Weightloss buddies countdown to Christmas Challenge official



  • trisha5k
    trisha5k Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I was paired up with a great buddy, we talk a couple of times a week and we both have a lot of same goals. Together we want to lose 60 pounds by Christmas 30 each. I lost 3 pounds and several all around inches last week, I started running a mile it takes 20 minutes to do it but I do get it done. My buddy Secena has got my interest peaked in trying zumba have not done it yet but think I may try. All is going well so far and hope it keeps up. Thanks trish keep it up everyone we can all reach our goals....
  • laura_annable
    Really impressed with the mile a day trish! That may be a goal i have to pinch lol!

    I lost a lb and a half this week, but am truely being tested over the next couple of weeks with weekends away :-s will do my best and hopefully make up for any treats when i am back on it during the week.

    My buddy Alex is fab, we chat almost everyday and i can tell i haven't spoke to her this weekend because i've been naughty, so it proves to me the buddy system works!

    Where are all the other buddies?? Hope you're all ok guys! xoxox
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    Hey Laura,

    LOL just sent you a private message back - can tell I haven't spoken to you in a couple of days I've had a scone and cake today instead of breakfat and lunch - how bad is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mikesnwgirl
    Well it's Sunday and I notice no one has checked in. I was bad today, but didn't go over my calories to much. My buddy has been moving so I haven't talked to her much this week. I hope her move is going well. Glad to hear the buddy system is working for everyone. I have been walking 4miles twice a week with a friend from my Zumba class. I have also been doing a 1hr zumba class 3 times a week. I didn't get to weigh in this morning because my son took the wii controlers with him to his aunts house. So I will be weighing in first thing in the morning.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I was bad the other saturday, but now I'm being good! O:)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Hello? Is this thing on???
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    Hi eveyone

    Are we all updating our stats tomorrow??? as individuals or as pairs?

    hope everyone is doing ok xx