The ONE simple move you can do TODAY that will change your l



  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    But I still have a computer.

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Wow. You'd think she'd suggested people take up eating babies as a new pastime. No one needs television. Though I do agree to a certain extent that it doesn't make too much sense to get rid of the t.v. without getting rid of your laptop, too, unless you have a million useless channels.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    It's NFL season now....................................................yeah not going to happen.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Watch them on your computer!

    I waste more time on my computer than TV. The catch is I need my computer to work. Also, I bought a game system just to do workout games (the other games are just bonus and I only play them on weekends if that). So, no thank you.
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    ZUMBA!!!!!!!!! (for Wii...on the TV) Because I am in college and studying/classes take up my time that the gym is open. I live in a bad neighborhood too, so walking at night can be kind of scary. Keeping the big screen! Plus, I like to watch some Netflix to wind down before I go read a book in bed. All about moderation lol.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm actually going to go against the majority on this one and agree to the point she was trying to make. Maybe the way in which she presented it "APPEARED" as though she was generalizing that "ALL" of us are "OVERWEIGHT" because we spend so much time "WATCHING TV" and maybe eating bon bon's along the way... why? because we have been presented with the generalization that "oh you're that way because you're lazy." Well I don't feel as though that was what she was trying to say but simply make a suggestion just the same as someone posting a message saying "WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? TRY HUMMUS!!!" Yet I'm sure no one would barrage the poster with "what the heck is your problem?" Let's face it "SOME" people "DO" and "HAVE" gained more weight because they choose to watch tv over exercise not to mention the issue of children choosing to stay indoors and watch "JUNK" tv instead of get fresh air and yes I feel the same way about the internet and for that matter any form of technology because yes everything does have its pros and cons and yes you can watch informative things on tv but maybe... and I mean just maybe she was trying to say instead of watching that one hour of tv because you have self-control go out and learn something new by doing... I'm sure I've offended someone along the way but like I said before I said "SOME" people. Any let’s not forget it was only a suggestion which is what these posts are for and it’s only tv…. Now I’m sure I’ll get some slack for the post, but felt I had to agree with her.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm actually going to go against the majority on this one and agree to the point she was trying to make. Maybe the way in which she presented it "APPEARED" as though she was generalizing that "ALL" of us are "OVERWEIGHT" because we spend so much time "WATCHING TV" and maybe eating bon bon's along the way... why? because we have been presented with the generalization that "oh you're that way because you're lazy." Well I don't feel as though that was what she was trying to say but simply make a suggestion just the same as someone posting a message saying "WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? TRY HUMMUS!!!" Yet I'm sure no one would barrage the poster with "what the heck is your problem?" Let's face it "SOME" people "DO" and "HAVE" gained more weight because they choose to watch tv over exercise not to mention the issue of children choosing to stay indoors and watch "JUNK" tv instead of get fresh air and yes I feel the same way about the internet and for that matter any form of technology because yes everything does have its pros and cons and yes you can watch informative things on tv but maybe... and I mean just maybe she was trying to say instead of watching that one hour of tv because you have self-control go out and learn something new by doing... I'm sure I've offended someone along the way but like I said before I said "SOME" people. Any let’s not forget it was only a suggestion which is what these posts are for and it’s only tv…. Now I’m sure I’ll get some slack for the post, but felt I had to agree with her.

  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm actually going to go against the majority on this one and agree to the point she was trying to make. Maybe the way in which she presented it "APPEARED" as though she was generalizing that "ALL" of us are "OVERWEIGHT" because we spend so much time "WATCHING TV" and maybe eating bon bon's along the way... why? because we have been presented with the generalization that "oh you're that way because you're lazy." Well I don't feel as though that was what she was trying to say but simply make a suggestion just the same as someone posting a message saying "WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? TRY HUMMUS!!!" Yet I'm sure no one would barrage the poster with "what the heck is your problem?" Let's face it "SOME" people "DO" and "HAVE" gained more weight because they choose to watch tv over exercise not to mention the issue of children choosing to stay indoors and watch "JUNK" tv instead of get fresh air and yes I feel the same way about the internet and for that matter any form of technology because yes everything does have its pros and cons and yes you can watch informative things on tv but maybe... and I mean just maybe she was trying to say instead of watching that one hour of tv because you have self-control go out and learn something new by doing... I'm sure I've offended someone along the way but like I said before I said "SOME" people. Any let’s not forget it was only a suggestion which is what these posts are for and it’s only tv…. Now I’m sure I’ll get some slack for the post, but felt I had to agree with her.


  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I watch TV on my laptop...when I moved out on my own I found most of my favourite shows online somewhere and watch them all online..along with all my workout videos. I don't ever turn my TV on (I just have my tv and a dvd player).

    And I definitely spend way more time online than I do ever watching TV...
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm actually going to go against the majority on this one and agree to the point she was trying to make. Maybe the way in which she presented it "APPEARED" as though she was generalizing that "ALL" of us are "OVERWEIGHT" because we spend so much time "WATCHING TV" and maybe eating bon bon's along the way... why? because we have been presented with the generalization that "oh you're that way because you're lazy." Well I don't feel as though that was what she was trying to say but simply make a suggestion just the same as someone posting a message saying "WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? TRY HUMMUS!!!" Yet I'm sure no one would barrage the poster with "what the heck is your problem?" Let's face it "SOME" people "DO" and "HAVE" gained more weight because they choose to watch tv over exercise not to mention the issue of children choosing to stay indoors and watch "JUNK" tv instead of get fresh air and yes I feel the same way about the internet and for that matter any form of technology because yes everything does have its pros and cons and yes you can watch informative things on tv but maybe... and I mean just maybe she was trying to say instead of watching that one hour of tv because you have self-control go out and learn something new by doing... I'm sure I've offended someone along the way but like I said before I said "SOME" people. Any let’s not forget it was only a suggestion which is what these posts are for and it’s only tv…. Now I’m sure I’ll get some slack for the post, but felt I had to agree with her.



    Don't be so hard on yourself :ohwell:
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    The only thing i use my TV for is to do my Wii fit, on my nights off (i work midnights) so i dont wanna go for a run at 2 am, and the gym is closed, So id say my tv is beneficial to me.
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    My gym has TV'S on the cardio machines
    ahh I work out whilst watching telly sometimes.

    For me I could never ever get rid of my telly at home for two reasons - 1.My parents bought them so i'd be murdered if I threw them out
    2. Doctor Who
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Might as well throw out your books too since you're physically inactive when you're reading them. And you know, all your various inactive hobbies. Knitting? Throw it out.

    NOOOOO! You will have to pry my knitting and books from my cold dead hands. Seriously. It wasn't addiction to tv/knitting/reading/internet that really made me fat, it was my complete hatred of physical activity. I still hate it. So if that was all I had to do, I'd be a miserable, cranky *****. And since I'd be so healthy, I'd be a miserable, cranky ***** who lived a long, long time. Nobody wins in that scenario.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Ok...I surrender!!! Jesus....I never said ALL people need to get rid of tv. I also never said ALL people here have food/control problems. i don't think it's a stretch to say that MOST of us do however. I simply said "this works for me, this can work for you too". Enough said! If you love your boob tube THAT much then by all means keep it. Peace out!
    Just wanted to point something out. I sincerely believe that had you actually started this thread with "this works for me, this can work for you too" the conversaton would have gone much differently. It's sometimes hard to take in unsolicited advice.

    Here is your original post:
    Get rid of your TV. NO..dont`just limit your watching, or cut off the cable. GET THE TV OUT OF THE HOUSE. CAN do this. It`s perfectly OK and doable for EVERYONE. Sell it, put it in storage, give it away.

    It will change your life. You will get more done, you will read more, exercise more, and yoru kids will realize they can play OUTSIDE

    ps..also do this with any vid game systems in the house.

    That's not saying "this works for me, this can work for you too" - in fact, it doesn't even state whether *you* got rid of your TV.

    I get that your intentions were to be helpful, and maybe your enthusiasm about this great choice you made brought you to the forums to share it with others. But for me (and I suspect others here), it is a *HUGE* *DEAL* of difference to read about someone who did something and found some success vs. reading someone tell me what to do. Intentional or not, you opened by putting your audience on the defensive.

    Anyway, maybe someone will read this and remember to talk about stuff in the context of their own beliefs/experiences. I care about what you say works for you. I don't necessarily care what you think should work for me unless I ask. Hope that makes sense.

    Oh well. Back to my programs.
  • mrsdeg1983
    If we toss the tv, why not the lap tops and pc's? If we are not on here we would be doing more.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I workout whilst watching the tv or else I will not watch it! Either jogging on the spot, situps or my exercise bike.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Since we chucked our TV my bf and I have both noticed a real improvement in how much we get done, we eat at the table, we talk more in the evenings and if we want to watch a film we watch it on a laptop or use the catch-up services which are free. It also saves us a TV license fee. We both tend to go to bed at better times too, because often the good shows are on late. Now I watch them while on the elliptical instead.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Options`s just a suggestion. Do what you want. I guarantee however..that your weight and fitness goals will happen faster if you get rid of the mind junk.

    ... says the person trolling an online forum ...

    It never ceases to amaze me when people think they're found some secret to weight loss that no one here has ever thought about. Maybe if you took that "Stop watching TV and get active" thing to another forum where people are totally freakin clueless about how weight gain/loss works, it would be shocking information. But around these parts, people actually have a basic understanding of what it takes to lose weight. What you're preaching isn't new, or exciting, or shocking, or anything remotely close to that. It's pretty much common knowledge.
  • gabriellsotero
    gabriellsotero Posts: 20 Member
    I can't throw out my computer, and I never ever watch TV not being in computer... Ok, only when I go to bed, I like to watch Discovery H&H or Animal Planet...

    I study Information Systems...
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    That is oversimplifying and defeats the entire premise of the get rid of your TV "movement" the point is to get rid of the item that chains you to your seat. So unless you are jogging with your laptop....

    TV by the way isn't teh debil, it is a lack of will power to do what is needed.