Now im up to 300lb



  • darthCP91
    darthCP91 Posts: 4 Member
    Im looking for motivating friends as well. I have gone up and down with my weight for the past 4 years and in October of last year I finally got to 300 for the first time in my life. Now I’m 315 and I’m desperate to find the motivation and will power to make a change. Anyone who is looking or going through the same thing feel free to add me.
  • ManEatingLizard
    ManEatingLizard Posts: 15 Member
    I'm at 291... was worried I'd be over 300 now, since I haven't been taking care of myself. Hoping to drop to an even 200. Anyone can feel free to add me. I could use the support.
  • GoGetta52
    GoGetta52 Posts: 12 Member
    It’s definitely a struggle and you’re not in this alone.
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    CowboySar wrote: »
    It is tough and takes persistence, perseverance, will power and a solid drive for change.

    I was 320lbs in 2015 when I finally had enough of being that big. I started small, gave up the junk food, and started walking everyday. I started eating healthier foods and most definitely healthier portions. I started tracking and logging what I ate and I weighed weekly. If there was an issue with the scale numbers I would reflect back on what I ate and what I did or did not do that would have contributed to a stall or gain, and then move on. Fast forward to May 2018 and I was at 184lbs for a loss of 135lbs. Since then I have actually completed an 8 month bulk and successfully put on weight and never thought twice about it. Currently back cutting weight, bulked to 218 and new current weight is 208.

    It is a learning process, how your body responds to different calories, macros, exercise, cheats, deloads. Once you figure out how your body operates you will be in control of it, not your body in control of you.

    Wish you all the best

    Thanks i had to think about what i did wrong and how i can fix it and i realized that it was mostly my mindset that i had to change and not just what i ate or how i worked out and so far im loving it.
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    darthCP91 wrote: »
    Im looking for motivating friends as well. I have gone up and down with my weight for the past 4 years and in October of last year I finally got to 300 for the first time in my life. Now I’m 315 and I’m desperate to find the motivation and will power to make a change. Anyone who is looking or going through the same thing feel free to add me.

    The struggle is real. What really hit me is taking front view full body picture and im like dam im that big lol.
    I only been at this for two weeks and time flys by so quickly so i know if i just do it for a lifestyle commitment i dont have to worry about quick diets or stress myself on a scale. Now i can eat what i want which is healthy and dont panic on cheat days as long as im in my calorie limit and i feel happier, more active, not in bed all day and its a great feeling.
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    I'm at 291... was worried I'd be over 300 now, since I haven't been taking care of myself. Hoping to drop to an even 200. Anyone can feel free to add me. I could use the support.

    I try to take it steps at a time to get to the bigger goal. We got this
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    I keep falling off track and losing my progress. I want to lose weight so bad and its my biggest obstacle that i cant seem to overcome to complete. It would be good to have some friends and a good support system. I know im not gonna give up and im here for anyone else who also needs support. Feel free to add me.

    Hi, I can relate. This last year life has been very difficult in just about every way, especially the last 6 months. I just weighed myself for the first time since September. It was bad, but not as bad as I expected. I've gained about 8 lbs since then (currently 210 lbs), but thought the gain would be more like 15 - 20 lbs because my exercise has decreased so much. I want to lose 50 lbs over the next 10 months.
    I've done it before and maintained for several years, so I know I can do it.

    So today I restart once again. It seems like a never ending battle, but we are worth the effort.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,301 Member
    Just keep trying. .and learn a little something each time.. This is a journey where you just do your best along the way and keep moving ahead. We all have setbacks.. bad days.. just join the rest of us.. and don't give up.
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    GoGetta52 wrote: »
    It’s definitely a struggle and you’re not in this alone.

    Thank you
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    SuzOh wrote: »
    I keep falling off track and losing my progress. I want to lose weight so bad and its my biggest obstacle that i cant seem to overcome to complete. It would be good to have some friends and a good support system. I know im not gonna give up and im here for anyone else who also needs support. Feel free to add me.

    Hi, I can relate. This last year life has been very difficult in just about every way, especially the last 6 months. I just weighed myself for the first time since September. It was bad, but not as bad as I expected. I've gained about 8 lbs since then (currently 210 lbs), but thought the gain would be more like 15 - 20 lbs because my exercise has decreased so much. I want to lose 50 lbs over the next 10 months.
    I've done it before and maintained for several years, so I know I can do it.

    So today I restart once again. It seems like a never ending battle, but we are worth the effort.

    Yea it's always the same for me every summer i stay in my room because i dont wanna sweat or go outside or i cant do what others do because i overheat quickly. But oh no not this year ima burn up in the sun lol and go on walks and carry a rag. I am breaking this cycle.
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    Just keep trying. .and learn a little something each time.. This is a journey where you just do your best along the way and keep moving ahead. We all have setbacks.. bad days.. just join the rest of us.. and don't give up.

    Thank you i wont give up because the only way to go is forward from here.
  • ashleyncline1
    ashleyncline1 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. More friends more support!!
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    Good morning group!

    Well, you have no idea how happy I was to find this group.

    I have struggled with weight, like so many, after I had children and it's never been the same. I have "played around" with 150-200 pounds for years. Lose it, gain it back, lose it, gain it back. Now that I'm 60 I'm finding the lose it part is extremely hard. At one point I was 376.5 pounds and my lowest was 145! So you can see I am/was all over the place. My current starting weight is 340.2 (was 190 only 5 years ago) sigh!

    Cowboy Sar is right - little by little, so first step for me was to get back on here and actually USE the support systems - and people. Hiding and being scared isn't going to fix anything.

    sra455, thanks for being so honest, 2018 was a very trying year on all fronts for me as well.

    sanriohippe - you hit the nail on the head! It didn't happen overnight, it never does, so have to get back on track slowly.

    Puffbrat, I appreciate what you wrote very much. "This is hard not because the actual process is difficult but because it means changing long developed habits, and often having to learn to deal with emotions in other ways."
    My ugly habits have "cycles of hybernation" that need to be changed and therein lies the hard work.

    So folks - I took the first step yesterday, restarted my membership on here and logged my food for the day. That is HUGE for me. Becoming a part of this group is my 2nd step.

    I look forward to your support!
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me. More friends more support!!

    Thanks i will
  • fergusonjamillah
    fergusonjamillah Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning group!

    Well, you have no idea how happy I was to find this group.

    I have struggled with weight, like so many, after I had children and it's never been the same. I have "played around" with 150-200 pounds for years. Lose it, gain it back, lose it, gain it back. Now that I'm 60 I'm finding the lose it part is extremely hard. At one point I was 376.5 pounds and my lowest was 145! So you can see I am/was all over the place. My current starting weight is 340.2 (was 190 only 5 years ago) sigh!

    Cowboy Sar is right - little by little, so first step for me was to get back on here and actually USE the support systems - and people. Hiding and being scared isn't going to fix anything.

    sra455, thanks for being so honest, 2018 was a very trying year on all fronts for me as well.

    sanriohippe - you hit the nail on the head! It didn't happen overnight, it never does, so have to get back on track slowly.

    Puffbrat, I appreciate what you wrote very much. "This is hard not because the actual process is difficult but because it means changing long developed habits, and often having to learn to deal with emotions in other ways."
    My ugly habits have "cycles of hybernation" that need to be changed and therein lies the hard work.

    So folks - I took the first step yesterday, restarted my membership on here and logged my food for the day. That is HUGE for me. Becoming a part of this group is my 2nd step.

    I look forward to your support!

    Hey its great that you decided that you wanted a healtheir lifestyle and you gotta prove to yourself that its not to late to start.
    When you lose weight and gain continuously people call it the yo-yo effect and it happened to me plenty of times.
    I still give in to cravings but one step at a time and i just started about 2 weeks ago.
    Good luck!
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    I love roller coasters but my weight roller coaster has got to go! :) Thanks for replying
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    Hello and good morning everyone! Been struggling with my weight for many years. Heaviest weight was 400 lbs and currently I'm at 297 lb been tuck at this weight for about a year due to physical and personal issues. I am determined and motivated to finally get the rest of this weight off. I figured it'd be easier to do this on mfp where I could have friends who have similar situations like me. Trying to do it all by myself is not working anymore so I decided to get on a mfp and make some friends who have similar situations as me were we can support and encourage one another and would like very much to join this group.
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    Hi zaraizzy - Totally can relate with you - feel free to friend me! We can do this, just not alone!
  • NesCastanon
    NesCastanon Posts: 101 Member
    You can do it. Don’t think about how far you have to go. Take it one day, one meal at a time.
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    I feel like I'm always advocating keto on here. I don't mean to preach. I can only state my own experience. It's been like a miracle for me. At the end of last year, I was out of control. I couldn't stop. I've been a food addict since I was eleven years old (I'm now 49). I was up to 237.5 lb, my highest weight in 5 years. I'm also diabetic and my blood sugar was through the roof. I knew if I didn't do something, I was going to die. I started keto on January 1st. As of today I'm 212.5 lb and my blood sugar is normal for the first time in years. I feel great and I'm even sleeping better. The best thing to me is that it killed my carb cravings. I was addicted to sweets and fast food, and after a few days on keto, I didn't want them at all. I still don't. Those foods (and many others, from cereal bars to "lite" foods to Lean Cuisines) contain tons of sugar and do nothing but make you constantly crave more. Someone your size should be able to drop at least 50 lb in a month. I don't have cravings and I'm rarely hungry, and I really think it's an option you may want to check out. Get your doctor's permission first, and check out some of the videos on youtube (I recommend Dr. Ken D. Berry, M.D.) if you decide to go for it. And most importantly, as some others have said, don't give up. "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."