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30 Pounds and Counting! (Closed Group)



  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    So today was my weigh in and i lost two pounds!! Im excited to see my hard work payoff. I really wanted to see the 170s but hopefully next monday i will. Im still very pleased with the results. I started doing this only two weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds so im pretty proud of myself. I hope everyone is still as motivated as i am and also has good numbers to report. Have a great day everyone!

    Great job!! You will see the 170s next week!! Keep up the hard work and you will get it!
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Way to go! You inspire me - I need to get off my butt and exercise, but first wanted to touch base with people. I've got another goal for this week for myself, which is to drink my 8 glasses of water every day. I have already caught myself a couple times the last few days thinking I want to eat something, only to realize I was just thirsty. Any ideas on making water more appealing or on keeping motivated to get all the H20 in?:drinker: (Let's pretend that's water, not beer :blushing:

    I always find myself not drinking enough at home. If u like lemon in your water, just keep lemon slices in the fridge at home. You will want to use them in your water instead of wasting them which in turn will make u drink more water.
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    So today was my weigh in and i lost two pounds!! Im excited to see my hard work payoff. I really wanted to see the 170s but hopefully next monday i will. Im still very pleased with the results. I started doing this only two weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds so im pretty proud of myself. I hope everyone is still as motivated as i am and also has good numbers to report. Have a great day everyone!

    Great loss and will power at the parties!!
  • happyjacks
    happyjacks Posts: 31 Member
    So today was my weigh in and i lost two pounds!! Im excited to see my hard work payoff. I really wanted to see the 170s but hopefully next monday i will. Im still very pleased with the results. I started doing this only two weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds so im pretty proud of myself. I hope everyone is still as motivated as i am and also has good numbers to report. Have a great day everyone!

  • happyjacks
    happyjacks Posts: 31 Member
    I second the idea of having the water bottle handy. I keep it at my desk and just sip on it all day long (refilling as needed, of course!) I try to drink quite a bit with each meal, or really, whenever I eat - even if it's just my snack.

    Tomorrow is my weekly reporting weigh-in. I am actually looking forward to it! LOL
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Lost 1 pound this week. I was really shooting for 2 because that would have put me at 179 and at the 170s!! Oh well next week is a new week.

    I set up my long term goals last night. Me and my husband talked about my rewards and set some up so now I have some goals in my head :) Also wanted to report that he has lost almost 25 pounds to my 5. He is almost at his goal weight and I am no where close so i hope when he is just maintaining it doesnt throw me off cause he is a really great motivater. And he starts hunting season this next week so he wont be home as much :( He has gotten up and ran this last week and I have maintained my workouts without him in the evenings so hopefully I can keep them up.
    ~~In other words I will need your guys' support!!! :)

    Goals this week:
    16 miles
    2 strength training sessions
    complete daily goals posted on here
  • Happy Day ! Earthquake over (5.8) and hurricane a'comin (Cat 3) ! But I can outrun those suckers now that I am getting in shape :laugh:
  • I will join! I am 5'7 and have lost 25lbs so far, but have another 25-30 left. I have been stuck at 188/187 for 3 weeks. I took last week off (still counted but was over most days), went up to 189, but back down to 188. I try and work out 2 times a week (but its been hard this summer, working like crazy). Anyone got any tips. The first 15 came off SO quick.... and now I am stuck.

    I haven't weighted this weight since 2006/2007 but I want to be down at least another 25lbs. I would LOVE to be 50lbs less, but its hard work..... HELP!

    Know it sounds crazy, but have you tried eating MORE? It could be you are not eating enough & your body is holding onto the reserves that you are trying to shed. When you put your info in MFP, are you under your total calorie count for the day? If you are on target, suggest cutting down on whatever the thing is you are eating the most of (carbs, high-fat, sugar?). Just something to shake it up and wake your body up to the 'I REALLY mean it this time !!' :angry:
  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the water tips, ladies. I need to work on keeping my water bottle nearby at home. I actually like drinking water, but I just forget to do it throughout the day. I think I'll post a note to myself on the fridge, "Drink water first!" since I think I often mistake thirst for hunger.

    It's been a stressful week, but the kids start school tomorrow and I'm hoping that having a more fixed routine will keep me a little calmer and less likely to graze. Haven't gotten on the scale in a few days because I don't want to fixate on the number as much as the good habits. Thinking I'll weigh in next Monday. :happy:
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Lost 1 pound this week. I was really shooting for 2 because that would have put me at 179 and at the 170s!! Oh well next week is a new week.

    I set up my long term goals last night. Me and my husband talked about my rewards and set some up so now I have some goals in my head :) Also wanted to report that he has lost almost 25 pounds to my 5. He is almost at his goal weight and I am no where close so i hope when he is just maintaining it doesnt throw me off cause he is a really great motivater. And he starts hunting season this next week so he wont be home as much :( He has gotten up and ran this last week and I have maintained my workouts without him in the evenings so hopefully I can keep them up.
    ~~In other words I will need your guys' support!!! :)
    Goals this week:
    16 miles
    2 strength training sessions
    complete daily goals posted on here

    We r at the same weight. I was hoping to hit 179 too but didnt. Maybe we can help each other to really stick to our goals this week to achieve the 170s. Also, my husband is tall and thin and has never had to diet his whole life so if i can workout and eat right without him doing it with me, then i know you can do it too once ur husband hits his goal and is away hunting. Come on...lets hang in there and work hard to get to the 170s!!!! :smile:
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    My scale has been stuck for a week in a half :grumble: I finally lost 10 lbs and now the scale won't move. I thought maybe my body needed to adjust...but okay were almost at two weeks here so lets get a move on body..shesh.. I tried lots of water one day -nothing, I tried double exercise one day plus 14 glasses of water- down .2, yesterday by accident I didn't drink enough water - nothing.. I have been craving sweets like crazy and trying hard not to give in since I don't think that particular week is here ye t(if you get my drift) I look up food ahead of time for the 1 time I went out to eat this week...My diary is available to friends....any suggestions?
  • happyjacks
    happyjacks Posts: 31 Member
    I finally made it out of the 180s and into the 170s. Was down 2lbs from last week when I weighed in Wednesday AM. Hopefully the trend continues downward as my hubby and I have a small trip planned 2nd weekend of Sept to go to a concert and I'd like to wear something fun to celebrate my hard work. :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I'm back for a quick second and then back to the wilderness for a week or so. I'll be back for good soon! I hope you are all doing great and I will be sure to read everything when I get back!! I'll give you a full check in when I get back..
    <333 ! :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    No posts in 2 days? This is madness! Well, I'm back for good, though I'm not too happy with where I'm starting at again. I've been bouncing between 163-164.5 for about 3 or so weeks and I am SO ready to not see that on the scale anymore. We will see what weigh in day looks like on Wednesday.. How has everyone been? I'm going to read all the previous posts just to make sure I'm up to date, but responding to all of them would take to long. Just know I did read them! :)
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    I finally made it out of the 180s and into the 170s. Was down 2lbs from last week when I weighed in Wednesday AM. Hopefully the trend continues downward as my hubby and I have a small trip planned 2nd weekend of Sept to go to a concert and I'd like to wear something fun to celebrate my hard work. :)

    Congrats on the 170's!!!
  • happyjacks
    happyjacks Posts: 31 Member
    we were waiting for you to return to start the party! :)

    This week has been good, but I can definitely see that my motivation is tied to the scale, and I know the inevitable slow down of weight loss is looming, so I am debating coming up with an fitness goal that will help keep me motivated beyond the numbers on the scale.

    BUT, on a good note, I am not craving the super sweets and mt dew that I used to consume daily. I changed over from eating fruit daily with lunch to only every few days (to keep my sugars in check). Thus FRUIT actually feels like a true treat as compared to other crappy sugars. Granted, I do still enjoy a serving of ice cream periodically.

    I logged my weight today instead of tomorrow - I forgot it was only tuesday and not wednesday. I was down 2.2 lbs from last week, so hopefully the scale tomorrow is comparable so I don't feel like I cheated. LOL

    I hope everyone is having a good week!!! Keep those water bottles close by! :)
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    Hey everyone, today is my weigh-in day and I am sad to report that I have gained 3.1 pounds! That's right…3.1 (puts me back in the 180's – blast them 180's). I am not shocked by this as I have half assed it for the last 2 weeks as I had a lot going on (I am making excuses – I take full responsibility for the gain) but I am back on track as of yesterday and hoping that the 3.1 will melt off this week as quickly as it was acquired.

    My goals this week is to work out at least 5 days for an hour a day and up my water intake. Hope everyone else had a more successful week then myself.
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member

    Ok I totally forgot to post that I lost 1 pound last week so that puts me at 179 and into the 170's!! So happy to be there but I really want to start seeing at least 2 on the weight loss per week. I have a long weekend so I hope that I can get 3 good, long and intense work outs done. I have been really good to get some good work outs done during the weekend because I know if I dont I probably wont reach my goal of working out 5 days a week. (I am pretty busy during the week)

    My husband got me a juicer for my birthday and have been experimenting with some juicing. Lots to learn about what to juice and what combinations are good together. Thinking of doing a reboot juicing fast. Here is the link I have been looking into. Watched a netfix movie on this guy and It was SSOOO interesting: http://jointhereboot.com/
    I would love some thoughts that you guys might have on this subject. I have not gone all day with just juicing but on the weekends I have replaced 2 meals with juice and feel incredible throughout the day :)
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    No posts in 2 days? This is madness! Well, I'm back for good, though I'm not too happy with where I'm starting at again. I've been bouncing between 163-164.5 for about 3 or so weeks and I am SO ready to not see that on the scale anymore. We will see what weigh in day looks like on Wednesday.. How has everyone been? I'm going to read all the previous posts just to make sure I'm up to date, but responding to all of them would take to long. Just know I did read them! :)

    Good to have you back!! There were a few cob webs growing on the thread :laugh:
    You can do it!! You have a great start already and know what you need to do to keep the weight coming off! You are so close to the 150's!!!! Just keep that number in your head for motivation!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    we were waiting for you to return to start the party! :)

    This week has been good, but I can definitely see that my motivation is tied to the scale, and I know the inevitable slow down of weight loss is looming, so I am debating coming up with an fitness goal that will help keep me motivated beyond the numbers on the scale.

    BUT, on a good note, I am not craving the super sweets and mt dew that I used to consume daily. I changed over from eating fruit daily with lunch to only every few days (to keep my sugars in check). Thus FRUIT actually feels like a true treat as compared to other crappy sugars. Granted, I do still enjoy a serving of ice cream periodically.

    I logged my weight today instead of tomorrow - I forgot it was only tuesday and not wednesday. I was down 2.2 lbs from last week, so hopefully the scale tomorrow is comparable so I don't feel like I cheated. LOL

    I hope everyone is having a good week!!! Keep those water bottles close by! :)

    Water bottle right in front of me :) Great job on the loss this week. Also I know what you mean when you say you dont crave the sugar any more. I tried to eat a piece of cake on my birthday and couldnt even finish it cause it was so sweet!!
    Keep up the great work!