Is 1200 calories/day sustainable?



  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    In fact, technically, from a botanical standpoint, grains are fruits. So no rice, bread or pasta with your veggies either!

    (Though I'm guessing that whoever made up the stricture was thinking in terms of the culinary definition, which is mostly about which things taste sweet)
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I'd settle at around 1350 calories, OP, for the first 4 or 5 weeks and then re-assess. Focus on nutrition as well as calories so that you get the most bang for your calorie buck. Aim for at least 400 of those calories to be spent on protein. Get enough fat (~40 g or so). For your carbohydrate choices, look for whole grains, legumes (which will help meet the protein goal as well), vegetables and whole fruits. If you can tolerate dairy, this is a good food item to include for both protein and calcium.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    If I could make a suggestion, why not set yourself to maintenance calories for one week out of the month, since you know you crave more food then? If you eat a little more you may not be tempted to binge, and maintaining means you are not undoing your hard work the rest of the month, just slowing things down for a week.

    Yes, many women eat at maintenance premenstrually.

    Increased appetite is actually my first and sometimes only sign that my period is imminent. I used to satisfy that with 1200 calories of Ben & Jerry's but have since learned one extra meal or an extra snack and larger meals will do the trick for less calories.

    I wasn't actually craving ice cream - my body just needs more food at this time as my metabolism revs up in preparation.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    edited March 2019
    serinaster wrote: »
    I've had folks tell me 1200 calories is basically starvation.


    Trust me. It's no where near.

    What sort of workout are you doing to burn 200 calories in 20 min?

    Depends on individual goals. I need about 2,200-2,400 to maintain so slashing that to 1,200 does feel pretty terrible for me! But I'm almost 6 ft tall and reasonably active.

    Evidently 1,200 calories is about what a toddler eats. I'm not sure if it's true but I remember blinking when I read that!

    Personally, I try not to eat less than my BMR--OP, like others have said, figure out your TDEE and choose a deficit that feels good for you.
  • serinaster
    serinaster Posts: 17 Member
    Maxxitt wrote: »
    I'd settle at around 1350 calories, OP, for the first 4 or 5 weeks and then re-assess. Focus on nutrition as well as calories so that you get the most bang for your calorie buck. Aim for at least 400 of those calories to be spent on protein. Get enough fat (~40 g or so). For your carbohydrate choices, look for whole grains, legumes (which will help meet the protein goal as well), vegetables and whole fruits. If you can tolerate dairy, this is a good food item to include for both protein and calcium.

    At 1350 would I eat back my exercise calories on days I do workout?
  • thanos5
    thanos5 Posts: 513 Member
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    You can’t beat a nice omelette.


  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited March 2019
    serinaster wrote: »
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    82EC wrote: »
    I think more important than the calorie number is whether you are getting all the nutrition you need from your diet. If you stick to low calorie veggies, fruit, lean protein and drink only water you might find you can maintain 1200 without starving or being malnourished. I know it goes against what a lot of people here will say though, so watch me as I get flamed....

    You can maintain 1200 without being malnourished, yes - but not on this diet, which completely misses out a major macronutrient.

    I strongly recommend not taking dietary advice from someone who doesn’t realise that fat is essential to good health.

    My enemy right now is not fat but carbs... and sugar! I end up going over my daily macros for carbs and barely hitting my protein and fat macros. I did subscribe to MFP in order to figure out what the carbs culprits are so I can switch them out with more protein and fat dense alternatives. I was looking to quit dairy (I drink like 2 cups of whole milk a day and one flavored Greek yogurt) but that affected my calcium. I'm iron and vitamin D deficient so I'm taking OTC supplements. I do tend to stress eat candy and that is where I waste some of my nutrients.

    So any advise on foods I could incorporate would be appreciated! I've googled this to death and still feel a bit clueless. I have a desk job and I hate cold foods. I dont meal plan and sometimes have gone to work without packing snacks which is how I end up sabotaging my calories. I bought some vegan protein powder and am hoping to start making smoothies. Mostly with berries and a banana to avoid excess fruit sugars. I've read I shouldn't mix fruit and veggies... otherwise I was looking to add either spinanch or spring mix to the smoothies. And I also measured my last smoothie that was sans protein powder and it was 500 calories so I know I gotta watch that.

    You can definitely mix fruit together with vegetables! I have a green smoothie several times a week, which is a mix of berries, a banana, kale and then 0% fat greek yogurt. The banana flavor hides the flavor of the kale :D
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    For me when I'm strict about meal planning and not drinking, 1,200 is sustainable. I get great results and tend to eat really healthy. 1,200 is not the way I intend to live my life forever but it's great for now and the way I am living. But when I'm at the first goal, about 50 lbs down, I will loosen up those calories to find a good balance where I'm still losing but having a little bit more freedom.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    serinaster wrote: »
    Maxxitt wrote: »
    I'd settle at around 1350 calories, OP, for the first 4 or 5 weeks and then re-assess. Focus on nutrition as well as calories so that you get the most bang for your calorie buck. Aim for at least 400 of those calories to be spent on protein. Get enough fat (~40 g or so). For your carbohydrate choices, look for whole grains, legumes (which will help meet the protein goal as well), vegetables and whole fruits. If you can tolerate dairy, this is a good food item to include for both protein and calcium.

    At 1350 would I eat back my exercise calories on days I do workout?

    MFP uses the NEAT method (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), and as such this system is designed for exercise calories to be eaten back. However, many consider the burns given by MFP to be inflated for them and only eat a percentage, such as 50%, back. Others, however, are able to lose weight while eating 100% of their exercise calories.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Besides the not mixing of fruits and veggies, which others have already addressed as a silly arbitrary rule, I’m curious about your mention of drinking warm water in your OP? Why do you believe this would be noteworthy? Do you believe there are some benefits of drinking warm water? Spoiler alert - there aren’t any
  • Liamsm0m
    Liamsm0m Posts: 102 Member
    When I eat veggies & have healthy fats and proteins I find I eat far less often, going under my calorie suggestion. Sometimes I’ll force myself to eat something tiny to get extra in but lately if I don’t feel hunger, I don’t eat. So... I’m still here and I seem to be ok. :)
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    serinaster wrote: »
    Maxxitt wrote: »
    I'd settle at around 1350 calories, OP, for the first 4 or 5 weeks and then re-assess. Focus on nutrition as well as calories so that you get the most bang for your calorie buck. Aim for at least 400 of those calories to be spent on protein. Get enough fat (~40 g or so). For your carbohydrate choices, look for whole grains, legumes (which will help meet the protein goal as well), vegetables and whole fruits. If you can tolerate dairy, this is a good food item to include for both protein and calcium.

    At 1350 would I eat back my exercise calories on days I do workout?

    I'd start with adding 100 - 150 calories on days I work out.

    Also aim for a reasonable rate of loss. For me, that's a half pound to a pound a week. More than that requires too steep a deficit.
  • serinaster
    serinaster Posts: 17 Member
    serinaster wrote: »
    According to my smart watch, I burn on average 1500 - 1800 calories/day. I currently weigh 161 lbs at 5 ft 3. I'm female and almost 40. My ideal BMI weight is 135 but the last time I was that weight I looked malnourished so I'd settle for 145. I've been struggling with losing 15 lbs for almost 10 years now. I tried intermittent fasting and went down to 151, but thanks to PMS among other things, I end up eating like crazy for a week out of the month.

    Should I shoot for 1200 calories or 1500? I do workout like 3 -5 days a week for 20-30 min and burn on average 200 calories. I also like to drink warm water but I think I may have been drinking distilled water instead since sometimes the water on my electric kettle is almost close to boiling so I add some more from my brita pitcher.

    I've had folks tell me 1200 calories is basically starvation. Any advice on how to get the weight off and stay off would be appreciated!

    I have been at this crossroads myself recently

    I eat clean most of the time so struggle with eating 'enough' calories if that makes sense. Recently I have made a conscious effort (on advice) to up my protein and my training. By upping protein it seems to have upped my calories and gives me the extra push (maybe subconscious) to train harder.

    I'm almost 2 weeks into the changes and so far they seem to be working for me.

    I think so long as you are getting the nutritional value in your meals then calories aren't everything I have found.

    Sorry if this post is as clear as mud as I am 18 months into my journey so due to body changes I am trying to figure it out myself hahah

    Ha... I get it/you! I happen to run across your post and was exhausted after reading it...LOL. I do think you've done a great job on your weight loss journey, but also get how frustrating being so close yet not so close to your ideal weight can be!

    I kinda feel I'm getting conflicting advise too on calories so I'm trying to figure out what works for me. Unlike you, I haven't been as religious nor accurate in tracking my calories. So I've started measuring everything... amazing how small a 3 oz serving of chicken is! Also started measuring the olive oil I use when I'm making eggs and it's an eye opener to see how quickly sometimes calories can add up! Seeing how much junk food does rob me of eating healthy more filling meals is inspiring me to start eating clean and whole foods. So I think in actuality I may have been consuming upwards of 1400. I too need to increase my protein so am going to start making smart food choices and see where it leads me.