Let's lose 20 lbs by June!



  • SarahsHustle
    SarahsHustle Posts: 96 Member
    I’m planning on my goal by June 19th
  • CatJD
    CatJD Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Can I still join? I need the accountability so this group would be perfect. SW:149 GW by June 129
  • greenvnss3545
    greenvnss3545 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I would like to join! This is my first time on MyFitnessPal and would love to do this for a healthier lifestyle. I’m currently 250 pounds but would love to weigh 230 pounds by June!!! 😊🙃
  • mariamesylla2
    mariamesylla2 Posts: 2 Member
    165 on Wednesday. Would love to go down to 140 by June. I’m in
  • waffletops
    waffletops Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in....I put on 14lbs since December. I'm currently 128.
  • tanisue
    tanisue Posts: 4 Member
    3 lbs down this morning! 17 more to go! We can do this!
  • AshleyWLose
    AshleyWLose Posts: 17 Member
    How do you join in this challenge?
  • shadow2641
    shadow2641 Posts: 27 Member
    hi there, I know I am a little late but I would love to join. At this rate it might be closer to 15lbs by the beginning of June but totally in!

    SW: 280lbs
    CW: 227.4lbs
    GW @ end of challenge: 212.4-207.4lbs
    GW: 145lbs

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • dmarcon
    dmarcon Posts: 9 Member
    I am 49 and weight 217. This is the most I have ever weight. The last couple years I just keep gaining and do very little activity. I'm ready to make changes and get healthier
  • Wintermom1988
    Wintermom1988 Posts: 2 Member
    Weight is now at 171.5. So lost 3.5 pds so far.
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    How do you join in this challenge?

    Ashley anyone is welcome to join. Just post how much you’d like to lose by June.
  • melanieclark777
    melanieclark777 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm not new ... I just fell off the wagon ... I weighed 375 at me heaviest ... I lost 250 lbs ... and my weight has been between 120-128 since 2012 ... Today I got on the scale and I weigh 133 ... that's not so bad I said ... but the kicker is that my BMI is off the chart at 133 where it has been 128 for years ... I have decide to get back to My Fitness Pal to get back on track ... My exercise is nil ... I have not made time for it because of going straight to bed from being so tired of having so many hours working ... I have a full time job and a part time job ... I get 60 hours a week between them ... NO MORE EXCUSES ... I have got to make changes in eating healthy again and counting those calories like I used to ... I am not mentally there yet to get the exercise into my schedule ... I'll get there just not yet ... I would love to join this to gain the motivation ... I'm in if that's ok for me to join ... Any insights would be helpful ... Thanks!!!!!
  • melanieclark777
    melanieclark777 Posts: 53 Member
    I would like to get to 125 first then to 110
  • MomtoFran
    MomtoFran Posts: 11 Member
    Am I too late or can I join in now?
  • Snatched2012
    Snatched2012 Posts: 5 Member
    I’m in similar stats! I’m 173 last time I checked, and looking to get down to 150! We can do this! 💪🏾
  • SarahsHustle
    SarahsHustle Posts: 96 Member
    I'm pretty sure anyone can join at any time...it's pretty open :smiley:
  • vmacdougal
    vmacdougal Posts: 11 Member
    1 week down

    SW: 134
    CW: 131.5
    GW: 115

    Feeling good. I was backpacking this weekend, and went a little over calorie-wise, but I was also exerting myself more than usual, so I think it balances out. Psyched to see some progress!
  • raraCoco
    raraCoco Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone ! Anyone can join at any time of course ! I'm going to be weighing myself the first of each month, if you would like to join me. I will just be posting it here on this discussion. Of course you can do your weigh in at any time.