Short hair=Less attractive???



  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I live in Phoenix as well and I say CUT IT! You are absolutely right. It's crazy hot in the summer and if a guy is only interested in you because of your hair then he's not worth being with. I cut mine last October and it's just now getting past my shoulders (it was cut justa bit above them). Even with it being short, I still have it up constantly.

    AND just an awesome FYI...if your hair is long enough and you can cut 12 inches and still have the length you want, go to Dolce Salon & Spa. They will do it for FREE if you donate to Locks of Love. :happy:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    My ex LOVED short hair. Begged me to cut it. Sadly, God has blessed me with natural spiral curl and anoything above the shoulders is not an option. (Think Marge Simpson)

    I did buy a short hair wig....:bigsmile:

    You are so wrong, my dear. It just depends on how you cut it.
  • runnergirljaime
    runnergirljaime Posts: 9 Member
    I had super long blonde hair until I was around 25 years old (I will be 34 next month). At that point I realized I was sick of hiding behind my hair, so I slowly began cutting it. I have had super short hair for the past 5 years and have never felt more sexy! :-) I find that people that say "men only like long hair" are so desperate for a man, they do everything they can to get one....which would include changing everything about themselves to keep them happy! I know I like a man that can look further then whether my hair is short or long;-)

    With all this being said, go for it girl....cut your hair, stand proud, and to heck with anyone that doesn't like it;-)
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Long hair definitely.

    BTW, my opinion is the only one that counts
  • Mr_C
    Mr_C Posts: 16
    I am in the long hair camp, but that's probably obvious... ;-)
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    I had super long blonde hair until I was around 25 years old (I will be 34 next month). At that point I realized I was sick of hiding behind my hair, so I slowly began cutting it. I have had super short hair for the past 5 years and have never felt more sexy! :-) I find that people that say "men only like long hair" are so desperate for a man, they do everything they can to get one....which would include changing everything about themselves to keep them happy! I know I like a man that can look further then whether my hair is short or long;-)

    With all this being said, go for it girl....cut your hair, stand proud, and to heck with anyone that doesn't like it;-)

    ^^Well said!!! Thanks everyone. I will be cutting it hopefully next week. I just couldnt believe how many friends were getting on my case about cutting it short. Like *poof* you have short hair now... no man is ever going to want you*. So stupid i cant wait to cut it and rub it in their faces about how cute i look haha
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    It really depends on the person.
    I think Jamie Eason is probably the hottest female alive on the planet right now, and I've never seen her with anything but short hair.

    If you don't know who she is:
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I prefer short hair.

    I think it's more sporty.

    I haven't always felt this way, but I do now. But my head is shaved. And its very practical. It works better for running, cycling, and convertibles. Anything outdoors.
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    I think some women look best with short hair and others look better with longer. I think Emma Watson's short hair is adorable.
  • Bead_Maker
    Bead_Maker Posts: 6 Member
    My hair is long enough to cover my rear and most of my thighs when down, it's the first thing anyone notices and about the only thing I ever get a compliment on. Also it's naturally curly/wavy. I think the only thing keeping it down is the weight of it. :) When my mom cut hers, BAM! poodle fur hair do! LOL

    So yeah, my hair is my security blanky and I hide behind it. Maybe if I ever get my weight way down I'll cut it and try to be more fashionable..... but not any time soon!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    A guy friend recently said in front of me that all guys prefer women with long hair (mine is really short), just as well I'm not trying to impress him!

    It is so much easier to handle with the 2 hrs of exercise I do a day.

  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    My ex LOVED short hair. Begged me to cut it. Sadly, God has blessed me with natural spiral curl and anoything above the shoulders is not an option. (Think Marge Simpson)

    I did buy a short hair wig....:bigsmile:

    You are so wrong, my dear. It just depends on how you cut it.

    Oh my dear, maybe with your curls....not mine. And it very much depends on the type of curl...Curls like mine...not an option.....
  • check out pictures of vanessa hudgens before and after her haircut....I personally think women look best with longer hair
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I always had long hair because my husband liked it that way. I don't think I look good that way. My hair is very fine. The day he left me I made a hair cut appointment. I wish I could wear a pixie, but I was afraid so I went with a bob. It looks better than it ever did. And I feel better with it.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Short hair can be very, very hot:


    Much like anything it depends on the person and the shape of their face, bone structure and so on. There are a few websites which allow you to upload a pic and see what you would look like with different hairstyles. I think you can generally get a gauge if something suits you or not from them.
  • I dislike shoulder length hair b/c it looks so... average... so boring

    short hair in the right cut is cute though!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I have had long hair most of my life and I like it. The one time I went short was because, due to a thyroid issue, a large clump had fallen out over my right ear. I got a wedge cut (very short in back). I hated it and felt it made me look at least 10 years older, even though I knew several other people who looked great with the same cut. Took about 3 years to grow it back and I was so relieved. I know that I receive a lot more attention with long hair than short, (btw I used to get an insane amount of attention when I was blonde), so in my experience that the most vocal of men prefer me with long, hair, and blonde, more so.

    My hair is straight and very thick, and I find it looks best and is easiest to care for at one length. Right now, it is just below the mid-back (bra strap), and I hope to grow it out to waist-length by next year. I put it in a ponytail or braid if it's hot or I'm working out -- one of the worst things to me when I had that short hair cut was not being able to wear a ponytail! Also I had to work so hard at it when it was short and layered! Ridiculous amount of time for drying and styling.

    I am also a belly dancer, and not surprisingly, most belly dancers do have long hair; in fact when I auditioned for my current company, hair at least shoulder-length (and preferably longer) was a requirement. Also a requirement: "natural" colors (meaning no blue, pink, green, etc).

    That being said, my preference is certainly not a requirement for anyone else.

    edit: my grandma died at 92 years old -- she always wore a long WHITE braid for as long as I can remember, sometimes coiled into a bun, sometimes hanging down to her thighs. I always thought she was beautiful and I know I will wear a long gray or white braid too, when I am a grandma. It will go well with my hippie clothes :)

  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I like all lengths on girls.
    I just cut my hair about a month ago. Took off 18 inches!
    It's now above my shoulders.
  • surfino
    surfino Posts: 17 Member
    who cares about hairs? :)
    Joking! I personally like all lenghts