How much cardio should I do a day im a big guy at 343 but I feel I should do more

Good Morning everyone

I am finally serious about my journey to improve my health and get down to a healthy weight, so far I am down 27 pounds by just cooking without sodium and generally eating better. but my main concern is the exercise part I'm starting off by using my elliptical 40 minutes an hour or so after I wake. But I feel I should do some sort of resistance training at night like a walk with hand weights work out video.

Do you think 40 minutes elliptical in the morning and some sort of 20 minutes low impact resistance training at night would help the weight loss along.



  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited February 2019
    A person doesn't need to work out at all to lose weight. We lose weight when we take in fewer calories than we burn. Exercise can help create that deficit, but it isn't necessary (it is wonderful for our general health & well-being, however). Most people benefit by giving greater attention to their diet (number of calories) than to exercise, simply because a person can eat too many calories very quickly, but it takes a long time to work those same calories off through exercise.

    Have you set up your MFP profile with your current stats, activity level, and weekly weight loss goal and are you carefully logging your calorie intake? This is the easiest way to ensure that you are achieving an appropriate calorie deficit. Then, when you do engage in purposeful exercise, you should log that as well, and eat back at least some of those calories, because the numbers MFP gives you does not include the extra fuel required for those workouts. Above all, this process needs to be sustainable, which generally means not cutting our calories too low and not trying to adopt an overly-aggressive workout routine.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    As was mentioned before, weight loss mainly comes from diet, not exercise, so put in your goals on your profile, etc. But it sounds like your exercise plan is a good one. As you get healthier and lighter, you should find yourself able to do more. Some form of moderate cardio activity for an hour, or more vigorous activity for half an hour every day is a good idea for anybody. And strength training during weight loss will help you preserve your muscle mass as you lose weight.

    Make sure you give yourself a day of rest, and don't overdo it at first - it's easy to get injured beginning a new routine when you aren't used to working out. Good luck!
  • mherwig1
    mherwig1 Posts: 8 Member
    You are a big guy. - don't take that as negative - I was also a "Big" guy a few years ago, See it as a great start - most people can't even identify when they may need to make changes to their life.
    I am not a medical practitioner, but as I said - I was also there.
    What you are doing is great - keep doing that and lower your food intake as best you can.

    The real secret I have found that trumps everything - not how much you diet or how much you work out - but too keep doing something - anything.

    It all gets easier every day.

    Smaller amounts is better for now, and increase as your body changes.
    Positive changes will bring about more enthusiasm and energy to do even more.

    Don't worry about if it's enough or not.

    Just start and keep going.

    Don't forget to also feed your mind too - watch positive / workout videos on YouTube etc - and stay away from negative people - these will leave of their own accord anyway as you change.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I started about where you are now (330-340). Not exactly sure as the scale I had at the time didn't go past 300.

    So first, congrats on your weight loss.

    One regret I have is not starting to lift heavy sooner. Was probably 250 ish when I started lifting. This means that a good chunk of the weight I lost was not fat, but muscle. So if I were to do this over (and I'm not going to) I'd hit the gym and lift, as well as do cardio.

    Have a read through the first couple of pages of this thread.

    I'm more focused on running these days, but if you are interested in running, make sure you can walk at a good pace for an hour and then try a C25K program. I started that at ~275lbs about 2 years ago. Ran really slow, but I made it through. Now I plan on a marathon this year.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Cardio and resistance training will help with fitness and health and to retain muscle as you lose. I lost 150 and started strength training say 1 and have continued for 4 1/2 years. It's the best thing I ever did for myself. I suggest doing a whole body program 3x week.