20D by Halloween Challenge: WEEK ONE



  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    I hate the fact that I have to change my rest day from Wednesday to today. I had to get my new dryer installed today and he didn't showed up until well after 12pm. I thought he was going to be there at 9am. That caused me time to work out today. Now I can't go to the gym (babysitting tonight) and have to go on Wednesday to make it up. There so much I can take with the stationary bike in my room. I have one follower (who isn't part of the challenge) who wants me to push for 20 minutes more. I would but after yesterday's cheat day, I want to keep it within the 1000-1200 calorie range for today.

    To make matters worse, I have to wait for the repair man to fix my washer tomorrow morning. Better spend the $125 for the repair than spend nearly $500 on a new washer. At least I can take my spinning class at night after that.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Aww Bee that sucks!!! Can you position your exercise bike in front of your tv? I am going to do some flutter kicks, crunches, and push-ups in front of my tv tonight!!

    I am lazy today too. Have been doing Zumba on Monday nights but I figured I better take it easy since I had a stomach virus over the weekend. I really want to work out but I think I should take one more day to rest. I did walk around a hilly campus running errands this morning and I am about to walk to the mailbox ( I live in an apartment complex ) so that will at least be some activity.

    Has everyone had a great and healthy day? I have had a pretty decent day, healthy eating, staying within my calories, and while I didn't go to the gym, I did get some movement in.
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Aww Bee that sucks!!! Can you position your exercise bike in front of your tv? I am going to do some flutter kicks, crunches, and push-ups in front of my tv tonight!!

    I am lazy today too. Have been doing Zumba on Monday nights but I figured I better take it easy since I had a stomach virus over the weekend. I really want to work out but I think I should take one more day to rest. I did walk around a hilly campus running errands this morning and I am about to walk to the mailbox ( I live in an apartment complex ) so that will at least be some activity.

    Has everyone had a great and healthy day? I have had a pretty decent day, healthy eating, staying within my calories, and while I didn't go to the gym, I did get some movement in.

    I have about 200+ calories left for the day so it all depends what my mom brings home from work. I'll probably do 10 more minutes on the bike. If not, I'll just do situps and use that resistance band before calling it a day.

    Food wise is just okay compare to my trip to the Chinese Buffet (and that Blue Hawaii).
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    Woo Hoo Team 2!! My name was spelled wrong, supposed to be caripta85, I sent you all a request!

    Sorry about that! I probably couldn't read my own writing. ;)
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    I would suggest that we either put our team # in our signature, or post it at the beginning of each of our posts!!

    Great idea! I'm doing this now. THEN, I suppose I should contact MY team members.... oops! bahaha.


    I didn't get any exercise in today due to work and was planning on walking this evening outside with the fam since it feels so good outside but now it's storming, so I guess it's no exercise for me today! (Well... I guess I could count the 1/2 block walk from my car to the office as "exercise" considering I made the trip from car to office to car THREE times today.)
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    Started day of the challenge by focusing on getting off my butt! I watched an episode of the office while doing the 30 day shred level 1 day 1 (I have done it before so I just put jillian on mute and set my laptop up beside the tv and watched both lol. I definitely missed parts of my show but it is well worth it!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    My spin class had the "focus" motto today too. It was a nice surprise to just concentrate on focus on yourself and achieving your goals. Hope everyone else is getting to a good start with the challenge!
  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    Let's go team THREEEEEEE!!!! We're going to be drinking water like fish! Just WATCH us flush out the nasties from our systems:drinker:
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Quiet for Team 4 as I'm trying to gather everyone on Skype!

    I end up doing 30 minutes of basic Zumba instead. Had a chicken cordon bleu sandwich for dinner and went over by a little, thus doing some Zumba to burn it off.

    Oh and had plenty of agua! :drinker:
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I've been drinking so much I have spent half my 3-11 shift in the bathroom I swear! lol Between my daily latte and all this water, holy moly! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    I thought about doing Skype too Bee. Or a facebook group for Team 6 or something. Hopefully the siggy thing will help though!

    I have had a great day. Have had a lot of water, got some exercise by walking a little. However, I still have 384 calories to eat and it's 9pm here! I am not too too hungry, not sure if it was the stomach virus I had over the weekend or just ate really filling today. I'm gonna try to find a healthy snack!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    I've been drinking so much I have spent half my 3-11 shift in the bathroom I swear! lol Between my daily latte and all this water, holy moly! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome to the #1 club, when urine is your enemy! Last week, my trips to the bathroom worked like clock work; every hour on the hour I had to pee. And don't get me started at night. 3 trips overnight! :embarassed:
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    I'm super focused! I did zumba today, some running amd chugging tons of water of course :)
  • Hi, I would love to join a group, new to the message boards. How do I go about that? What a great challenge, that would put me at goal weight. How many groups are there and which one would I go on? Best of luck to everyone, let's do this!!!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    For day 1 I took a nice bike ride with my daughter and did a whole lot of walking. Hope everyone had a fabulous first day!
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome Jamie! Jackie can assign you to a group and then get you in touch with all the other group members.

    There are lots of challenges on the boards to join, or you could create your own! If you have a specific goal or event coming up, think about that. Best of luck with your goals!
  • Hi Jackie, I would love to join a group. I'm new to the message boards, I've been reading them but this is my first challenge. Really looking forward to this goal and friendships. Thanks for the motivation!! Jamie
  • LoIF101
    LoIF101 Posts: 13
    Just completed an African Dance class at the Alvin Ailey Dance theater which required a lot of focus on keeping a tight body and recognizing some active moves. It's great to read everyone else's progress for the beginning of this week. Keep it up!!

  • Thank you Jess!! I'm ready to do this and looking forward to making friends along the way. Best of luck to you too!!
  • westcoastchic
    westcoastchic Posts: 22 Member
    Okay, not off to a great start. Spent my entire day helping out my brother with his job search (and of course that involved poor food choices!!) Not letting it get me down though. Drinking lots of water and going to do better tomorrow.

    Team 4!!!
  • I'm not on a team but I am GOING to lose 50 by Halloween! Which I am almost there! Just need 19 more to go. I get weighted every week. So tomorrow is my weigh in day! Hopefully good news! :) I want BIG numbers! :)
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    Let's go team THREEEEEEE!!!! We're going to be drinking water like fish! Just WATCH us flush out the nasties from our systems:drinker:

    YAY TEAM 3!! Today I did 30 day shred, than 11 extra minutes of just ab work outs, and than off to the elliptical for another 20 minutes :D Felt great!!! I wont be able to work out as much tomorrow as I have appointments with my childs doctor :)

    Im not weighing in until August 30th as I promised my husband I wouldnt for two weeks, so ill give my weight as of the last time I weighed in. Than start weighing in on Mondays :D I last weighed in on August 16th and weighed 161.9 LBS

    PS ---> Does any one know how I can add another ticker just for this challenge?
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    Doing good team 4 and all othe teams!!!

    It is nice to see everyone putting in the effort to get these lbs off!! I was under calories today and am downing the water. I heard or read somewhere that you are suppose to drink 1/2 your body weight in water. I have been doing this for almost a week now and it does fill you up!

    I did something crazy today, I did two workouts! I worked out in the am at the gym for 43 minutes walking and biking 5.64 miles. Then did 1 hour of water aerobics this afternoon. I have a bad back so hopefully I will be able to move tomorrow!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Go team 5!! (and everyone else !)

    Well, I was focused today... Got in 3 litres of water, spent 55 min on the treadmill (with incline to help my butt!), managed to avoid some cravings and came in under calories. I am struggling with sodium these days....I WANT it but managed to not have anything salty tonite. I can really tell when I've had too much because my ankles are slightly puffy (a great change from sausage cankles!). I want to have my 2 lbs off/week. I need to have focus in mind going back to work tomorrow now that my holidays are over. Wish me luck!
  • westcoastchic
    westcoastchic Posts: 22 Member
    Great start everyone! I managed to get to the gym and do a quick upper body workout and a bit of a sprint routine. Felt much better -especially after some poor food choices. I just started sprinting this month and I started with 8 intervals of 20 sec on 10 off running at 8 on the treadmill. Then I upped it to 8.5 and gave it a bit of incline - and that was fine. Today for some reason I thought that running 5times at 10 would be smart but I only made it 3 times (on the fourth one I started hitting the button to slow it down). Totally got my heart rate up and it lasted for quite awhile too. Not sure if I should have jumped so high with the speed but I feel like I can do it (just need a little practice!)
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning group!

    Going to try to have a good healthy day like yesterday. If I get the energy I am going to go do a part in the Couch to 5K program. Still haven't been full steam since my stomach thingy this weekend, but as long as I stick within my daily calories I should be ok.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Go team 6!!! Stay focused!
  • Day 2 and a brand new day! ive started out great! i work 3 days a week (14 hour shifts) I weigh myself every work day at work on medical scales and my weight can be so different every day it is hard for me to track my weight. I eat a fiber one bar and drink about 4oz of OJ every morning before work (i also use the bathroom once at my house) This is a normal routine every working morning and as soon as i get there i weigh myself. i dont think with the way i eat on my days off there is any way i could gain 3lbs inbetween weighing(and then be gone at the end of the day).....anyway my point is....are there any pointers on things i can do or not do to keep the weighins a little more consistant?

    Team #2
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Yesterday was the dryer, today is the washer. I'm waiting on the repair man to show up and fix the washer. I have a pile of laundry (including my gym clothes) I need to wash and dry.

    Oh gosh, I'm becoming a walking Pauly D cliche... GTL!

    Anyway, I'm now out of water and need to buy once this is done. Plus there's his big cake my brother brought home for his birthday in my fridge. Kinda tempting considering the lack of food in my house but I'm staying strong. So gonna burn tons today at the gym!
  • Didn't make the water goal yesterday... it's a struggle at work. Gonna buy a lunch box and and one of those freezer packs to bring water to work... cheaper than buying 3-4 bottles a day.... now, to figure out what I can pack for lunch that is carb free and light...
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    I reached half my water goal yesterday. Working harder on it today. Got a bit of a late start...Raccoons and hollering chickens on the porch last night...lol didn't get to bed until 7am and finally got up at noon. I'm going to make the best of it! :)
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