20D by Halloween Challenge: WEEK ONE



  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Back from being out all afternoon. Got my strength training, cardio, and water intake for the day. :D However, I did felt the earthquake as I was running on the treadmill. I thought it was me. :laugh:

    Anyway, did some food shopping and grabbed some lunch. Now I need to reach my net calories for the day and I'm golden. However, I do need to double check my sodium. If I'm a little too high... WATER TIME! :huh:
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    What a productive day! Got lots of wedding planning stuff done. I am getting so excited!

    I have no idea how I have done this 2 days in a row, but I have a diminished appetite that is making it hard to get in my daily calories. I still have about 500 that I need to eat and that is after dinner. Here is my menu for today:

    B: Honey Nut Cheerios & 2% milk
    L: 1/2 Tuna salad on honey wheat & low-fat lemon chicken orzo soup from Panera, coffee
    D: Tuna Helper with broccoli & cauliflower

    I have lots more water to drink and I am trying, just kinda got distracted with all the running around today.

    The only exercise I did today was some crunches, some push-ups, and some flutter kicks. I think it is the stomach virus I had, still making me feel puny, but I'm sure in a few days I'll all of a sudden be ravenous! I know hormones play a big part, I just hope I can handle it when I get to that point where I want to eat everything in sight!

    How was everyone else's day?
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    Day two has been fun! I left early this morning so my children and I could get dropped off for my sons hearing aid appointment. So i was only able to walk arpound town with the kids for a hour.

    But tomorrow will be so much better :)
  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    An hour kicking it with the kids is great! Be proud! Go team three!
  • paulaGetshealthy
    Struggling with snacking! I want everything in sight recently. I've yet to exercise tonight, but I plan on doing the 30DS and at least 20 mins on the treadmill :)
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Spent some more time bike riding with my daughter today. I :heart: doing that. We chat the whole time and laugh and giggle! Best workout ever...at least emotionally lol
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Today seemed hard. Wasn't motivated, felt tired/sluggish and had hellish cravings for salt and chocolate.

    Went to massage therapy today, worked on my foot (plantar fasciitis) and lower right back (strained this w/e lifting 50 lb box of cat litter to put under cart). That always wipes me out.

    Came home, ate dinner and lazed on the couch. Finally got up on the treadmill and, once past my first 20 min (always want to quit) I just zoomed along. Even tried running at walking speed to see if I could successfully run on the treadmill (always been scared to). Worked out mighty fine. Will now do c25k on treadmill.

    Definitely got my water in today- that is the one thing I didn't struggle with.

    Hope the rest of team #5 is kicking butt!!
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    Bad day for me today. Ate bad and messed my back up, so I did not exercise. I plan onworking out extra either tomorrow or on Saturday.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I've been doing some pretty good workouts this week. Did a double cardio workout on monday with running/spin and yesterday did a run and a personal trainer session. Bad part is though that I went out with the girls last night and there was alcohol and nachos. Those things still have a hold on me!! :sad: Today I'm super sore, but will try to at least get in a good power walk. I also walk around all day at work, so here's hoping last night doesn't have too much of a negative effect.

    Keep up the good work everyone (especially team 6!)
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    So I weigh myself this morning and came up with 224.5 (which is a .5 loss since Sunday). I know I should be happy but also disappointed because I had my MFP programed to lose 2 pounds a week. Yeah I cheated badly on Sunday with the buffet and cocktail and missed a day due to the washer drama but I've worked so hard to only get a .5 pound loss.

    I know if I created a thread about this, some of the members of MFP would just laugh about it so it's good to rant it here. :cry:
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    ezak & Bee, I think it's good (and somewhat necessary) to splurge sometimes! I think one splurge day per week shouldn't throw you off too bad. I think it makes being very disciplined the rest of the week a lot easier. That being said, you probably should set a limit for your splurge. And... track EVERY bite, EVERY sip. I know it's hard and I am extremely guilty of not writing down everything I eat. Seeing a lower number makes me feel better when I go over but then I am surprised when I see the scale.

    Bee, is TOM around the corner? You know sometimes that can affect your weigh in. A loss is a loss though!!! Don't get discouraged!

    I haven't been working out this week but I have been trying to have a very healthy eating week and really working on that aspect of my diet. I have been pretty good about working out lately, but not so much about eating, and I have been on a plateau for months. I think it is time to really FOCUS on my eating for a while until I drop a few pounds. I am going to keep the exercise light for these two weeks, but September 1st starts the Cto5K program. I am excited about that!

    Hope everyone has a great day! I am meeting a friend for brunch so hopefully I will make good choices.
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone.. can I still join??? I really need some motivation.. I've fallen off track big time and just gained half the weight I worked so hard to loose and now I want to start loosing again but need some kicks in the butt so I'd really like to join a team :)
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    ezak & Bee, I think it's good (and somewhat necessary) to splurge sometimes! I think one splurge day per week shouldn't throw you off too bad. I think it makes being very disciplined the rest of the week a lot easier. That being said, you probably should set a limit for your splurge. And... track EVERY bite, EVERY sip. I know it's hard and I am extremely guilty of not writing down everything I eat. Seeing a lower number makes me feel better when I go over but then I am surprised when I see the scale.

    Bee, is TOM around the corner? You know sometimes that can affect your weigh in. A loss is a loss though!!! Don't get discouraged!

    I haven't been working out this week but I have been trying to have a very healthy eating week and really working on that aspect of my diet. I have been pretty good about working out lately, but not so much about eating, and I have been on a plateau for months. I think it is time to really FOCUS on my eating for a while until I drop a few pounds. I am going to keep the exercise light for these two weeks, but September 1st starts the Cto5K program. I am excited about that!

    Hope everyone has a great day! I am meeting a friend for brunch so hopefully I will make good choices.

    If my reproductive system agrees with me, it should happen sometime this weekend or the beginning of next week. My periods are usually very irregular that it can go a couple of months without it. When I had my period at the beginning of the month, I went on water overload yet stayed within my range for the day, going over by a couple of calories once. I end up losing 2.5 pounds by week's end.
  • SadieLuvzWolvez
    YEA TEAM 3!!! *sigh* its hard to get in all the water i need when im not a big fan of tap water, but as long as its cold i guess ill live! :3
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    That's really good Bee! Good for you staying on plan... that's a hard time to do it. I always get bloated and feel "fat" bc I gain up to 4lbs of water weight. Frustrating!!!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    That's really good Bee! Good for you staying on plan... that's a hard time to do it. I always get bloated and feel "fat" bc I gain up to 4lbs of water weight. Frustrating!!!

    I know what you mean!

    Just returned from the gym and kicked @$$ at Spinning today! :smokin: If I didn't work out today (Wednesdays are usually rest days), my pre-workout banana would've been my last meal because my net calorie balance went to 0. Now I have about 700+ calories left to eat, enough for a piece of salmon and whatever veggies I can think of.

    Plus I'll be at water cups #13 and #14 tonite. :drinker:
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72

    Friend me!! Friend others you see on the threads!! Ask to join a team!! Anything!!

    I am getting lots of emails about people wanting to join a team. You don't have to go through me to join a team. Pick a team, email a member, and then hopefully they will let you join. (I can't see any of these wonderful people turning anyone away!) Then you'll just pick up with whatever that team is doing.

    Hope this helps as I'm really slow on the replies! ;)
  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Teams 4, 5 & 6...would anyone allow me to join their teams??! Jackee said y'all had only 7 and that I should check with y'all about joining...

    I'd LOVE to join this challenge!!

    Please let me know!!

    I already started doing really well this week, so I am right there with y'all...

    THANK YOU!!!!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Hey Teams 4, 5 & 6...would anyone allow me to join their teams??! Jackee said y'all had only 7 and that I should check with y'all about joining...

    I'd LOVE to join this challenge!!

    Please let me know!!

    I already started doing really well this week, so I am right there with y'all...

    THANK YOU!!!!

    Does everyone on Team 4 okay with EMQuinn621 joining?
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Hey Teams 4, 5 & 6...would anyone allow me to join their teams??! Jackee said y'all had only 7 and that I should check with y'all about joining...

    I'd LOVE to join this challenge!!

    Please let me know!!

    I already started doing really well this week, so I am right there with y'all...

    THANK YOU!!!!

    Does everyone on Team 4 okay with EMQuinn621 joining?

    No argument here! The more the merrier!

    I didn't have the best food day today but I worked out twice (this is def a first for me!). In the morning I did a kettlebell workout and after dinner I did some Wii Zumba. I went over on fat and protein today but came in under on calories, and I think I probably drank about 12 glasses of water!!!