I only eat when I'm hungry. Is that okay?



  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,477 Member
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    I eat only when I'm hungry, and always have. I managed to gain a lot of weight doing that. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose.

    I would suggest you're eating when you FEEL hungry as opposed to when you body actually NEEDS food from a physiological standpoint.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    If this approach works for you and you are neither undereating or overeating (the overall trend on scales will tell you this) then continue doing what you are doing. However, be aware that in the early stages of weight loss it is not uncommon for people to 'feel full' while eating less. However, our bodies will begin to release hormones to increase appetite as our weight loss journey continues, which can make initiative eating more difficult.
  • lillyblack1982
    lillyblack1982 Posts: 61 Member
    edited February 2019
    hulket wrote: »
    I've been yo-yoing up and down for the last ten years. Low calorie, low carb, low sugar. It takes over my life. And I do always lose weight, but then I always gain it back. As of a month ago, I'm the biggest I've ever been (100 lbs overweight). So this time around, I decided I'm going to just quietly change how I do things. I want to take care of my body. Listen to it. Try to instill in myself that food is FUEL. I'm going to eat when I'm hungry, and only until I'm satisfied, and only healthy foods that I enjoy and that make me feel good. And I'm not going to obsess. I'm going to eat when I'm hungry, and then forget about it. I want to completely change my mindset in hopes it'll create a long-lasting healthy me. Easier said than done, I know, but, so far, so good.

    A month in I'm down 8lbs. I'm not bloated. I have more energy. I overall just feel better. It was hard at first, really hard, but it's getting easier. I really only do eat when I'm hungry. But for forever, I've been conditioned that I HAVE to eat 1200+ calories a day to be healthy. But honestly, some days I don't. Some days I have a light lunch, and I'm good. I'm not hungry for the rest of the day. Other days, I'll have two full meals and a snack (I've never done breakfast, it always made me feel gross). It all depends on activity level really. But I worry, is that okay?

    Any pros out there have an advice? Or anyone else in the same boat?

    This is a very idealistic way of thinking about food and in theory, it would be wonderful and solve a lot of problems. But there are some things you need to consider:

    - what will you do when there is temptation? You might not buy super fatty, calorie dense food for yourself, but what if there’s cake at work? What if you get a craving for a donut or some fast food? What if someone invites you out to eat at a restaurant? Personally I think you should be allowed to eat those foods in moderation, but it can be harder to listen to hunger cues when you’re eating a really delicious piece of cheesecake or something like that. You have to think about and plan for those things. Be realistic: you’re going to want to eat stuff that’s not “healthy” from time to time if you’re going to do this long term so you have to address how you will approach those situations.

    - What will you do after you lose a little weight and your priorities change? It’s important to you now, but at a certain point it may seem less important. Why did you gain weight after your previous attempts? Are there patterns you can learn from?

    Eta: congrats on the 8 pounds!
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    I eat only when I'm hungry, and always have. I managed to gain a lot of weight doing that. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose.

    I would suggest you're eating when you FEEL hungry as opposed to when you body actually NEEDS food from a physiological standpoint.

    Well, duh! Don't most people eat when they FEEL hungry? You FEEL hunger pains. That's how you know you need to eat.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,477 Member
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    I eat only when I'm hungry, and always have. I managed to gain a lot of weight doing that. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose.

    I would suggest you're eating when you FEEL hungry as opposed to when you body actually NEEDS food from a physiological standpoint.

    Well, duh! Don't most people eat when they FEEL hungry? You FEEL hunger pains. That's how you know you need to eat.

    Lots of people will drag out chips, candy, cookies, etc. 1-2 hours after eating a full meal and snack away while watching a tube. In that case there is not hunger pains. They could very well go until the next day without being physiologically hungry. They are eating out of habit, boredom or whatever. They are not feeling hunger pains as a signal to eat.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I think you have to find the pattern that works for you. If I wait until I'm really hungry before I eat, it backfires. I need to time my eating so I keep the hunger at bay.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    I only eat when I'm hungry. Is that okay?

    Well ... if I only ate when I was hungry, I'd be 300 lbs right now.

    I'm hungry a lot!!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    edited February 2019
    Sooooo...... Please remember that we have community guidelines, they're located HERE. <-- Please click and review.

    Here's a super-cliffnotes version if you're in a hurry:
    1. Discussing/picking apart ideas is totally awesome. Attacking the messenger or the way a message is delivered is not.
    2. Derailing a thread to discuss the merits of a particular food is a form of trolling.
    3. If you're in this thread, lets focus on assisting the OP - give her information and she'll decide for herself what she wants to or should do.
    4. If you want to discuss the merits of a particular food or way of eating, start your own thread.

    Happy hump day folks!

  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    You really can't assume that your intake is 1200 calories because you have stated that you don't weigh or measure your food.

    I too don't weigh, but I do measure. I also read portion sizes on labels. In order to really know how much you are consuming, you simply can't "eyeball it".

    Get in the habit of using MFP correctly and you will train yourself to know how much you are eating later on down the road. Yes, I agree tracking is a pain in the *kitten* but it is critical in the beginning if you want to make those lifestyle changes.

    You are on the right track. Cut out fast food, processed and packaged food, stay away from soda and artificial sweeteners (diet soda) and get regular exercise.

    If you eat only when you are hungry, that's fine, just ensure you are getting a proper mix of protein, carbs and fats with each meal and to ensure your getting enough water and fiber too. Adding a good quality multivitamin is also a great idea to ensure you are covered if there are gaps in your diet.

    Remember, weight loss, that is sustained weight loss, requires more than just calorie reduction. Healthy eating and moving more are key. This is a journey, not a destination so it will be a slow process. Weight loss doesn't just stop when you reach your target weight. That is why you yo-yo. You have to change habits, not diet.

    Now....get going!
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm just curious about this cuz I watch "My big fat fabulous life" and she weighs 330 ish pounds yet says she can go 24 hours without eating and it doesn't bug her,she has a personal trainer that has to encourage her to eat,now I'm just wondering if you're overweight wouldn't skipping some eating be a benefit? I'm being serious and NOT making light of the situation, I've just been curious since I saw that episode
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    edited February 2019
    whitpauly wrote: »
    I'm just curious about this cuz I watch "My big fat fabulous life" and she weighs 330 ish pounds yet says she can go 24 hours without eating and it doesn't bug her,she has a personal trainer that has to encourage her to eat,now I'm just wondering if you're overweight wouldn't skipping some eating be a benefit? I'm being serious and NOT making light of the situation, I've just been curious since I saw that episode

    Just my laymen's opinion here. But, I think it just depends on the person. This is probably why OMAD (One meal a day) has an appeal for some people. No harm as long as you get adequate calories in that one meal. But I feel like a lot of people get stuck on several small meals a day as gospel. Possibly that trainer on the show too? I personally couldn't do OMAD I'd be a very scatter brained and grumpy individual by my 24 hour mark!