Insanity workout for 6 weeks and no weight loss. What am i doing wrong?



  • angelface2019
    angelface2019 Posts: 21 Member
    zeejane03 wrote: »
    OP how many calories a day are you eating? Are you using a food scale to measure portion sizes?

    Exercise is nice for health but it has a pretty minimal impact on weight loss. For weight loss you should be focusing on your food intake and making sure you're eating at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals.

    Thank you! Getting feedback ftom this community and with some research i recently started stricly measuring my meals. Hoping to see a change in a week or 2.
  • angelface2019
    angelface2019 Posts: 21 Member
    sarabushby wrote: »
    Regardless of how many workouts you do you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, this can be achieving solely through exercise and not changing your eating but it would be pretty darn hard work to burn enough calories to see a reasonable pace of weight loss.

    Record all your food in your diary, weighing everything, not using cups, spoons or eyeballing it. Log your exercise too and eat back half the calories or so from that, or the full amount if you’re 100% confident that the number is not overestimated. Give that 3 weeks and then I am SURE you will see a difference on the scales.

    I have gained weight despite exercising strenuously 6 days a week, some days double sessions, to train for triathlon. The most critical bit is eating the right number of calories. (I openly admit I’m greedy and relaxed my eating for the last few months) but since watching my calories I have dropped 3lb and another 3 to go.

    Yep. This. I gained up to 5 pounds during the last month or so of marathon training because I was so hungry after long runs I would overeat.

    @susanpiper57 thanks so much. I wasnt strictly measuring nor weighing my meals. I admit i eye balled it. Howver i started weighing recently and hope to see a difference soon. Thanks for the quick feedback!
  • angelface2019
    angelface2019 Posts: 21 Member
    I recently incorporated a low carb diet and IF for the last 2 weeks and still no weight loss although ive lost an inch off my waist but it's just an inch. Any suggestions will be hugely welcomed.
    None of the above matters when it comes to weight loss, what matters is having a calorie deficit. How accurately are you logging your food? Weight loss happens in the kitchen.
    I am thinking i may not be eating enough bt im worried if i eat more than 1500calories i could end up gaining weight.

    Not eating enough is never the answer to why you're not losing weight. If you're not losing weight in the long term you've been eating too much. You're either underestimating your food intake or overestimating your calorie burns.
    Im on my 6th week of insanity and not a single pound of weight loss! I know i shouldnt bother with thr scale but it's frustrating when there is no sign after all the work!
    although ive lost an inch off my waist but it's just an inch.

    Starting new exercise or increasing intensity of exercise can cause water retention, so it might just be you need to be patient but in the meantime it would be wise to focus on what you're eating more than anything else. I'd check out this thread, and also others in the Most Helpful posts in Getting Started and General Health.

    Also an inch off the waist is pretty good going, you didn't gain all your weight overnight, it's not going to come off overnight.

    To answer all the posts about gaining muscle, if you truly are in a deficit you will not gain muscle from doing a few Insanity workouts, especially not enough to counter any weight loss from eating in a deficit. A woman can expect to gain 0.5-1lb of muscle a month, but this requires eating in a surplus, focusing on protein intake and a structured strength training routine (i.e. lifting heavy things regularly). It is one of the biggest diet myths that is bandied about by people willy-nilly.

    Thank you so much for the very detailed and informative feedback @tinkerbellang83. Will check out the link.
  • angelface2019
    angelface2019 Posts: 21 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    Thanks so much @rdthoms. I dont thi k im eating too much perhaps a little too much carbs. However 2 weeks go i dropped all processed carbs and sugars etc. Will check out the app. Thank you!

    If your calories are accurate and on track carbs, sugar and processed foods don't make any difference other than some of the processed foods may be high sodium and cause water retention. It's really all about accurate calories and patience.

    @rdthoms Thanks to this app I've started calculating and counting my caloric intake. I want to build lean muscles eventually so i dropped the carbs for proteins and good fats.

    All muscle is lean muscle. There is no such thing as fatty muscle. Also, carbs are protein and muscle sparing. Fats are the macronutrient most easily stored as fat. You are manipulating things that are unnecessary. First priority: Hit the calorie target. Second priority for building muscle: Hit the protein target. Finally: make sure you are getting a minimum of fats, .35 grams per lb. Carbs are the lowest priority, despite the pop diet and fitness nonsense floating around these days.

    If you are not losing weight, you are not accurate with you calories. End of story. The only other possibility is water weight retention. After 6 weeks in the new exercise program, that should have flushed out. But that is a possibility. But, by your own admission, you were not using a food scale. My bet is on overportioning.

    @mmapags thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated! Im no expert like i mentioned so is no suprise im mixing things up and i have never been on a diet in my life so obviously I've got a lot to learn and long ways to go. But thanks to everyone's detailed feedback to clear up somethings. I will share an update at the end of the month.🙂
  • angelface2019
    angelface2019 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there, I don’t know how much you push yourself on the Insanity workouts but they are hectic and WILL (if done properly) rave up your metabolic rate and build muscles - no ifs or buts. I know as this is my main form of exercise and I achieved an incredible fat (not weight) loss in 6 months!
    So 2 things I would recommend:
    1) don’t judge by the scale but rather take progress photos every week or two.
    2) make sure you are not in too big calories deficit (only 15-20% max). Go on the IIFYM website or similar and calculate what your fat loss calories/macros ratio should be. These calculators are a lot more accurate than MyFitnessPal.
    Lastly, be patient! Changing your body will not happen overnight so enjoy the process!
    All the best

    Extremely useful advice. Thank you so much. Will do. Indeed it will not happen overnight afterall it took me almost 6yrs to gain 20lbs.