Losing weight after pregnancy



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,939 Member
    Incidentally, 6 months with a 500 Cal deficit is 26lbs of weight loss.
  • lemonwater1
    lemonwater1 Posts: 72 Member
    Wtf. I wouldn’t take the meds. Meet with a lactation cosuktant- you can probably get more of a supply by supplementing less. Breastfeeding is supply and demand. Breastfeeding exclusively burns about 500 calories per day. Plus, at 5 days pp your weight is going to be off, you probably still have a lot of water weight on board. But, you just had a baby! Don’t stress so much about weight loss! Enjoy your new little one. Congratulations!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    aes1219 wrote: »
    I'm 2.5 months postpartum and down 40 lbs from when I delivered (I gained 19 lbs during pregnancy). I was able to start exercising a week and a half postpartum (approved by my doctor) and have been eating healthy. The weight just seems to be falling off. Everyone is different though. I would just try and eat healthy, take care of yourself and your sweet little baby. Exercise if that is something you enjoy (when you are cleared to exercise). And give youself grace. You just grew and delivered a tiny human which is pretty amazing!

    I was 125 before pregnancy which took me months to get to that weight and then ended pregnancy at 180 and I'm currently at 156. Lost quite a bit but still have a lot to go to get to prepregnancy weight. I've been cleared to diet, doctor even prescribed phentermine to help jumpstart my weight loss but I refuse to take that and you can't take it and breastfeed anyways.

    This is shocking to me. There is no way it's healthy to be eating at a deficit and taking phentermine 1 week after giving birth, I have nothing nice to say about your doctor right now.

    You mentioned in one of your threads that you are supplementing BFing because you aren't producing enough milk. It's quite possible your supply is low because you aren't eating enough.

    Most of the women I've seen post about it here have eaten their maintenance level calories and allow the breastfeeding to create their deficit for at least 6 months. Producing milk can burn in excess of 500 cals per day for some women. Congratulations BTW :smile:

    Yeah I was confused as well on why the doctor prescribed it but I have no interest or need for it. It's not cause I'm eating too little, I didn't produce enough with my first son either. It's just my body I guess. I'm not eating at a deficit right now, plus I eat lactation cookies and bars as well.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Wtf. I wouldn’t take the meds. Meet with a lactation cosuktant- you can probably get more of a supply by supplementing less. Breastfeeding is supply and demand. Breastfeeding exclusively burns about 500 calories per day. Plus, at 5 days pp your weight is going to be off, you probably still have a lot of water weight on board. But, you just had a baby! Don’t stress so much about weight loss! Enjoy your new little one. Congratulations!

    Thank you and I have met with one. I've tried everything. Unfortunately I'm just one of those women that can't produce enough. Tried oatmeal and more water, fenugreek and lactation bars, cookies and teas, flax seeds, etc. yeah I didn't even get the prescription filled.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    aes1219 wrote: »
    aes1219 wrote: »
    I'm 2.5 months postpartum and down 40 lbs from when I delivered (I gained 19 lbs during pregnancy). I was able to start exercising a week and a half postpartum (approved by my doctor) and have been eating healthy. The weight just seems to be falling off. Everyone is different though. I would just try and eat healthy, take care of yourself and your sweet little baby. Exercise if that is something you enjoy (when you are cleared to exercise). And give youself grace. You just grew and delivered a tiny human which is pretty amazing!

    I was 125 before pregnancy which took me months to get to that weight and then ended pregnancy at 180 and I'm currently at 156. Lost quite a bit but still have a lot to go to get to prepregnancy weight. I've been cleared to diet, doctor even prescribed phentermine to help jumpstart my weight loss but I refuse to take that and you can't take it and breastfeed anyways.

    The weight is already falling off you if you have lost that much weight so quickly! Just keep breastfeeding and eating healthy. How tall are you?

    Take this time and focus on your baby. Don't waste time worrying about losing weight. You will never get this time back with your newborn baby.

    I'm 5'3
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    It's only been 5 days! Your hormones are through the roof right now and sleep deprivation, plus breastfeeding if you are doing so, can take a huge toll on your body. Also keep in mind that you are still healing and will naturally continue to lose weight up to 6-8 weeks postpartum as your body continues to get rid of excess fluids and swelling. Please please please talk with your doctor before diving into weight loss this soon after giving birth.

    Thank you. I actually did talk to my doctor and get cleared. She prescribed me phentermine but I don't want to take it plus you shouldn't take it and breastfeed.

    What kind of doctor gives a 1 week postpartum breastfeeding woman a prescription for phentermine?
    puffbrat wrote: »
    It's only been 5 days! Your hormones are through the roof right now and sleep deprivation, plus breastfeeding if you are doing so, can take a huge toll on your body. Also keep in mind that you are still healing and will naturally continue to lose weight up to 6-8 weeks postpartum as your body continues to get rid of excess fluids and swelling. Please please please talk with your doctor before diving into weight loss this soon after giving birth.

    Thank you. I actually did talk to my doctor and get cleared. She prescribed me phentermine but I don't want to take it plus you shouldn't take it and breastfeed.

    What kind of doctor gives a 1 week postpartum breastfeeding woman a prescription for phentermine?

    That was exactly what I was about to post! :huh: :noway: :grumble:
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Wow on the drug prescription!

    Yeah not entirely sure why she prescribed it, I won't get it filled. I wasn't sure what it was entirely when she prescribed it but I looked it up because she gave a very vague description on what it was.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    f1tforever wrote: »
    One week! After 3 babies, please give yourself time . I wouldnt look at the scale and just focus on healing from birth and bonding with your new baby until your 6 week appointment. Your body is going through a temoundous change getting your organs all back in place and with feeding/sleep schedule off. Give yourself at least 6 weeks and congratulations

    Thank you. I'll definitely wait to get back into it, my doctor did clear me to diet but I'll give it a few!

    Is this by chance the same doctor that prescribed you phentermine one week post partum? If you are already having supply issues as you mentioned in your other thread I would highly advice against eating at a calorie deficit. Additionally, I would seek the guidance of a lactation consultant who has a better understanding of your needs and how dietary changes impact your supply. I don't mean to be so blunt but just like with pregnancy you have to remember it's not all about you, but you and your baby. Yes, everyone wants to look nice, but you just had a baby and that baby is 100% dependent on you. This is not the time to stress over your physical appearance and restrict calories. You've lost the weight in the past so you know its possible to do it again. Give your body some time. You may be pleasantly surprised at the amount you lose simply from caring for a new baby.

    Yes same doctor. I'm not eating at a deficit or anything yet! I see a lactation consult already, did with my first as well. Unfortunately I'm just one of those women that can't produce enough. I've tried everything.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    It might be time to look for a new doctor. ;)

    Unfortunately that's the only doctor I can have. I have active duty military insurance called tricare and they have certain doctors in their network they accept and no one else and they pick your doctor. That's the only way they'll cover it.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    As a momma who also had supply issues but tried for 6 months because I felt like I needed to for my preemie baby (all pumping because at the beginning he was too little to suck so had a feeding tube) - getting no sleep from pumping every 3 hours 24/7 plus having a newborn and trying everything the lactation consultants said and still only getting like 4 oz for a whole day to show for it, I want to tell you what I really needed to hear but no one told me: if BF doesn't work out, it is ok to stop. Fed is best. I didn't stop until my son was back in the hospital at 6 months old and I had a bit of a breakdown so the nurses and my mom sent me home. My mom said have a glass of wine, get a full night's sleep, take care of yourself instead. I needed someone to give me permission I guess, but it was the right decision. I still felt immense guilt for a while but looking back I am glad I did what was right for my family at that time.

    So try for a while, breastfeeding takes work - but always know that if it doesn't work out, it is ok to stop. You aren't a bad mom for stopping.

    Thank you for saying this! I didn't produce enough with my first (born at 36 weeks for preeclampsia) and still breastfed until he was 8 months because I felt like my little bit was still better than no breastmilk at all. My son now is a preemie as well! Born at 34 weeks but he was big enough (6lbs 8.8 ozs) and I got a shot in my back to help his lungs to develop. I also feel the same obligation because he is a preemie and needs the extra antibodies from my breastmilk. I'll probably keep on feeding for months even though there's not much. But I supplement with formula. I give him both breasts at first then formula. I can't pump unfortunately, for some reason my breasts don't take to pumps. But I can manually express milk from my breasts.
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    edited March 2019
    As a momma who also had supply issues but tried for 6 months because I felt like I needed to for my preemie baby (all pumping because at the beginning he was too little to suck so had a feeding tube) - getting no sleep from pumping every 3 hours 24/7 plus having a newborn and trying everything the lactation consultants said and still only getting like 4 oz for a whole day to show for it, I want to tell you what I really needed to hear but no one told me: if BF doesn't work out, it is ok to stop. Fed is best. I didn't stop until my son was back in the hospital at 6 months old and I had a bit of a breakdown so the nurses and my mom sent me home. My mom said have a glass of wine, get a full night's sleep, take care of yourself instead. I needed someone to give me permission I guess, but it was the right decision. I still felt immense guilt for a while but looking back I am glad I did what was right for my family at that time.

    So try for a while, breastfeeding takes work - but always know that if it doesn't work out, it is ok to stop. You aren't a bad mom for stopping.

    Thank you for saying this! I didn't produce enough with my first (born at 36 weeks for preeclampsia) and still breastfed until he was 8 months because I felt like my little bit was still better than no breastmilk at all. My son now is a preemie as well! Born at 34 weeks but he was big enough (6lbs 8.8 ozs) and I got a shot in my back to help his lungs to develop. I also feel the same obligation because he is a preemie and needs the extra antibodies from my breastmilk. I'll probably keep on feeding for months even though there's not much. But I supplement with formula. I give him both breasts at first then formula. I can't pump unfortunately, for some reason my breasts don't take to pumps. But I can manually express milk from my breasts.

    I'm a preeclampsia mom too! He was a 30 weeker and I also had the shot (which was amazing, because he was able to cry when born even though so early). Pre-e needs to have more awareness. Fortunately my son is 3 now and a very fun kid! 😀

    I had no blood pressure problems before pregnancy. But ever since the preeclampsia I have had to be on blood pressure meds. It's a common lasting complication. It is actually part of why I'm trying to lose more weight now, and change my diet because I would like to get off of or at least reduce my meds if possible.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    As a momma who also had supply issues but tried for 6 months because I felt like I needed to for my preemie baby (all pumping because at the beginning he was too little to suck so had a feeding tube) - getting no sleep from pumping every 3 hours 24/7 plus having a newborn and trying everything the lactation consultants said and still only getting like 4 oz for a whole day to show for it, I want to tell you what I really needed to hear but no one told me: if BF doesn't work out, it is ok to stop. Fed is best. I didn't stop until my son was back in the hospital at 6 months old and I had a bit of a breakdown so the nurses and my mom sent me home. My mom said have a glass of wine, get a full night's sleep, take care of yourself instead. I needed someone to give me permission I guess, but it was the right decision. I still felt immense guilt for a while but looking back I am glad I did what was right for my family at that time.

    So try for a while, breastfeeding takes work - but always know that if it doesn't work out, it is ok to stop. You aren't a bad mom for stopping.

    Thank you for saying this! I didn't produce enough with my first (born at 36 weeks for preeclampsia) and still breastfed until he was 8 months because I felt like my little bit was still better than no breastmilk at all. My son now is a preemie as well! Born at 34 weeks but he was big enough (6lbs 8.8 ozs) and I got a shot in my back to help his lungs to develop. I also feel the same obligation because he is a preemie and needs the extra antibodies from my breastmilk. I'll probably keep on feeding for months even though there's not much. But I supplement with formula. I give him both breasts at first then formula. I can't pump unfortunately, for some reason my breasts don't take to pumps. But I can manually express milk from my breasts.

    I'm a preeclampsia mom too! He was a 30 weeker and I also had the shot (which was amazing, because he was able to cry when born even though so early). Pre-e needs to have more awareness. Fortunately my son is 3 now and a very fun kid! 😀

    I had no blood pressure problems before pregnancy. But ever since the preeclampsia I have had to be on blood pressure meds. It's a common lasting complication. It is actually part of why I'm trying to lose more weight now, and change my diet because I would like to get off of or at least reduce my meds if possible.

    I actually have normally very very low blood pressure. Around 90/50, which is normal for me. I had it severely with my first, had to take bp meds after he was born but my blood pressure regulated itself. But ever since him I've had severe issues with my kidneys. This entire pregnancy I've had to get surgery every two weeks to replace kidney stents in there (some even came out so sometimes surgery twice in one week). Preeclampsia set off a whole whirlwind of medical issues for me. (Don't know if preeclampsia the reason for some of it but it didn't come until after I had preeclampsia). My doctor actually let it go undiagnosed for so long until at my 36 week appointment I said my blood pressures really high it can't be okay and he was like "your blood pressures high? I had no idea." I said it's been high for weeks. At that point I was induced that day but had a very long and very rough delivery including me an my sons heart rate dropping and oxygen and everything else. My blood pressure was around 180/120 at that point. They tried to let it go undiagnosed with this one as well, had protein in my urine and all the signs and they told me it was fine but I kept pressing the issue I actually had an appointment to set an induction date a day after I gave birth to him. But luckily they're both healthy but it definitely turned my health to *kitten* and needs more awareness!