What's on your mind?



  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    Reckoner67 wrote: »
    How music is a language, and how people will often put their tastes out there to see if they can find others who hear certain songs the same way.

    "Like" is so subjective tho

    I was thinking about this recently. In high school we divided along musical lines, and music and fashion and ideologies often went together.

    And we often still do divide that way. I think it’s a little different though in that we’re looking for connections rather than separations. At least I am. Plus, I don’t pretend anymore to like things I don’t just to fit in.

    Even back in high school, I was never one to try to change myself to "fit in"....but at the same time, I was still searching for connections, even back then. It's tough to connect with people. Smarter people than me have probably figured out social triggers, or chemicals or whatever, that cause those strong connections. I just know that the few times I've stumbled upon it it's been both intensely rewarding and potentially devastating.

    Apparently I'd rather ponder stuff like this than my to-do list today, heh
  • CoffeeAndContour
    CoffeeAndContour Posts: 1,466 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Ok, so I just said I don't 'woo'...people...

    Cleaning your oven with lemons is woo
    I just cooked them for 45 minutes, let oven cool, and that baked on crap from the dirty person who lived here before me is isn't budging.

    Maybe I'll try the baking soda/vinegar method?
    Concerns me slightly...Isn't that like the recipe for a grade 4 science fair volcano?

    The baking soda and vinegar mix works great but you have to leave it on for a quite a while. I think it’s 10 hours. I usually slather it on, on a weekend evening and then wipe it out the following morning, but it works like a charm.
  • Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings

    D'you know what's even worse than that 7 rings song? The video... 🤮...

    So I'm trying to find some ACDC "Let there be Rock" this morning and YouTube made me watch 10 seconds of that trash 🤮...

    Another example of how the media tries to force terrible music and an image down our throats 🤮..

    I'm just watching like, WTF is in charge here, Wtf are the adults!? I just wanted to grab that brat, send everyone home, sit her *kitten* down, and make her do some freaking homework 😂

    I wouldn't mind being at that party... as long as they never played that song 😂
  • empresssue
    empresssue Posts: 2,977 Member
    empresssue wrote: »
    IslandGal3 wrote: »
    I wonder how TJ is doing.

    Me, too. I tooled by his work on Saturday & thought of him :cry:

    I got wooed for this????? Wow, he's not even here & he's still got serial wooers.
  • empresssue
    empresssue Posts: 2,977 Member
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    empresssue wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    Moon_Stone wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    Lol warriors can't get it together.


    Cp and faried are having their way with them

    Which is good to see as Harden as carried that team through te first half. As much as I love Giannis I think he'll be MVP

    Harden and his infamous step backs? Lol.

    Warriors lost ha!.....I don't have a team BTW I just wanted to see them lose

    Lol dude he's making history, don't matter how he does it if it works it works!

    Do you not like Curry like me?

    His stepbacks is traveling I think.

    Nah I don't have a problem with him just wanna aggravate some people lol



    Lol I was wondering if you'd find that play as a gif

    Lol.. I meant to post it last night but my phone died.
    There's a few but this one is my favorite 😂

    Eerrrbody travels in the NBA I think that's why he didn't get called for it lol

    Might as well call it football anymore. It irks me they don't call it. :angry:

    Why?? Does it also irk you they don't call every face mask or holding penalty on either side of the ball in the NFL? Some calls get missed some are simply just not called and it goes both ways. You gotta let them play or it be boring to watch as well. Boil down to it, it's all about the tv time and money.

    Excellent question. Tbh, yes, it irks me. However, traveling is a long time basketball rule-you're not supposed to run with the ball like you do in football.

    As for face mask & holding, football is a rough sport period. I think face mask should be called. I think holding shouldn't because the point is to block the other team from scoring. Additionally, I also think pass interference should never be called cuz the whole point is to prevent the intended receiver from making the play.

    Don't even get me started about baseball rules.

    BTW, I'll note the one thing all of these sports rules have in common: they are all MAN rules :lol:
  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    That realization that "just be yourself" means that you might not really be all that endearing to folks. Like, it feels good to be me except for the fact that likability isn't really a thing I exude. Used to the feeling, but never really examined it from this angle before
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    Random thoughts that I am not able to keep up with.. Went from what plants to buy for my porch to what is for dinner in .02 seconds.
  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    Reckoner67 wrote: »
    That realization that "just be yourself" means that you might not really be all that endearing to folks. Like, it feels good to be me except for the fact that likability isn't really a thing I exude. Used to the feeling, but never really examined it from this angle before

    I’ve always thought that was bad or, at least, incomplete advice. Sometimes I need to forget about who I think I am and act like who I want to be.

    I've thought a lot about identity over the years, and I've been comfortable with where I am for a long time...I guess life just has a way of shaking things up, or maybe I'm just suffering from a case of "the grass is greener over there"
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I feel so sorry for my Mum. I bought her and my Dad a trip to Hawaii for their 30 year anniversary. They are only on day two, and she has broken her ankle, and because the staff left their floor wet and she slipped. Now she needs surgery. 2019 has not been our families year thus far :angry: I can only imagine how disappointed she is.

    What an awesome gift.. but a terrible thing to happen..your poor mum 😔 I hope surgery goes well and there's a quick recovery. 😙
  • DFTNicki
    DFTNicki Posts: 138 Member
    I need a neck and shoulder rub. I've got one hell of a headache. Work can peace out any time now....hahaha
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    Ugh! Why is this line not mooooving??

    Dude, are you at Panda AGAIN?
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,879 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    Did you ever think... "there's so much people out there"

    All the time. Just waking down the street. I see someone and think “Who’s this guy? Where is he going? What’s his purpose?”..He is just another cog in this entire machine...or perhaps organism, may be a better descriptor. Everything he did, every interaction he has creates another.