My experience: CICO vs. P90x vs. Whole30 vs. Keto vs. OMAD



  • PapillonNoire
    PapillonNoire Posts: 76 Member
    I lost 50 lbs by counting calories and making an effort to increase my activity. I've been maintaining for almost 7 years now. At this point I'm able to fairly accurately eyeball what an appropriate portion is, so I no longer log or measure. I weight myself regularly so I can catch a backslide early and adjust.

    I guess I also technically do 16:8 IF. It's just my natural eating pattern and I've been eating that way since before I knew it had a name.

    I personally couldn't stick with a diet that restricted certain foods. I like to fit in a treat just about everyday and I think I'd be crabby if I had to eliminate them. But like everyone is pointing out, to each their own. Their is no universal WOE that's going to work for everyone- we all just have to find what works for us individually.
  • Hypsibius
    Hypsibius Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for the comments!

    No I should've prefaced better, this is what worked for me. If others can eat whatever they want within restriction and not feel terrible/hungry all the time, more power. When I was eating pastas, breads, cookies -- I consistently overate and/or was starving. I needed something different, and keto worked tremendously well. Overall, I just feel better eating low-carb (even if it's not purely keto).

    I would just highly recommend it to folks here who are having trouble with IIFYM like I was.
  • Hypsibius
    Hypsibius Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I'm an IF practitioner currently on a short-term OMAD assignment and am a firm believer it helps keep unbridled discipline in peak condition which is necessary for success. I have no Keto experience and know myself well enough that I couldn't do it. Anecdotal experiences are great to share with an open-minded audience and I am part of that small audience here. Thanks again and best wishes for your continued success.

    Thanks I appreciate it! You too
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    it helps keep unbridled discipline in peak condition which is necessary for success.

    So what happens when unbridled un-peaks?!?! :confounded: