    Hi all, I'd love more friends losing the same amounts of weight as me, especially those with open diaries! I'm about 3 months into my journey, I've lost 20 pounds so far and have another 90 more until I just scrape into a healthy weight range, at that point I'll reassess my goals and see if I want to lose more.
  • Thewaffle86
    Thewaffle86 Posts: 52 Member
    I’ve lost just under 18 lbs in the 3 weeks. Doing the couch to 5k and on week 3. It’s hard but definitely worth it. I already feel much better mentally. Hope everyone is doing well. 👉💪😃
  • BMsJourney
    BMsJourney Posts: 106 Member
    I’ve lost just under 18 lbs in the 3 weeks. Doing the couch to 5k and on week 3. It’s hard but definitely worth it. I already feel much better mentally. Hope everyone is doing well. 👉💪😃

    Good going! C25K works (if you want it to...) - there's no better reward than the ones you achieve through dedication and hard work :smile:
    And wow - 18 lbs in 3 weeks! That's progress!!!
  • andrewscott455
    andrewscott455 Posts: 21 Member
    You can do it!!! It's super tough to lose weight. I'm 42. Was injured 8 months ago and can't exercise. I was afraid I was going to gain weight. I did intermittent fasting and calorie restriction. Lost 60 LBs. No cardio. Just started using an exercise bike. I will see how it goes.
  • Thewaffle86
    Thewaffle86 Posts: 52 Member
    You can do it!!! It's super tough to lose weight. I'm 42. Was injured 8 months ago and can't exercise. I was afraid I was going to gain weight. I did intermittent fasting and calorie restriction. Lost 60 LBs. No cardio. Just started using an exercise bike. I will see how it goes.

    @andrewscott455 That's amazing! If that doesn't spur my lazy bum into gear then nothing will :smile:
  • Kimma41
    Kimma41 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi there from Boston, needing to lose 100lbs too!! Its a struggle!!
  • Rachelkvogel
    Rachelkvogel Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose 70 lbs. I need all the support I can get! we can do this!
  • banditinker
    banditinker Posts: 6 Member
    I have over 100 lbs. to lose, so I'll be around for awhile and would like to be of support to you and your weight goal.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2019
    I am on a 100+ journey as well. If a group would be helpful, we have a great one here on MFP that has weekly weigh-ins (results tallied by team), daily check-ins (how are you doing against your plan for food, water, exercise), and lots of suppportive chat. If that appeals to you, come check us out:
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    I'd like to join this group also. Will be sending out friend requests later and hopefully you will add me. I started back with MFP on Jan. 7 of this year, and have lost 14 pounds so far. 5 foot 4 inches tall so to get to a healthy BMI, I have 100+ pounds to lose also. First goal is to lose to 30 pounds. I used my Cash back (from credit card) to buy a fitbit yesterday. I logged 7000 steps yesterday, and I'll have about the same today. I'll work my way up to 10,000 steps and then beyond. Hopefully by the time it is spring, I'll be a few pounds less and walking a little more so as to go outside and enjoy gardening. I'm looking forward to following others with our weight losses.
  • gigglynicole
    gigglynicole Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose 100lbs as well. Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
  • RachP1993
    RachP1993 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started and got 90 pounds to lose. I’ve tried before but life got in the way and I need all the help I can get.
  • Thewaffle86
    Thewaffle86 Posts: 52 Member
    I need to lose 100lbs as well. Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
    RachP1993 wrote: »
    Just started and got 90 pounds to lose. I’ve tried before but life got in the way and I need all the help I can get.

    We can totally do this!
  • nancymarie22
    nancymarie22 Posts: 14 Member
    I’m having a really hard time remembering to think before I eat. Some have asked, are you emotional when you eat? Sad, depressed, angry.....?
    None of the above, just mindlessly did it.
    I’m finding that I just eat without thinking then later remember what my goals were🤦‍♀️
    Just can’t seem to stay focused!!!
    I’ve had enough embarrassing moments in my life due to my size that should have been the motivating reason to lose the excess weight!
    And now I have serious health problems that could be alleviated or at least under better control if I would just lose weight. I think about it everyday but then I mindlessly eat and pay the price afterwards. Anyone else experience this and have tips to avoid it?
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    I have to be mindful of everything I put in my mouth, and log it into my diary. I try to plan my whole day out at the beginning of the day, so I know what I can have for a snack or how many calories I still have that aren't allocated to meals. It's so easy to slip up, but don't give up - because the next mouthful may be when you become more aware. And it will become easier the more often you do that. I also bought a big bag of baby carrots from Costco because I can have a handful of them (3/4 of cup), get the crunch and that's only 35 calories. Baby steps along the way.
  • pepperpotts1012
    pepperpotts1012 Posts: 12 Member
    I've got 100 pounds to lose too. I've tried to lose in the past and have never been successful. I'm determined this time!
  • Dawnvtj
    Dawnvtj Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've got 100 pounds to lose as well. I know it's a long journey so friends along the way for company and encouragement is always a plus. Keep pushing for those who have already started; we got this!
  • RosieFitnessJourney
    I have a lot to lose also. Anyone, feel free to add me.