February 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    I've spent most of 2017 doing fitness blender and a deficit - using mindful eating for the first 6 months. I only picked up Mfp in about June when I hit a plateau, figured out why I hit a plateau (snack creep) stopped using mfp and went back to mindful earing. I lost 20kg (about 45lb). In 2018 I started running in earnest, and that's when my deficit fell apart. I also had a contraceptive implant put in at the end on 2017 and the combination caused my appetite to skyrocket during 2018. Over eating was definitely the hard part then. Exercise was easy - because I had things I loved doing and ligetally got up early for. I basically maintained in 2018 gaining and losing the same 5kg (10ish lb).

    I took the implant out late last year - too many side effects - and my eating overall is better and has got back under better and easier to control - except for Christmas (sigh). I've now lost the Christmas weight fairly easily, and am now concentrating on my ultimate goal weight this year. I got so close early last year, within 2kg (4.5lb) but lost it as the hormones got worse and worse.

    I had my IUD removed for overeating purposes, also. I was out of control ravenous!

    i don't need a iud for that. my hormones do that all on their own
  • greyparks206
    greyparks206 Posts: 165 Member
    No runs for me yesterday (got too busy) or today (didn't have one scheduled due to a late meeting). I'm going to try to do an early morning treadmill run tomorrow before I leave for an out-of-town speaking engagement. I had planned to keep the miles low this week anyway, since I have a 5k on Saturday morning, so I'm not too upset over missing yesterday's run. Hoping to do an easy 3 miles tomorrow and then 2.5 on Thursday, rest Friday, and be ready to run on Saturday.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Group question: On Sunday, I had a conversation with a personal trainer and member of the group I run with. I was complaining about recently regaining some weight and having to cut stupid calories again. I REALLY struggle with not eating all the things.

    I mentioned how I could happily exercise all day long. Running is the easy part. She disagrees with me. She said for most of her clients, exercise is the hard part and dieting is much easier (although still hard). Thoughts? Am I the only crazy one who who finds dieting SO MUCH HARDER?

    @amymoreorless Total agreement. I can't stick to a diet for more than a couple weeks. I'd much rather make small modifications to my diet (stop buying ice cream, potato chips, etc.) and run more than try to restrict my diet into a deficit.

    girlinahat wrote: »
    @kristinegift I have a confession to make.....I have been WAITING for my TomTom to die just so I can buy a garmin!!!

    Is that so terribly wrong?

    @girlinahat Sometimes you just need Thing A to kick the bucket so you can get Thing B!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2019
    HonuNui wrote: »
    Feburary Goal: Just keep trying

    2/1: Well, there is this football game, see,
    2/2: that is always on the 1st Sunday of February and we always invite a few
    2/3: friends over for a Superbowl Luau (pig and turkey and 'taters and breadfruit in the underground oven, Maitai and potluck....)
    2/4: and this year there were 65 friends watching on 4 outdoor and 3 indoor tv's....
    2/5: so I couldn't muster running gumption till today: 4.00
    Total: 4.00

    Hey. I know that guy in the hat. Looks like an absolute blast!