Lose 5lbs + in March 2019



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,975 Member
    LisaW57 wrote: »
    I'm a nerd and a data geek. I forget who it is that shows the amazing chart with the mean weight loss graphed out. THANK YOU. I can actually see that in my head now when I look at the MFP app's progress chart. That's a great tool for seeing overall progress and staying motivated when you see spikes and drops from daily weigh ins that resemble a freaking EKG. When you are only looking at a 5-10 pound data range, normal fluctuations look much worse than they are.

    I think maybe you mean me. They are powerful tools that everyone should use! You can manually enter data to WeightGrapher to see a graph. You can also manually enter data to Fitbit that will give you a chart and that will export the data to Trendweight, which I think has the best graphic. It also give rates of change and other good stuff. You can view charts of 2 or 4 weeks, 3 or 6 months, a whole year, or all the data. You can also zoom in on any date range. Those are the charts I post here. The charts up to 3 months also give a prediction for the future based on the trend. Here's my last three months:


    I've also been posting a graph I make in Excel based on a ten-day geometric mean moving average based on The Hacker's Diet (see the section on signal and noise if you're a data nerd). This is my chart of March. Look at the most recent week. It's bouncing up and down, but that geometric mean is pretty stable!


    LisaW57 wrote: »
    Thank you to Samantha, and everyone participating in this challenge. The accountability, support, and tolerance for our introspection are invaluable.

    A thousand thanks to Samantha EVERY month!

  • ashneetk6040
    ashneetk6040 Posts: 3 Member
    Original starting weight - 168.4
    March starting weight -168.4
    March goal - 163.4
    Ultimate goal -128

    1st -168.4
    8th -167.1
    15th -165.3
    22nd -164
    29th -
    Total loss for March -
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    I think maybe you mean me.

    Yes! Thank you! And thanks for reposting those links 💕
  • CowgirlConnieMay
    CowgirlConnieMay Posts: 300 Member
    3/1 159
    3/8 157.1
    3/15 157.4
    3/22 157.1
    Goal: 154

    Not a big loss but still a loss 😊
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Original starting weight 60.5 k
    February starting weight 58.1
    Total gain for February +1.7 kilos
    March goal: lose 2k

    March 3: 59.9 k
    March 10: 60 k
    March 11: 59.2 k
    March 17: 60.6
    March 24 59.1

    Lost March (or fluctuation) 0.8 k

    successes : get exercise most days, double tracking
    challenges: starch and heavy foods in evening
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    edited March 2019
    •Lose 5 lbs in March 2019•

    February 2019 - Gain/Loss
    of 4.2 lbs. 28 day average was 175.3

    Original starting wgt: 253
    March starting weight: 175.2
    March goal: 170
    ❄Updating every day through March until completely back on track.

    •Monday Updates•📌

    March 1 - 175.2 - Feeling 90% better today.
    3/2 - 177 - smh😕
    3/3 - 175
    📌3/4 - 177
    3/5 - 174.4
    3/6 - 173
    3/7 - 173.8
    3/8 - 172.6
    3/9 - 172.2
    3/10 - 174.2 - An early weigh in as far as my fasting schedule. I'm experimenting going back to 12/12 for a week or two for a little break. Expected from increased carbs, but, seems that I haven't learned my lesson about drinking salty water late in the evening.😦 It's okay. 19g carbs, 14g net carbs. Carbs were: salad spaghetti squash, pesto, peanut butter (1.5 TB) YES to vegetables!
    📌3/11 - 170.8
    3/12 - 170.4 - Day 1 Day 3 of my experiment in the books. Successful so far.
    3/13 - 171.8 - Retaining some fluid
    again from drinking electrolytes just before bed.
    3/14 - 171.2
    3/15 - 172.2 - A little fluid retention..... from exercise, not carbs! Knee is behaving, so back to strengthing quads and hams. Taking it low and slow, but consistently. I'm dealing with old shoulder injuries too, so must not be impatient with myself trying to do sets, reps and long workouts like I used to do.
    3/16 - 173 - Normal fluctuation.
    3/17 - 171.2
    📌3/18 171
    3/19 - 171.2
    3/20 - 172.2
    3/21 - 170.6
    3/22 - 172.8 - Fluid as usual. I can feel it as tiredness in my upper body.

    3/23 - 174.8 - Ate crackers😐

    📌 3/25
  • monaraehill2
    monaraehill2 Posts: 61 Member
    March 15 = 241.5
    March 24 = 239.5
    Short term goal, back to 200.
    Long term goal, back to 165.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    58 years old, 5'3"
    Oct 27.18 joined MFP Start weight 191
    March goal 169.3 - 5 pound loss, and hopefully into a new decade finally.

    February loss was 1.9 pounds
    February 28 - 174.8 - burned off mega calories yesterday too, but still up in weight this morning. Low on sleep.

    March 01 - 174.3 - I hope for March to be better than February.
    March 02 - 173.7 - Unbelievable, I was so disappointed with February, being so diligent about burning lots of calories, eating carefully, and barely losing weight - that last night I had (in defiance) a giant steak, corn, sour cream, potatoes etc., way over my calorie allotment. I truly expected to see a gain this morning.
    March 03 - 174.3 - So the steak dinner from Friday shows up?
    March 04 - 173.9 - skating yesterday
    March 05 - 174.9 Tuesday - no reason to be up other than short on sleep. Skating today, so hope to see a drop tomorrow morning.
    March 06 - 173.6 - yay for skating, I am skating again today too.
    March 07 - 173.3 - again, yay for skating. I am working out of town today, and taking my skates with me because there is an arena there. There is only a few weeks left of the skating season : - (
    March 08 - 171.4 - I have learned now not to get too excited about this, I had a big dinner yesterday so I expect it to catch up with me. Slow metabolism once we get older. I did burn off a lot of calories yesterday skating and other stuff though. Lowest weight I have been so far, but then I had one low day in February which didn't last too.
    March 09 - 172.7 - I skated 3 times at 3 different places yesterday (1,095 calories burned), but I did expect to see a gain because I had a good dinner on Thursday that hadn't yet showed up. Running monthly total: loss 1.4 lb
    March 10 - 174.7 - argh! At least there is skating today. I get it if I don't burn 1,000+ calories that I might not lose anything, but I at least don't expect to gain when I only burn off 300-400. Cruel. Throughout all of this I always have calories to spare. Hoping for a better number tomorrow. I so badly want to get into the 60s.
    March 11 - 172.3 - I'll take it. Big skating calorie burn yesterday.
    March 12 - 173.9 Tuesday - I stick to 1200-1300 calories, aerobics, but if I don't get in at least an hour of skating I am up on the scale. Skating during my work break today. It is really hard to lose weight otherwise for me.
    March 13 - 172.5 - I actually matched my calories in with my calories out yesterday! It is starting to look like my way forward will be to burn 3,500-7,000 calories per week to lose 1 pound per week. That is pretty time consuming, but it seems like it is the only way that I can lose anything. Skating today ; - )
    March 14 - 172.3 - Would be nice to see a woosh soon, I was able to get in 140 minutes of skating yesterday, mega calorie burn, 1,420. I had 1,100 calories left to eat if I wanted to the last 2 days, but I didn't. No skating anywhere today, but the arenas will be open 5 days a week during March break. I am really determined to bust some fat.
    March 15 - 173.1 - After a typical 1200 calories, 30 minutes of aerobics. Losing weight will take more than that for me. There is skating today.
    March 16 - 171.6 - In comparison with March 08, I was expecting a drop, I burned off so many calories this week with extra skating. 4,163, which is more than a pound on its own. There will be skating during March break, so I hope to at least burn 2 pounds during those 2 weeks. I don't know what I will do after that because it seems that I don't lose weight otherwise. There is nothing else really that I like to do that burns so many calories. I do love dance aerobics, but seldom do a whole hour of it. Anyway, pretty pleased with my weight this morning : - )
    March 17 - 171.9 - Sunday. I am having a dinner party for my friend's birthday tonight. Eating like a normal person never really works out for me, 2 weeks to take off the weight of one dinner. I am not too worried though, skating moves to 5 days a week starting tomorrow : - )
    March 18 - 172.0 Monday I am going to stop weighing on Tuesday mornings, I get up at 4am on Tuesdays, and I think that it is too early to be weighing. As I look back through my highest weight days, they are Tuesdays and perhaps not really accurate. Lol, also my good dinner from yesterday might show up tomorrow. (loss 2.3 as of today)
    March 20 - 173.0 Wednesday. I really really expected to weigh less today. There is more skating than usual over the next 2 weeks for March break, so I am very hopeful. Dinner out tomorrow (pizza and drinks), so that always takes almost a week to compensate for, but we have to live right?
    March 21 - 172.0 - One more pound and I will have lost 20 since October. 3 more to get out of this decade finally. 10 days left of the month.
    March 22 - 171.5 - Not getting too excited, my dinner and drinks out will show up over the next couple of days, slow metabolism. I have been in a calorie deficit for many months.
    March 23 - 172.3 - Thursday dinner showed up as expected. So funny the way that it happens. Yet another 1,000 calorie deficit yesterday (lots of skating) so I expect a whoosh soon. I will have to go back and look through the month and add it all up. Roughly I should have lost at least 10 pound this month by the numbers. Resigning myself a bit to the post-menopausal metabolism.
    March 24 - 173.2 - Dang.

    Running monthly total: loss 1.1 lbs
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy, {{{hugs}}} I sure wish I could tell you what to do to get below 170 and stay there. I've worked through and corrected all my reasons and causes for continuing in this decade and yet I'm still here!
  • JennH517
    JennH517 Posts: 256 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    Still here. Still stuck. I gain and lose the same 2 lbs over and over.

    Summer is coming! Time for more fishing, kayaking and camping!

    Highest weight ever: 254 in October 1999.

    Lowest since 1991: 194.4 November 25, 2018.

    Original starting weight: 243 in 2015.

    MFP Starting weight December 25th, 2016: 233.

    Goal: 180 in however long it takes.

    Weekly Averages:

    February 18 - February 24: 196.5.
    I missed averaging the last 7 days.
    March 4 - March 10: 196.5
    March 11 - March 17: 197
    March 18 - March 24: 196.8

    Loss for March: 0.3 GAIN

    MFP Loss: 36.2 lbs.

    Total cumulative loss since mid 2015: 46.2 lbs.

    Move more, eat less.


  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 682 Member
    Original starting weight - 354.4 lbs
    March starting weight - 345.2 lbs
    March goal - 330 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 250 lbs

    1st - 345.2 lbs
    4th - 344.9 lbs
    8th - 341.0 lbs
    11th - 343.6 lbs I ate during my fast last night. I don't know what I was thinking. But today is another day.
    15th - 341.3 lbs I'm not entirely sure what's happening but I'm not going to let it discourage me.
    18th - 338.8 lbs I was scared for a minute but then I realized that I was dehydrated and retaining water at night. So I changed this around. Drinking lemon water in the morning and propel at night. Happy Monday
    22nd - 339.5 lbs This has me so puzzled. On 3/19 I weighed 337.7 lbs no change in eating habits maybe my water intake at night. We'll see. I have been putting off a exercise routine but I think I'm ready. We'll see :)
    25th - 341.6 lbs I have let this get to my head this weekend but today I am putting an end to it now. I will go out this month with a bang!
    29th -
    31st -

    March loss -
    February loss - 9.2 lbs
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    58 years old, 5'3"
    Oct 27.18 joined MFP Start weight 191
    March goal 169.3 - 5 pound loss, and hopefully into a new decade finally.

    February loss was 1.9 pounds
    February 28 - 174.8 - burned off mega calories yesterday too, but still up in weight this morning. Low on sleep.

    March 01 - 174.3 - I hope for March to be better than February.
    March 02 - 173.7 - Unbelievable, I was so disappointed with February, being so diligent about burning lots of calories, eating carefully, and barely losing weight - that last night I had (in defiance) a giant steak, corn, sour cream, potatoes etc., way over my calorie allotment. I truly expected to see a gain this morning.
    March 03 - 174.3 - So the steak dinner from Friday shows up?
    March 04 - 173.9 - skating yesterday
    March 05 - 174.9 Tuesday - no reason to be up other than short on sleep. Skating today, so hope to see a drop tomorrow morning.
    March 06 - 173.6 - yay for skating, I am skating again today too.
    March 07 - 173.3 - again, yay for skating. I am working out of town today, and taking my skates with me because there is an arena there. There is only a few weeks left of the skating season : - (
    March 08 - 171.4 - I have learned now not to get too excited about this, I had a big dinner yesterday so I expect it to catch up with me. Slow metabolism once we get older. I did burn off a lot of calories yesterday skating and other stuff though. Lowest weight I have been so far, but then I had one low day in February which didn't last too.
    March 09 - 172.7 - I skated 3 times at 3 different places yesterday (1,095 calories burned), but I did expect to see a gain because I had a good dinner on Thursday that hadn't yet showed up. Running monthly total: loss 1.4 lb
    March 10 - 174.7 - argh! At least there is skating today. I get it if I don't burn 1,000+ calories that I might not lose anything, but I at least don't expect to gain when I only burn off 300-400. Cruel. Throughout all of this I always have calories to spare. Hoping for a better number tomorrow. I so badly want to get into the 60s.
    March 11 - 172.3 - I'll take it. Big skating calorie burn yesterday.
    March 12 - 173.9 Tuesday - I stick to 1200-1300 calories, aerobics, but if I don't get in at least an hour of skating I am up on the scale. Skating during my work break today. It is really hard to lose weight otherwise for me.
    March 13 - 172.5 - I actually matched my calories in with my calories out yesterday! It is starting to look like my way forward will be to burn 3,500-7,000 calories per week to lose 1 pound per week. That is pretty time consuming, but it seems like it is the only way that I can lose anything. Skating today ; - )
    March 14 - 172.3 - Would be nice to see a woosh soon, I was able to get in 140 minutes of skating yesterday, mega calorie burn, 1,420. I had 1,100 calories left to eat if I wanted to the last 2 days, but I didn't. No skating anywhere today, but the arenas will be open 5 days a week during March break. I am really determined to bust some fat.
    March 15 - 173.1 - After a typical 1200 calories, 30 minutes of aerobics. Losing weight will take more than that for me. There is skating today.
    March 16 - 171.6 - In comparison with March 08, I was expecting a drop, I burned off so many calories this week with extra skating. 4,163, which is more than a pound on its own. There will be skating during March break, so I hope to at least burn 2 pounds during those 2 weeks. I don't know what I will do after that because it seems that I don't lose weight otherwise. There is nothing else really that I like to do that burns so many calories. I do love dance aerobics, but seldom do a whole hour of it. Anyway, pretty pleased with my weight this morning : - )
    March 17 - 171.9 - Sunday. I am having a dinner party for my friend's birthday tonight. Eating like a normal person never really works out for me, 2 weeks to take off the weight of one dinner. I am not too worried though, skating moves to 5 days a week starting tomorrow : - )
    March 18 - 172.0 Monday I am going to stop weighing on Tuesday mornings, I get up at 4am on Tuesdays, and I think that it is too early to be weighing. As I look back through my highest weight days, they are Tuesdays and perhaps not really accurate. Lol, also my good dinner from yesterday might show up tomorrow. (loss 2.3 as of today)
    March 20 - 173.0 Wednesday. I really really expected to weigh less today. There is more skating than usual over the next 2 weeks for March break, so I am very hopeful. Dinner out tomorrow (pizza and drinks), so that always takes almost a week to compensate for, but we have to live right?
    March 21 - 172.0 - One more pound and I will have lost 20 since October. 3 more to get out of this decade finally. 10 days left of the month.
    March 22 - 171.5 - Not getting too excited, my dinner and drinks out will show up over the next couple of days, slow metabolism. I have been in a calorie deficit for many months.
    March 23 - 172.3 - Thursday dinner showed up as expected. So funny the way that it happens. Yet another 1,000 calorie deficit yesterday (lots of skating) so I expect a whoosh soon. I will have to go back and look through the month and add it all up. Roughly I should have lost at least 10 pounds this month by the numbers. Resigning myself a bit to the post-menopausal metabolism.
    March 24 - 173.2 - Dang.
    March 25 - 173.1 - 5 days of skating starts today, it seems to be the only thing that works for me, so I am happy to have this last opportunity until fall when it goes back to 3 times per week.

    Running monthly total: loss 1.2 lbs
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy, {{{hugs}}} I sure wish I could tell you what to do to get below 170 and stay there. I've worked through and corrected all my reasons and causes for continuing in this decade and yet I'm still here!

    Thank you @tiabirdie56 : - ) I got very close a few times, I hit 171.4 back on the 8th of March, I really thought that this would be the month, since I only lost only 1.9 for all of February. I am way more active in the winter, so figured that I would lose a big chunk during that period. I guess this is what it looks like trying to lose weight at 58. I will keep going, and I know that you will too.
  • InDogWeTrust
    InDogWeTrust Posts: 77 Member
    Total February weight loss: 3 pounds

    03/01/19 Starting weight: 133.6
    03/05/19 133.3
    03/15/19 133.2(((((( can this weight move any slower:(((((((((((((((((((
    03/20/19 132.0
    03/25/19 130.5:))))))))

    Goal weight:128.6