To the ppl that r succeeding...

countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
edited October 1 in Success Stories
How many times did you stumble before you got it right?? Ive been a member of Mfp for about 2 1/2 months & have only lost 4.5 lbs, only to gain it all back. I know where im goin wrong. Not drinking enough water, to much sodium. Had 2 days this weekend that i made bad choices of eating bads things in & bad portions sizes. I have no support at home & no one around. I thank all of my MFP friends for the support, but its just not the same sometimes.


  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    hi i have found it quite easy to follow i allow myself like for my birthday the day off and a few ocassions when im going out in the evening but im still good up untill the point i go out so dont have a full day off i keep tracking my calories all through the day and this helps me keep motivated as i dont want to go over if i know im going to go over i do exercise so at least it wont be that bad, try doing these things hope they help.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Is there a Curves near you? You get lots of support there from other women. You just have to make up your mind you are going to do it in spite of those around you!! Increase your exercise!!
  • The water is what gets me. At my work, we only have tap water and it taste horrible! So when we as employees forget to bring in a case of makes it hard!

    Keep trying and you'll get there.
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    Everyone stumbles! Nobody is perfect. You just have to incorporate as much good food as you can, stay close to your calorie goal (even after exercise!) and try to resist bad stuff. I still fall into bad habits and eat junk from time to time....but ya always learn from your mistakes.

    Cheer up! You can do it. :)
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I definitely stumble...I'm sure the majority of us do. I just keep telling myself that this is a journey, not a quick fix. I try to take it one day at a time and make good choices. I'm sorry that you have no support at home but you should reaaaallly use the help and support of your MFP friends. It's amazing how people you've never met can be so supportive and encouraging. I wish you all the best on your journey :)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    oh man...i cant even tell you how many times i've messed up. The key is getting back on here and logging everything...everything else falls into play thereafter. Set small goals with activity and slowly increase over time. Feel free to read my blogs for discussions of when i've messed up before :-)

    good luck!
  • amina20
    amina20 Posts: 4 Member
    I've only really been sticking to MFP for the past month but I know quite a bit about losing and stumbling. I lost 60lbs about 3 years ago and then I've put on 30 since meeting my boyfriend. Weight loss is hard, so very hard. It's a struggle every single day but what I keep in mind when I'm truly focused and what led me to lose the initial 60lbs is that I'm doing this for me. It's what I want, I want to feel better about myself, have more energy, etc. I have a big family in all ways with some very bad habits but if you're firm in you want then there's nothing they can do to bring that down and once they see the weight shedding off they will be very proud and that just makes you even more excited to work hard at losing more weight. I always have to think that feeling skinnier always feels tastes better than whatever food or beverage is calling my name.

    Trust me I still have a ways to go as I'm 220 at 5'6" but knowing that I've lost weight in the past let's me know that it is possible, I just have to work at it. Also a huge thing about stumbling is that you can have a bad meal, bad day, bad weekend but remember to always try and make a good choice at the next meal or excersize to kill some of that guilt. Weight loss should be a slow process otherwise you'll never learn to maintain it. It takes a while to change a habit, don't beat yourself up if you slip, we all do....or at least most of us do. :wink:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I KNOW how you feel... my family in my life is incredibly UNsupportive. That is why I turn to MFP so frequently. It took me about 4 months to really get into the groove of MFP and working out dilligently. I was on and off for that whole 4 months. I had to really get frustrated enough to start tracking consistently and now that I have, I LOVE IT! There are so many ways to stay motivated here:) I just recently discovered the monthly challenges that you can join. You're on a team of certain amount of members and you all work together at different daily exercise challenges to help motivate and make you consistent. It's really made me more accountable as well! I hope everything works out for you! If you ever need to talk you are more than welcome to Private message me! Good luck!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,556 Member
    I don't know that I can say I have it right yet! I hit my goal weight and now I'm trying to make it in maintenance and still have the issues you do. The key is not giving up, keep doing what you know will ultimately work and keep coming here for support. I get constant grief from my husband about taking time to go work out, he always wants junk food and my kids are right there with him. I'm trying to set a good example for them (since he doesn't!) and want to be healthy and look good for me. So when I have a bad day, I just start over again the next day. You know what you're doing wrong, you know how to do it right (you lost weight) you just have to ask yourself before you eat that "bad thing" if it's worth it. (and sorry, in my opinion, there is no "bad food" just too much of a good thing when you don't have the calories for it). Make yourself drink the water. When you get down on yourself or feel like it's just too much, come on here and read about people who have it worse than you, read the success stories. You'll get inspired! Good luck!
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    I still fall all the time we are all human and we will fall. It does help to have support and I am thankful that my husband supports me alot. I read someone asking you do you have curves near you if you could get into something like that it may help you alot. A friend of mine is going to a group for food adicts and they are everywhere go to the website and see if you can find one of those groups near you. Im sure you would get a big support from them. Feel free to add me I will do my best to support you.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    How many times did you stumble before you got it right?? Ive been a member of Mfp for about 2 1/2 months & have only lost 4.5 lbs, only to gain it all back. I know where im goin wrong. Not drinking enough water, to much sodium. Had 2 days this weekend that i made bad choices of eating bads things in & bad portions sizes. I have no support at home & no one around. I thank all of my MFP friends for the support, but its just not the same sometimes.

    I tried probably 10+ times to be honest. This time has been different because I am really wanting to do it for myself. I looked in the mirror and I couldn't take who was looking back at me. It's a struggle and I just keep forcing myself in the direction I know is right. I don't have any support outside of MFP either. I have the people on this site and myself. You know what your issues are so it's not going to be hard to fix them, you just have to dig deep and do it! And you CAN DO IT!

    I also feel that exercise is a huge part of weight loss, it conditions your body and brain. It increases your metabolism. If you can push yourself to work out you can push yourself to avoid those cravings. Also know there is probably items you just can't have anymore. For me that was Soda and fast food. I've just had to cut it out completely. IT SUCKS at first, but now almost a month later I don't crave either anymore. They say it takes on average 28 days to break a bad habit. Lets work together, break some bad habits and replace it with some good habits. In a month I have DOUBLE the energy I had before and according to the DR. all the numbers are down low. I will be willing to PM you every day to help keep you on track if that is what it takes. You can do it! You just have to take the first step and keep stepping.

    Decisions are going to be tough to make, you just have to go against what you want and make the decision you know is the right decision. Once you start trying to justify (ex. I'll work out more tonight or..) you will go off the road. You need to make as many good choices from the start as possible! 1 month, do that for 1 month and see how you feel. 1 month is a pretty small amount in the grand scheme of things!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Every day is a challenge, it just is. Some days you make the concious effort to get up and do it, some days you don't. I never had weeks that I gained, not because I didn't have bad moments, but because I realized it was just a weak moment and I refuse to carry them with me. In time my definition of a weak moment changed, this morning I'm being haunted by the 50 calorie snack in my desk . . . 5 months ago I was haunted by more than a little 50 calorie wafer. I've learned to accomodate and earn my weak moments in the gym, hopefully you will too. There's a reason you lapsed. Ask yourself why, find that answer, and to that answer ask your self why again, no two answers can be the same (I ate an oatmeal cream pie "why?" I like them "why?" they remind me of my childhood "why?" etc), get to the root cause and figure out how to deal with it.
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    The water is what gets me. At my work, we only have tap water and it taste horrible! So when we as employees forget to bring in a case of makes it hard!

    Keep trying and you'll get there.
    I bought the Brita water bottle it's like 8 bucks and has the filter right inside. I loooove it
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    You will get it right. It takes some searching for the right foods and gaining the ambition to get started. The ball is in your court to get yourself on the right track. I quit using salt, drink lots of water to flush yourself clean and maintain your calorie intake. If you get a craving for certain foods, eat a very small portion. My theory..the food that I crave will ALWAYS be there when I reach my goal. You stated that you want to lose 50 lbs by your birthday? Treat yourself to the cravings that you get, ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. This can be done. The hardest part of getting healthy is starting it. Once you're on will be a smooth ride.. I started out with a daily calorie intake is 1200. Use the MFP calorie counter faithfully. It sure helps.
    Good luck to you. I hope this post helps you~ :flowerforyou:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I've stumbled many a time, but as said before, the key is to get back onto that wagon as soon as possible. Draw a line under the bad day/week and start again. Exercise has been a major thing for me as well. It's does't have to be major gym sessions, just regular walks and generally being more active is what keeps you going. And once the compliments come in, you will feel even more motivated to keep doing what you are doing.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How many times did you stumble before you got it right?? Ive been a member of Mfp for about 2 1/2 months & have only lost 4.5 lbs, only to gain it all back. I know where im goin wrong. Not drinking enough water, to much sodium. Had 2 days this weekend that i made bad choices of eating bads things in & bad portions sizes. I have no support at home & no one around. I thank all of my MFP friends for the support, but its just not the same sometimes.

    Too much sodium will cause water retention, but it won't prevent you from losing fat. If you're eating similar foods (even if they're high in sodium) you should still see the scale go down.

    If you're not losing, you need to eat fewer calories and move more. The sodium thing is more about heart health than weight loss.

    But that all takes willpower and sticking to it. When you're ready, you're ready. And sometimes, you're ready and then you're not for a while. It isn't easy, but keep trying. Establish some healthy habits and routines and eventually it will be a little easier, at least.
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    I made myself a rule back in April when I started for the third time. No cheating. No matter what the occasion, if you stumble a few days a week, your body will not have a clue what to do with itself. If you can, "stumble" once a month.

    Also, exercise. I have tried to eat right and for-go the exercise and it doesn't work. You need at least an hour a day, three to four times a week to begin to make progress. I know it sounds like a lot, but you put the weight on over time, you'll have to work hard to take it off - but trust me - you feel a BA-zillion times better when it starts coming off and people begin to notice. That's my favorite part because I've worked hard for where I am.

    If you can't run, try biking. That's how I did it.

    Good luck!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    It is def. hard!!! Support is a huge thing that helps me. MFP is soo supportive and I have made some awesome friends on here. Just remember you have to allow yourself those days to maybe have that donut or cheese burger. I feel your more likely to fail then. Just keep your chin up and remember your weight isnt going to come off over night. It IS going to take time!
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    What makes MFP valuable is that it is a tool, nothing more and nothing less, that forces those of us that struggle with weight/eating issues to be honest about how much we eat and honest about how much we exercise. We tend to under estimate how much we eat and over estimate how much we exercise.

    As you just get started focus on one meal at a time and one workout at a time, weightloss is like like.... it is about the journey as much as it is the destination.
  • I lost 80 lbs in 8 months 5 years ago. However, I didn't make a lifestyle change. I dieted. I didn't starve myself, but I didn't learn how to eat the right way. I gained every pound of that weight plus 5 back within 2 years of losing it after I was in a car accident and "didn't care" any more.

    This time, I made a lifestyle change. I did research on what was really healthy. I learned how our society is fooled into "diet" food. I eat right, I exercise, and I'm making choices every day. By no means am I depriving myself this time. In fact, I eat chocolate every day (actually sell it too). But, the key is...dark chocolate and moderation. I've learned moderation with my meals too. I never tell myself no and I eat what I want when I want. But, because I'm filling my body with good food...the bad food doesn't appeal to mea anymore. If it comes in a package, box or mass produced...I don't eat it. I can taste the hydrogenated oil in things now.

    With all that being said...I have lost 91 lbs in a year. It hasn't been tough for me because I made gradual changes. I learned what my body needs and after awhile it becomes second nature and everything you use to do becomes..."I can't believe I use to do that."

    My one piece of advice that I like to isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle. If you feel as if you are being deprived of life, then you aren't living. But, you don't have to live a life unhealthy to have fun! Enjoy the good food that you have been missing out on. Explore new recipes. Find an exercise you can have fun with (I Zumba 3 x's a week and walk when I'm bored). What ever it is that you can enjoy, do it. It will be a process of trial and error. Some foods will work and some won't. Some exercises will be fun, some won't. Don't diet...make a lifestyle change! Diets come and go, a lifestyle will inspire others.

    Good luck to you on your journey.
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