5’4” - 5’5” females; what is your goal weight range?



  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I am 5’4”, 45 yrs old, currently 157, almost my heaviest. I feel my best at 135, but haven’t been there for years. I think 125 is too skinny for me. As you get older your face looks older if you get too thin. At this point I will be happy to get into my 140’s. I seem to be having trouble staying motivated. 😜

    This, I'm 45 and started at 157 my goal at first was 130 but I remember being that weight 6 years ago and I looked older! Skeletal too and people would comment on it,I'm at 136 now and I feel OK but need to start weight training more cuz things feel "sludgy" on me :D
  • hazellori
    hazellori Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'5 1/2", 55 yrs. old and currently range between 134 to 137 lbs. For me, the more important numbers are my lean body mass and body fat pounds, including % body fat. Last year my focus was on maintaining my lean body mass while dropping my % body fat. I dropped 9% body fat and gained 1 lb of LBM. This year I am focused on increasing my LBM by 5 lbs. while maintaining my body fat weight at or near 25 lbs. (which means I will weigh in somewhere around 140 lbs). I use scale weight as an indicator of hydration and trend changes. The combination of the tape measure and scale are my go-to tools.

    Congrats on your weight loss! In my opinion, your ideal body weight is whatever amount you are healthiest, happiest, and most importantly able to participate and enjoy your life pursuits.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I'm 5'4", 160. I used myfitnesspal to lose 20lbs about 8 years ago and maintained that for a few years, and now I'm regretting letting the numbers climb back up and back on it. I injured my back, and that was all the excuse I needed to gain it back.

    Last time I weighed this much, I thought 140 was a good target for me, so I'm aiming for that again. I'm down from 165 at the beginning of the year. That seems pretty realistic for my age, which is 46. I was 120 when I finished college, and it was too skinny for me. I looked terrible, and somehow my knees were really fat! So, based on my last experience with myfitnesspal and my lowest adult weight, I don't plan to be any lower than 135.
  • itsyboo15
    itsyboo15 Posts: 2 Member
    5'5" here, sw 209.6, gw 150. Really would like my bmi to just be under 25. We'll see when I get there :) CW 176.6
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,044 Member
    my goal is 135, but historically i find it difficult to stay below 139. we'll see. i can already tell from 153 to 142 that my back-fat situation is improved. :)
  • christeenah89
    christeenah89 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m 5.4 and my goal weight is 154. CW 206, SW 216. I can’t even imagine being below 154! But that could all change the closer I get towards my goal *fingers crossed*
  • katiegoidich
    katiegoidich Posts: 4 Member
    Y'all are fantastic. 😄
    I'm a smidge under 5'5" and have a medium frame. I've been as low as 135lbs, but that was at 19yo and fresh outta bootcamp, so lots of lean muscle and youth on my side. I was about that weight/build again at 30yo. Both times it looked like a healthy weight for my body. I just didn't know a thing about maintaining it! Now, at 40yo and after kiddo, I'm aiming for 135-140lbs.
  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    I'm 5' 4" and my starting weight was 270 lbs and my goal weight is 135 lbs.
  • Girlheidi
    Girlheidi Posts: 60 Member
    5"4' was 183, now 154, over 8 months..... feeling much better for it.
    Would like to be at a BMI of 25, which is 145......will keep going 😀
  • janeway_110
    janeway_110 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m 5’5” and 35 years old. I am about 128lb and only looking to lose a bit to be about 119lb. I think my current weight is fine, but it’s post baby and I’m a bit rounder in some areas, bum, tum and thighs and my old clothes are a bit snug. I feel comfortable at my old weight and I wouldn’t say I had a perfect diet. I think it depends where your body likes to sit. I’m finding right now it wants to be 128! I really want to have some junk food. Lol.
  • LoKoMi
    LoKoMi Posts: 51 Member
    5’4”, age 49
    SW 225+
    CW 169.8
    Goal is “150 by 50”, but I hit a plateau so I’ll just be happy if I’m in the 150s by the end of next month

    Lowest I remember being was 126 when I was 17. I thought I was fat because people are jerks and told me I was. Now I’m 170 and people are telling me I look skinny 🤣

    I’m hoping I can maintain around 145-155 without it being a constant battle. I’m just want a balance between looking/feeling good and enjoying the golden years.
  • amyelizbeth
    amyelizbeth Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is around 126lbs. I'm currently around 170lbs and I feel like 126lbs is an attainable goal for me. My goal weight used to be 112lbs but I feel like that's just too small for me and I think I would be more comfortable with my new goal. I think it all depends on you and how you feel regarding your goal weight
  • mbalnco
    mbalnco Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 5’4” and was curious about this too for the same reason. I just started my weight loss journey and set my goal weight at 160 lbs. I feel like that seems high compared to the 125-145 lbs range I read about, but I’m basing my goal weight on my past weight. At my thinnest, I stayed between 155-160 lbs and remember not wanting to weigh any less. My clavicles stuck out, my hips bones, too, and my wrists were tiny. I wore a size Sm-Med, and a 7-9 in jeans, never smaller. Around that time I decided to become more physically fit. I started working with trainers at a local gym and remember getting on the scale, surprising all of them when it said I was close to 160 lbs because they estimated I was closer 135-140 lbs based on how I looked... and this is coming from people who analyze bodies for a living... so I’d say, if you’re healthy, happy where you are, and don’t feel comfortable losing anymore weight, you’re right where you need to be :)
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    aes1219 wrote: »
    I just had my first baby 6 weeks ago. When I delivered I was up to 182 lbs (I'm 5'5"). I am now 150 lbs. I expected my weight loss to slow down since after having baby I lost weight fast, but now my weight hasn't chaged in 2 weeks which is frustrating.

    My goal weight range is 130-135 lbs. I may want to go lower once I get there, I will just have to see how I feel.

    Hang on in there - you’re doing great.
    My second baby is 5 months old - delivered at 185lbs and still 173lbs!
    I’m aiming for around 145lbs.
    My lowest ever weight, pre babies was around 127lbs many moons ago.

    Whoever said breastfeeding makes the weight fall off do don’t mean me.
    Though I suspect all the pregnancy snacks may be a factor....
  • Joey_jo_jo
    Joey_jo_jo Posts: 9 Member
    I’m just under 5ft 4 and 121 and I feel chubby. I prefer around 110lb for me. I think my body fat is high as I haven’t been gyming for a while due to injuries.
  • mypixiedesigns
    mypixiedesigns Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2019
    When I was young I weighed 117. I ended up gaining a ton of weight as I aged and was up to 182. I lost a lot and got down into the 130’s. Looking at my body then I really couldn’t imagine being back around that weight again. It seems way to skinny. Maybe because I focus now more on having muscle and good health over just being thin. I think high 120’s and low to mid 130’s is a good weight at that height and is maintainable. Now I am back in the 170’s and working my way back to that 130 range.
  • Stew501
    Stew501 Posts: 65 Member
    I’m 5’5 and 37 y.o. Currently 136; so maybe 129 for goal weight
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    My goal weight falls into "enough below the overweight/normal line that I can feast on major days and fluctuations won't pop me out of 'normal' BMI" and "low enough" that I feel awesome. I'm not sure what the number will be, and I'm less worried about the number than I am 'bout whether or not my inner rubber duckie floatie is gone or almost gone and whether or not I feel confident. I'm not sure! And that's kind of exciting.

    My arrow in the dark is aimed roughly at 125-130ish, but I am not even sure. I think I have smallish bones, but I won't really know the number until I'm there!
  • Sanriohippie
    Sanriohippie Posts: 76 Member
    First off congratulations on the loss!!
    I am unsure of ideal weight.I am 5’4” when I lost weight to get pregnant I was 199 and in a size 12.
    I’ve only lost 22lbs so far,but I’ve lost 3” overall so I’m thinking more of size than weight.
    However I would be comfortable at 150lbs or size 8 whichever comes first ha!
    Good luck on your bright future!!