Parents I need your advice



  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Ok so against all odds we somehow got pregnant and now my wives due date is coming up fast! Im gonna be a stay at home dad and would appreciate ANY advice for soon to be parents....

    Our nursery is set up and ready, complete with a crib, nursing chair, and changing station. We have some newborn clothes, bottles, diapers, a stroller, nookies etc... didn’t wanna go to work overboard as we’re hoping we get some of the other essentials at the baby shower this weekend.

    We are members of forums for soon to be parents and we are constantly reading up on the subject. He (ohh ya it’s a boy) is due April 17th but is measuring out to be two weeks ahead (don’t know if that means there’s a good chance he’ll be two weeks early or not) but lots of moms on there are going into labor around the 30 week mark and so I wanna be ready Incase he decides to come a little early.

    Thanks in advance guys!

    BTW here he is:


    OMG Dude, bless you and your family...
    A few things I've learned -

    1- You're never ever going to feel like you're "ready" and you can always run out to Target in a pinch, and believe me you will... So don't stress

    2- Nothing about it is particularly hard, but there's a lot... I think once I figured if you split diaper duty in half, by the end of the first year... You'll change over 1k...

    3- 20% are early, 5% on time, 75% late... So don't get your hopes up for an early birth...

    Best wishes 💕
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Congratulations! He looks like a beauty in his ultrasound picture. :)

    You'll be blown away by how obsessed you are with your precious little son. There is nothing in the world like holding your newborn baby, looking into his eyes, watching him grow.

    My advice is to do what seems to make the most sense for your baby and your family. People offer a lot of (well-meaning) advice abut sleeping, feeding, routines, clothing, traveling with a baby, etc, etc. But you'll be the one who knows your baby and family.

    Best of luck!
  • como_agua1
    como_agua1 Posts: 210 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    Congratulations! He looks like a beauty in his ultrasound picture. :)

    You'll be blown away by how obsessed you are with your precious little son. There is nothing in the world like holding your newborn baby, looking into his eyes, watching him grow.

    My advice is to do what seems to make the most sense for your baby and your family. People offer a lot of (well-meaning) advice abut sleeping, feeding, routines, clothing, traveling with a baby, etc, etc. But you'll be the one who knows your baby and family.

    Best of luck!

    well stated , Lady :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I think you should try to relax. You won't know or have everything or really be ready and that is okay. You'll figure it out.
    Be prepared to let go of things that you think you will do as parents. Children don't tend to go along with your plans or what someone else's baby did. Be flexible and do what works for your kid.

    Sleep when they sleep. Help each other get enough rest. An exhausted parent is not great.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    Oh, yes. Sleep. I know they say "sleep when the baby sleeps" but even if that means you get 10 hours of sleep every day, getting it only in short chunks for weeks or months is still completely exhausting. My child didn't sleep through the night for a long enough time that I won't even tell you because it's terrifying.

    So what we did, when she was REALLY little and waking up constantly, my husband and I split nights. I'd go to bed at like, 8:00 with earplugs and a sleep mask, and he was "ON" until 2:00 a.m. Then HE'D go to bed with earplugs and a sleep mask and I was "ON" until 7:00 a.m. This guaranteed that each of us got 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, plus whatever little chunks we were able to get in between. This actually worked extremely well for us. YMMV.

    I was breastfeeding, but I was "lucky" enough to have an oversupply of milk, so I'd pump one bottle during the day for him to give her during his "shift." Obviously that solution wouldn't work for everyone.
  • AmbitiousButRubbish
    Buy a pack of diapers every week or 2 weeks from now until the baby comes. Will help spread the cost out a bit and having the stock pile with the craziness of a newborn is nice. Also, especially for fathers, it is ok to put the baby down if you get frustrated. Crying never hurt a baby. Until you have kids you don't realize how scary it is with how frustrated you can get. Just put the baby down and take some time.

    Other than that, have fun.
  • thepainmaker88
    thepainmaker88 Posts: 365 Member
    Awesome thanks for the advice everyone, already sleeping like crap so maybe it’s just my brain getting ready for the sleepless nights
  • DanSanthomes
    DanSanthomes Posts: 135 Member
    I vaguely remember December 2004 being the last time I napped, or had a shower without crying for joy at being alone for 5 minutes.

    Me too - the little darling is 14 now - going on 40! :-)

    I've got 4 kids - I still know nothing, they're ALL different. Listen to people but listen to your instincts too. Enjoy every minute and keep telling yourself that waking up every 2 hours is not going to be forever. ZZZzzzzzz
  • SirMxyzptlk
    SirMxyzptlk Posts: 841 Member
    Been a while since I had young ones, but if this is your first just realize you will plan, buy and do way more than is actually needed, which isn't bad. There really is very little you can mess up so long as they are fed, changed, and showered with love. My first was a girl and they are vastly different than boys.

    Things we did I think are important....use breast milk at least the first year. My then wife was very good about this and pumped regularly so we could freeze bagged portions. This also help so I could do late night feedings and we both had nights we could sleep. Be conversational with them, even before you think they can understand. I never liked baby talk and I think it improves intelligence and understanding to talk more plainly.

    But in all, it is a very scary and natural process.

  • HeavierThanAire
    HeavierThanAire Posts: 39 Member
    Don't buy new clothes or toys. Consignment is your best plan.