Face or body??



  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Well poo, I'm screwed either way! haha

    Exactly why people should focus on improving their health and self esteem and not what someone "expects" them to look like.

    Personality always wins.
  • Face...eyes...hands...smile~
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member

    this may just be a poll on what users find most attractive about themselves - the double standard is a b*tch aint it
  • both.
  • Haha I love how everyone is like 'You can always change your body' :P this is first impression we're talking about guys.... I'm pretty surprised by the results because...most girls I know go with the "body" option...

    Most guys with better bodies (I don't mean skinny, I mean lean muscular) look good... if I saw a guy at the mall with a super hot body I'd turn my head to look at him....face...it really never stands out when in public (especially if over weight)!!

    A lot of my guy friends chose the 'face' option.... though. And a lot of them said..."a girl with a six pack is gross, a girl who is too muscular is gross'"- which I think is outrageous bcoz I think girl-sixpacks r the sexiest thing on the planet!!!!!!

    This would be an example of a guy with nice face, but not a nice body (does not necessarily have to be over weight for that!)
  • had3nuf
    had3nuf Posts: 59
    I thought my ex had the complete package...nice face..nice body...but it was his eyebrows that really took ahold of me. I never saw him as a heavy guy..I always thought he was absolutely gorgeous...he thought he was heavy..and lost 50 pounds. His body changed..but he still had that face I had fallen in love with. So, you have to love the face...because the body can change.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    i have to say face, because yes, you can improve the body if you want to work on it, but if you dont have good facial features what are you gonna do about it? nothing! unless you are Michael Jackson! seriously tho.....if you are obese, your face aint gonna be cute anyways, lol
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Well poo, I'm screwed either way! haha

    Exactly why people should focus on improving their health and self esteem and not what someone "expects" them to look like.

    Personality always wins.

    It was a JOKE dear, I'm happily taken and he loves eeeverything about me. I'm starting to as well!
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    face face face

    body can always be worked on

    if a man is ugly, he's just ugly
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Most girls I've had this conversation with (99%) go with body!! haha although my strange roomate likes some extra pounds on her man...but that;s her thing.
    99%? I have no idea who these mysterious girls are, but in my experience it's mostly about the face. As long as a guy isn't really obese most girls don't care about the body. In the real world guys care way more about a woman's body than a woman does about a man's body. At least that's my experience.

    As for me personally, I am also all about the face. I need a good looking mug. A nice body is great, but not required. However, if my man starts putting on pounds I will suggest he get his butt to the gym. A little extra padding is fine, but I don't want to have to worry about his health.
  • I know I was attracted to my now boyfriend for his 6'1 rugby bod (nd his dimples!!)

    ... I however when when met him was not over weight but I did not have a 'hot body' or anything....being small and hot is not the same thing guys...you can be a girl wearing size 12 and still have a hotter than one wearing a size 8... in my opinion.

    He always says he was attracted to me because of my face though... :) haha...dunno weather to take that as a compliment or serious insult :P
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Face. plain and simple. No matter how hawt the body may be, if i ain't attracted to what i may be staring at while havin sex..... it ain't happening, lmao. I've dated all sizes of men and it was always the face that attracted me at first. A nice body is just a plus.
  • A face full of personality :). I am never, ever attracted to your basic good-looking man though. I need something different...something that probably most people wouldn't notice. I'm a weirdo.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    I know I was attracted to my now boyfriend for his 6'1 rugby bod (nd his dimples!!)

    ... I however when when met him was not over weight but I did not have a 'hot body' or anything....being small and hot is not the same thing guys...you can be a girl wearing size 12 and still have a hotter than one wearing a size 8... in my opinion.

    He always says he was attracted to me because of my face though... :) haha...dunno weather to take that as a compliment or serious insult :P

    is it bad that after i read your profile, and found out that you're finishing med school your hotness scale went up through the roof in my book?
  • It's double sided. First off I say face. A body can always trim and lose weight, gain weight, etc...

    You can't fix a face that fell down the ugly tree and hit the branches on the way down. I've known plenty of really cute people (myself included) who just need to lose the weight and the whole package is back.

    That being said, some people REALLY do lose the "look" of their face when they're too skinny or too fat.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
  • Face. plain and simple. No matter how hawt the body may be, if i ain't attracted to what i may be staring at while havin sex..... it ain't happening, lmao. I've dated all sizes of men and it was always the face that attracted me at first. A nice body is just a plus.

    dunno what kinda sex your havin sista....the most important reason I date fit men is because I don't wanna see no jiggle in bed (I'm sure you have to look at more than just face!)...

    is it bad that after i read your profile, and found out that you're finishing med school your hotness scale went up through the roof in my book?

    I guess that is a compliment? Thanks!!
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    futurefitgirl, i hope you realize you are getting a skewed sample base on the forums.

    the ladies answering are clearly going to judge the face as more important, since they'd rather be judged by the same standard from their male counterpart.

    give this a try on, say, bodybuilding forum (there are plenty of women there also) and compare the results.

    just saying...
  • ill go with face...