How to break up with him...?



  • paulaGetshealthy
    send him a text message telling him you are allergic to him.

    hahahahahahahahaha, I wish that worked!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    OK no one is interested in channeling Steve Martin?

    Say, "I break with thee. I break with thee. I break with thee." Then you throw dog poop on his shoes.
  • SAR1L
    SAR1L Posts: 51 Member
    Emotionally this is challenging, you may feel guilty, gutted, etc. But I split after 2 year relationship just couple weeks back. Nice girl, etc etc, but I wasn't happy... actually i was so stressed by the unhappiness of the relationship I was on a low does of blood pressure meds.

    Thing is though, do it, get it over with, make it final, part ways, clean fast break. I told my ex how I felt, I honestly don't even miss her, I gave up a ton of comforts, and benefits that the relationship had to offer, and don't miss those either.

    So now two weeks later, off bp meds, and blood pressure is normal, I am much better off, and she is fine to. No matter how scared you may be to do it, sticking with it or sicking in it longer, wastes more time, causes more pain etc.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    OK no one is interested in channeling Steve Martin?

    Say, "I break with thee. I break with thee. I break with thee." Then you throw dog poop on his shoes.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    eek, you got involved with a co-worker?! =/
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    If you still like him maybe you could go back to the way things were when you were just seeing each other. Just tell him you aren't ready to be in a committed relationship because you have some things to work out. You should mention the money as well if it happens again, and refuse if it makes you uncomfortable. Since you work with him you'll want to be gentle regardless of how you end it because you don't want to have hard feelings with a co-worker.

    I just think you should do what's right for you. If he cares about you he will understand.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    eek, you got involved with a co-worker?! =/

    Yeah... don't do that again *LOL*
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Be straightforward and honest, but if you really want to end it, don't leave it with a dot dot for ending. I know all about bring attracted to the bad boy. Hell, I married mine. I hope he doesn't call you names or act like a douche at work.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I don't think we're a 'right' fit in this kind of relationship. Perhaps we'd be better off as friends.

    That's perfect....

    You really don't owe him much this early in the game. Especially not money *LOL* Can't believe he asked. Use it as a lesson and move along :)

    And whatever you do - do not text or email a break-up for crumb sake!

    Just let him know you're not feeling this relationship now. Don't get sucked into a debate over why you should stay or not. If you're not comfortable, make a clean break before it gets tougher to get out of.

    Good luck! : )
  • had3nuf
    had3nuf Posts: 59
    Talk to to him again....if he doesn't listen, or even attempt to change....sever contact...well, as much as you can. Be work with him..he could make things difficult...even tell people you buy "pot". Just be careful..and good luck.
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    This is what i'd do, don't know if it will help but here goes.......Invite him for a coffee somewhere neutral, and explain all your concerns, say that you've realised you're not ready to persue this relationship at this time, that you really want to stay friends. Make it clear that friends don't do the stuff he's been doing, that you'll be there to support him emotionally but not financially. :smile: You sound a very caring person, so i think you'll need to be kind but very firm if only to prevent you caving...good luck with how ever you do this. :flowerforyou:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    at the risk of sounding nasty, it would appear he is a loser!

    You are so early on in the relationship, that it should (hopefully) not be too emotional and he would be more likely to take the news better... so just be honest with him and tell him that you don't feel you can continue the relationship
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    and don't be too overly concerned with his feelings - he's a big boy and will survive.

    He will! You may both even be able to laugh about it in future. Good luck.
  • lei111
    lei111 Posts: 2
    We can't judge you simply because we've all been in a difficult situation similar to this (or been on the other end?) first things first, you're definitely doing the right thing by ending it, the longer it goes on, the harder it will be (for both of you really because you'll have the stress of putting up with him and he'll have more time to think back over the duration that you were together and could possibly react badly).

    I would just sit him down, in a public ish place (if you are a bit worried about him creating a scene, its always best to be in front of people that could be on hand to help if god forbid it went wrong) and just openly tell him what you've told us (minus the words pothead lol) just explain you're not quite ready, and it wouldn't be fair to drag him along.

    Good luck dear!
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    Tell him how you feel as you have described (pot, money, feeling uncomfortable - don't say too much about his work habits as you are not his manager) with the exception of that he ignores you at work. That I can understand. Perhaps, by breaking it off, he will pay more attention to you knowing that you are no longer a couple.

    Look for someone outside of work?
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I think you should just tell him you are trying to lose some annoying unwanted weight...
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    I think you should just tell him you are trying to lose some annoying unwanted weight...
    Haha, this is the best one so far :laugh:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I'm personally not a big fan of the "Let's just be friends" thing. If it works and you can truly be friends, that's fabulous. I've never been able to pull it off before when the person breaking up with me has said that. (That could be my own problem, I'm willing to admit.) If you say it, mean it. Do you want him as a friend?

    It's going to be hard working with him once you break up, but honesty is definitely the best way to go. You can't control what he says about you. You can, however, control what *you* say and how *you* act. If he slams you, don't retaliate. Take the moral high road, as it were. You're more likely to keep the respect of your coworkers that way.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    OK no one is interested in channeling Steve Martin?

    Say, "I break with thee. I break with thee. I break with thee." Then you throw dog poop on his shoes.

    This is the best advice in the world. My roommate and I listened to this ^ all the time freshman year of college.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Leave my picture on your night stand; next to your vibrator.