Gaining Lots of Weight Is TOTES the New "IT" Thing...



  • duckychic
    duckychic Posts: 57 Member
    I think that the people who encourage this behavior (I've heard they are called the feeders or feed-ies) should be arrested for attempted manslaughter.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Just a little disgusted about her response. Definitely a motivator.
  • shesblossoming
    Sadly, I think I "get" it. It's her life, and she'll do as she pleases with it. I am of the opinion that, yes, it's really crazy to want to gain that much weight. However, again, it's what she chooses. People are always hellbent on making sure that everyone else conforms to their standards that they get offended once someone decides to take a different path. I could not imagine living my life like that, nor do I want to. I am not saying she's right or anyone is right. I'm not saying she's sane or crazy. I just believe that if she feels she's found her happiness, go for it. Just like each of us go all the way to a better health, to weight loss, and success, she's going all the way to the opposite by choice. It's one that we all make everyday. Our happiness is in a better health. Hers is in a deteriorating one.

    And hey, at least she pays taxes.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    It just makes me really sad for her...and yeah, inspired to workout.
  • ssnichole987
    ssnichole987 Posts: 29 Member
    I read two articles on Susanne just for the motivational benefits. It was a tutorial for me on what I DON'T want to do with my life. You bet I didn't touch junk food that day...
  • AmberYZ
    AmberYZ Posts: 23 Member
    It's almost sad to read. While she makes legitimate points about some obese people being healthier than thin people and that your size is not the end all of health issues, those studies are made for people who are 10, 20, 30, maybe even 50 pounds overweight. They are not directed for those 100+ pds overweight, those who are physically immobile because it's simply accepted that they are unhealthy. She is not healthy. There is no dispute in the definition of healthy. It is having a body and mind that will carry you through a long happy life. It is not surviving off medication and other people. It's her decision to do what she wants and she is allowed to. I don't want to judge her. I only pity the fact that she will not get to enjoy the simplest things in life for as long as she should, but hey, that's her decision and I hope that when they all reach their goals that it will be worth it to them
  • SimplyDeLish
    First, congratulations to you on making a lifestyle change and losing the weight you have!

    Second, I've known a couple of people in my life that are exactly like this person. They love the attention they get because they are so overweight. They believe they are healthy - because they are always taking medications. They don't see an issue with their size - and they don't have a reality of their size. They love the fact that people are always doing things for them.

    Mental issues? Certainly a different take on reality than the majority of people.

    While I don't necessarily follow the crowd and average isn't good enough, I'm happy to be well on my way to living life as an "average" size person. I only wish I'd had the inner drive to make this journey years ago.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    She is obviously a very intelligent woman. How could her perspective on health be so skewed?!

    Reciting stats about tax payers, insurance companies and sexual fetishes does not explain the pure stress she is putting on every organ of her body. She's deflecting.

    Honestly, I don't understand the "enjoyment" of not being able to be a self suficient person or even mobile using your own legs. Who would REALLY enjoy that? It's like she willingly admitted herself into a prison.
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    I like the outdoors way too much to even consider such a thing and I hate being dependent on people so super morbidly obese is out for me...whew. People are going to do what they want to do and it's not my business.

    I agree 100%. I would also like to add that people, by nature, are just strange.
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    A part of me enjoys the luxury of all the pampering

    I've spotted the mental disorder.

  • nikniki
    nikniki Posts: 21
    WOW!!! She says she like to be "pampered" people helping her do simple tasks like moving isn't pampering in any means! I work in a medical center and I have had patients like this and they dont understand the strain it causes on everyone around them to have to do everything for them. When she is to big to make it into the bathroom and she has to use a bed pan that someone else has to put under her and take out she will hopefully see that her "sexual" thrill from all this actually makes life difficult for her family and those taking care of her.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I think she is entitled to her attitude and live however she pleases. If she likes being that heavy then I say let her. She will deal with the consequences and health issues and us here, trying to lose weight, will deal with our health issues and what not. Everyone can live as they please and if that is being morbidly obese or rail thin, then so be it.

    I personally would not feel good about myself or anything I do being obese. I would probably go into depression or something worse. I will stick to my goals and she can stick to hers.

    From what she says, I heard "I like getting the attention and will go to extreme measures for it." I think her obesity is making up for something she couldn't achieve herself, like loosing weight. She could not get positive attention from weight loss or some other method so she has, conciously or unconciously, turned to another solution. Obesity garners just as much attention as a lean and fit body.
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    I don't care if it is bigotry, its gross. Aiming to gain weight, that's dumb and speaking of fat as a fetish, the thought disturbs me, and by disturb I mean totally grosses me out. I am not saying fat isn't attractive but trying to get fatter definitely is. ew.

    I want my husbands hands all over me because "he can't keep his hands off me", not cause I can't reach around my gut to wipe my own *kitten*. sick.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Wow! Being unhappy is having to shout to the world that you are indeed happy as an obese, medicated, constant burden to everyone else! Why is she on a "fitness" site if she doesn't believe in it anyway??
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    She is obviously a very intelligent woman. How could her perspective on health be so skewed?!

    Reciting stats about tax payers, insurance companies and sexual fetishes does not explain the pure stress she is putting on every organ of her body. She's deflecting.

    Honestly, I don't understand the "enjoyment" of not being able to be a self suficient person or even mobile using your own legs. Who would REALLY enjoy that? It's like she willingly admitted herself into a prison.

    Yeah, Prisoner in her own body..... i hate relying on people
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    This can not be unread from my mind.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    wow. . . how can u be happy when u cant move. . . how can u be healthy when u have to take a bunch of medicine?? i think she backs up your theory on mental illness. i mite understand loving food. but purposely trying to gain a ton of weight ther is no sense in that.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    As much as I don't agree with this, when it comes down to it she has every right to do it. This is no different than any other eating disorder. Instead of dressing like a *kitten* she is getting fatter, to each their own. My only concern would be if she has children. I watched a news story about the women who is attempting to get to a 1000 pounds, they showed her child expressing concern that his mother was going do die and leave him. I have a huge issue with that!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    being on medications (plural) is not healthy

    I'll have to respectfully disagree with that statement, if it's meant as a general thing. I take Paxil every day for severe anxiety, because if I don't, I can't do anything because I get so shaky, out of breath, my heart races to a dangerous pace, etc.

    You said you take one medication to help with one thing. She takes medication to help with several things her body should be able to do on its own. My 2 year old son takes medication for reflux, he isn't over weight, he eats healthy, his body was just born with a problem. Needing medication daily to help digest vast amounts of unnecessary food that she chooses to put into her body is not healthy.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I've said it before and I'll say it again...

    Generally, I am very live and let live, but when a fetish puts someone's life in danger, that is pushing it too far. She my get sexual fulfillment from it, but it isn't smart.

    Having said that, she is free to do whatever she will do about it, and we are free to have our own opinions about her situation. I know that I am not happy being overweight. I feel like I can't do anything for any amount of time. I get winded. I can't be active as long as other people, and that drives me truly crazy. I have a hard time believing that ANYONE could be TRULY happy under circumstances such as these.