Friends 200-250lbs ..Let’s get to 199 together!!



  • stemoo67
    stemoo67 Posts: 2 Member
    Dbear5 wrote: »
    I need help!! Started two weeks ago at 250, now 244, already struggling with veggies and fruit for fun, don't know what to eat,all I think about is cheesecake and french fries and of course chocolate, what can I eat that's fun but will keep me going in right direction, don't want to fail, but struggling

    If cheesecake, french fries and chocolate is what you want, then have some, just try not to have too much and not too often. I have my own cravings for certain foods like pizza and bacon cheese burgers etc, so i eat them and wash them down with a good red wine if the mood takes me. I don't do it as often as i used to and try to do it on a good exercise day to help balance the books. My normal week is usually 4 really good days, 1 average, 1 a little more than i should and 1 that makes me glad to be alive. Not saying this is the best method for everyone, just what works for me. I started 5 weeks ago at 250, now 230

  • Dbear5
    Dbear5 Posts: 2 Member
    I eat them just seems no matter how much when I'm done,just want something more, never really ate veggie or fruit before this, just hard when what I want can't have I guess it's normal 😌
  • hjohnso5
    hjohnso5 Posts: 8 Member
    I’m in!! My boyfriend and I are going to Europe at the end of May, and I want to like the way I look in pictures rather than hiding from the camera!
  • _bombshell2be_
    _bombshell2be_ Posts: 39 Member
    Send me a friend request if I haven’t sent you one yet
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    SW 251
    CW 213
    GW 145
    Add me!
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am getting close to 300 pounds - and I am going to catch up with you!!! :)
  • awesomecitytotallythebomb
    CW: 255
    5/18/19 goal: 243
    GW: 155

    I started at 270 last year and have been struggling to lose more. Would love motivation to continue losing! 🥒🥬🍓
  • Thewayshewalks
    Thewayshewalks Posts: 1 Member
    I’m so happy to find this discussion board. I would really like to be part of this with all of you! You’re all already making such great progress!

    I’m not going to weigh myself until I’ve met certain measurement goals. This is because for me it’s about feeling great again and daily or weekly weigh ins cause me anxiety that tends I lead to binging. I used to eat whenever I felt uneasy or tired or... fill in the blanks. When I started I weighed 275 lbs.

    So I’m using waist measurements to track progress

    Current: 44”
    Goal: 29”
    Next weigh in goal: 40”

    Please add me if you would like!

    Have any of you noticed any visual or clothing fit changes?
  • Mawnstroe
    Mawnstroe Posts: 17 Member
    Dbear5 wrote: »
    I eat them just seems no matter how much when I'm done,just want something more, never really ate veggie or fruit before this, just hard when what I want can't have I guess it's normal 😌

    Something that helped me was to go through a process that allowed my taste buds to like vegetables (I used to HATE raw tomatoes but now I love them!). I've found a gradual process is best, which is also one that Dr. Joel Fuhrman in his book, "Eat for Health" advises. Just like stemoo67 said, don't change your diet completely right away but simply add fruits and vegetables to it.

    Specifically, the plan is this:

    Exercise 1 - Eat one-half pound of cut up raw vegetables and one-half pound of low-calorie fruits each day. This is not much food. If you have a scale, weigh it. A half-pound of vegetables is about three cups of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots mix. A half-pound of fruit is an apple, a banana, and an orange! Or if you like berries, eat two pieces of fruit and a cup of berries or a combination of any of those three. If you have a scale, weigh that stuff!!! The Key: Eat the fruit before you eat your "usual" breakfast, and eat the raw veggies before you eat your eat your "usual" dinner. If you need a dip or sauce for the vegetables to make them easier for you at the beginning, go ahead and use it, just try to use a dip/sauce you enjoy and, if possible, is lower calorie. There are a lot of great dips you can make on your own that will be lower calorie than ones you buy in the store. (I really love hummus and there are a lot of good, low-sodium hummus options in most grocery stores.)

    Exercise 2 - Done while you are doing Exercise 1: Chew each mouthful until every piece of food is liquified. This will take some time and is not the norm, but our parents were right when they told us to chew our food thoroughly! Humans cannot digest plant cells until the cell walls are broken, whether it is by our chewing them or putting them in a blender, so chewing helps ensure we get the maximum phyto- (plant) nutrients from the food.

    Studies have shown that we need to eat something 15 times before it becomes a preferred food, so this may take several weeks before you really begin to enjoy that broccoli or cauliflower but it will happen!

    Eating these healthy foods at the beginning of our meals also helps us to eat less of the not-so-healthy stuff we have been eating. Again, he recommends not changing what you eat initially, just add these to it and you will find you develop a taste for all kinds of fruits and vegetables and also end up eating less calories as well! It's truly a win-win!!!

    Dr. Fuhrman has more exercises but these are the basics. If you want more info on his plan and way of eating (Nutritarian, which is what I do), check out his book, "Eat for Health," which is his most user-friendly (in my opinion).

    You've got this! Remember: "If we want what healthy people have, we will do what healthy people do!"

  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    I’d like to be included. I need the motivation.
    I lost 140 pounds from 3/2012 to 2/2013. Gained back a lot of it.
    CW 226
    GW 140
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    I am at 226 I am struggling bad, needing extra support. please add me.
  • AbbieOffman
    AbbieOffman Posts: 165 Member
    edited March 2019
    This is SO me. Trying so hard to get to 199.... i've been less than a pound within reach only to be denied, repeatedly. Doing KETO and IF, my diary is open, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm finding the motivation community so helpful!
  • gaelicstorm
    gaelicstorm Posts: 94 Member
    I want to join! I need more friends too :)

    I'm not doing keto, but I do eat low carb. I am diabetic so I will have to eat low carb for the rest of my life. I get between 80-110 carbs a day, which leaves me feeling pretty satisfied.

    I like to batch cook on Sundays. I will cook up several days of lunches at once to help me stay on track for the week. I also love to snack. I've been having sugar free chocolate jello and greek yogurt with fruit for snacks.

    I love to cook and love to experiment with new ways of cooking food to keep me from getting bored. My go-to batch cook lunches are zucchini lasagna (although zucchini is a bit spendy this time of year), egg roll in a bowl, cauliflower fried rice with shrimp/chicken, and this week was steak fajitas (just steak, red/yellow peppers, and onion). My go-to snacks are string cheese, hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt, and meat/cheese rollups. For breakfast I have my coffee (2 creams and 1 splenda, please!) and like to have a peanut butter granola bar. On the weekends I will sometimes just have a piece of wheat bread with about 20 grams of peanut butter.

    Good luck everyone! Can't wait to see you all on the other side of 200!
  • CynoO
    CynoO Posts: 161 Member
    Would love to join you is it okay?
  • BlissedMama
    BlissedMama Posts: 25 Member
    Starting today! CW 244 goal is 170 , small goal of losing weight before a Disney trip next month , I want to be able to look at the pics without feeling puffy in my face.
  • tinamae_vols
    tinamae_vols Posts: 42 Member
    Would like to join. Starting weight Jan 2nd-250 CW- 227 goal weight 199 by May 24th
  • jkisses83
    jkisses83 Posts: 3 Member
    Would like to join!! Recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Started really tracking my food...did really great for a few weeks lost 15 lbs...struggling the last couple of weeks...

    CW: 234
    ....Small goal before May into this pair of jeans I love....prob another 10lbs yo be comfy!!
  • enlightenme456
    enlightenme456 Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to join too! Having a hard time getting back on track. Add me!
  • boomcoon
    boomcoon Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in too! I started at 248, and now I’m at 234. I WILL be below 200 by May, and I want everyone else on here to get out of the 200s as well! We can do this everyone! Just keep in mind that you’re not only doing this for yourself, but for the ones you love too!

    Next goal is 225.

    Overall dream weight is 170.
  • zandra_quinonez
    zandra_quinonez Posts: 1 Member
    Alguien que esté interesado en comunicarse en español.... tengo 5 semanas en dieta kero y he aumentado 5 lbs😩