Team Derby Life Week 0 (derbyskaters/referees only)



  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    For protein, I also recommend making a recovery shake after a hard practice/workout.... here's one I like to make:

    1 cup fat-free chocolate milk
    1 scoop whey protein powder
    1 frozen banana
    2 tbsp flaxseed
    2 tbsp wheat germ
    1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

    Blend and enjoy! The frozen banana gives it a wonderful milkshake consistency! I peel and freeze the night before. The chocolate milk and protein powder pack a powerful protein punch (YAY alliteration! LOL) without too much fat or too many calories. The banana adds potassium, which is great to combat muscle soreness.

    Hope that helps! Chocolate milk is a GREAT recovery drink on its own, too. I take a small bottle with me and drink it right after practice!

  • hlc1977
    hlc1977 Posts: 9 Member
    This is all kinds of awesome. My name is Rhett Ro and I play with the Redneck Betties in Swift Current Saskatchewan. We started our league about a year ago. Ive been there right from the start. We had our first bout in May.

    Derby has been instrumental in many changes in my life. I helped me to lose 20 lbs...but ive put some of it back on. I cant wait to read thru everyones posts and come up with a goal of my own.

    Looking forward to gleaning all the good info and tips off you all..and hoping to add one or two nuggets of wisdom on my own.

    Derby luv
  • DavyRockhit
    Is there an easy way to find the challenge of the day each day in the group without searching through all the posts?

    We are going to finalize week 1 and 2 before this week is up and then we will be able to view the first post of the message and then if you want to read through and see something new has been added just go to the last post and work your way up. WE will make one topic per week

    does this sound good?
  • DavyRockhit
    maybe we should make three topics a week
    1) Monday & Tuesday,
    2)Wednesday & Thursday
    3) Friday & Saturday

    Sunday is a non-challenge day

    I agree that is is a bit much to scroll through all the postings this should help and then people could post about one or both days as they feel fit....

    but only if majority agrees.

    please let me know
  • currlygirrl
    currlygirrl Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm a little late in joining the group but I don't get on my computer every day. Anyway I'm Raspberry Tart ans I'm with Mississippi Valley Mayhem in Lacrosse, WI. I was on a leave out last season after I got a massive black eye and needed to have engagement pics taken soon after. I will be getting married in October and I'm looking forward to joining back up with my team in January. I have been mostly a blocker up until now but I have been doing INSANITY ans rollerblading a lot and have really built up my endurance, so I'm going to try to be a jammer but I still need some work to get there.
  • FlamBabe
    FlamBabe Posts: 12
    Welcome raspberry tart!!
  • Kinkerbelle
    @ or ********* or something goofy.
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Three topics a week sounds good.

    On another note, I love the graphic but it's really big! I hate the thought of being "that person with the huge siggy pic"... is there any way to make a smaller version? I'd totally sport it. :)

    P.S. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Feel free to add me!

    -The Admiral :drinker:
  • RockNRollWeekender
    RockNRollWeekender Posts: 44 Member
    Oooh. Let me introduce myself. I am Hussy Lyn Hipshot of Toledo, OH's only women's flat track roller derby team, Glass City Rollers. I am in my 2nd season of skating with GCR and loving it!

    My goal with MFP is to lose weight (I'm still packing on 25 lbs of post pregnancy weight) & also get a better physique. My endurance has improved A LOT since using MFP and doing roller derby. I've been able to run the Glass City Marathon as a Relay Team with my derby team mates (6.2 miles I did!) and run a 5k on my own.

    My roller derby goals include becoming a more versitile skater (play every blocking position, pivot, and to even jam). I jammed for the first time in a bout at our last bout of the 2010-2011 season. It was SO memorable and I got lead jammer! It felt awesome and I'm looking forward to more milestones such as that.

    Also, I'm getting re-skills tested for the new season in just a few weeks and I'm planning to do BETTER than the last time I skills tested. :]

    I'm hoping to skate more laps in 5 minutes, 5 laps in a faster time, stop faster, hit harder, not get knocked over/out of bounds during hard hits, etc.

    Thanks for making this group & thanks for the invite!!!!
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Hey Davy- I think doing a topic every couple days is a good idea.

    I realized today that after the initial 7 lost, I hit a rock solid plateau. I also started a job where I sit all day. So I had to take down my calorie counts because I was "lightly active" before and now I'm just. sitting. here!
  • DavyRockhit
    Wow, I am really getting excited about this team. What a great group of dedicated athletes! I have been trying out the challenges to see how they are for me personally and I am happy to announce that they provided me a bit of a struggle. Especially getting up off the ground without using any hands… without skates on… that was fun.
    So here is what we have so far, we can modify, change, or add as needed. I really don’t know if this is set in stone until I get the majority input on this, so everyone please look it over and give your honest opinion. If you think it won’t be challenging enough for the group then please say so and also offer suggestions on modifications.

    Weekly Challenges: Staying under calories, Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, skate 2xs a week. Any time during week: endurance or any day that you can fit this into your schedule - skate, non-stop, any pace, for at least 30 minutes
    Monday: (week 2 in parenthesis): 25 (30) crunches, 15 (20) push-ups, 5 (8) squats- hold 15 seconds
    Tuesday: 30 sec wall squat 30 sec plank repeat 5x (repeat 8x), 10(12) min stretching
    Wednesday: Baseball slide get up with no hands. 6x (8x)
    Thursday: 30 (40) Lunges 10(12) min stretching
    Friday: 4 back strengthening exercises (
    Saturday: 30 sec mountain climbers, Hop on 1 foot for 30 seconds, switch. X2 (x4) 10(12) min stretching
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    Those challenges sound like exactly what I need! I'm so excited to find so many Derby Dames on here!!

    I'm going to need a solid week of working out and eating right after this weekend - My league is hosting it's first ever home bout! I'll be NSO-ing on the night, but the after party is going to be epic!
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Great challenges! I love it!

    I'm so excited that I was asked to NSO at our next bout! It's an away bout, too, which means ROAD TRIP! :) Not bad for being fresh meat!
  • DavyRockhit
    If you are prone being the queen of after parties please remember that if you are trying to lose weight every calorie in those delish drinks counts... and also you have to double up on water. I love after parties but I have found them toxic to my weight loss goals. I just drink water and I still have a great time. Plus there are websites that list the better drinks calorie-wise.

    this is just a friendly reminder... LOL mostly to myself as I have a bout tomorrow and our after parties are always hyped up! Also before bouting don’t forget to hydrate and to eat appropriately because good fuel is important this is before and after the bout!
    I am always torn about how much to warm up before my bout, I want to make sure I am good and ready, but at the same time I am afraid of tiring myself out too early... Anyone else have this dilemma?
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    I like to warm up and feel ready- I definitely get some hitting in on my teammates! Luckily there's a few who are willing to knock around during warmups. Even still, I never feel settled until I get a body on someone during the first jam.

    Also, in the last 5 on 5 magazine there was a good article on stretching and how it's really useful before & after practices but that it might be a good idea to lay off of it before bouts. I still stretch some things- my feet & ankles mostly- but otherwise I haven't stretched before the last 2 bouts and haven't felt any worse for it.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    So I'm a fan of setting a very specific, attainable goal. Not a weight loss goal, but a fitness goal. This month I said I would do a plank for 1:30 by September 1. It turned out that I was able to do that by August 12, so I went ahead and said I would do a 1:45 plank by September 1.

    Today I met that goal!

    I'm pretty stoked about this- it wasn't too long ago that 30 seconds was a real stretch for me! :happy:
  • DavyRockhit
    great job to rockrosie for meeting such an intense goal with the plank!!! I admire that so much. I am wondering if I can even hold more than 30 seconds... that takes incredible strength and persistence.

    I hope everyone is ready to start with our wonderful challenges next week. I will post one new topic for every two day. Please push yourself to respond one time a day as encouragement and for accountability. It is important that we find out if the challenges are, well, challenging or if they need to be modified. Also want to make sure that everyone is participating... how fun this is going to be.

    Also make sure that you are drinking lots of water, if you are well hydrated your body is happy! I also want to encourage you to continue on with logging your food and staying with good range of calories not too many and make sure you aren't too low either.


    <3 Derby Love,
    Davy Rock-Hit
  • MadMoxie
    MadMoxie Posts: 33
    I'm SO excited that you started this group! Rock ON! I just joined MFP yesterday, so I hope I'm not too late for the introductions. I'd love to join the group.

    I'm Mad Moxie and I skate with the Hellgate Rollergirls from Missoula, MT. I've been skating for almost two years, both with my home team (the Dirt Road Dolls) and have had a few appearances with the All-Star team. I'm a Pivot/Blocker/Pit Bull.

    My derby-related goals right now revolve around endurance, speed, and agility. I had a fairly nasty knee injury and have since sort of struggled to get "caught back up" if ya know what I mean. However, I've always been slow. Solid as a rock and can keep up with the pack, but sooo (SO) not a jammer.

    Derby goals:
    1. Reach at least 30 laps/5 minutes.
    2. Master the 2 leg jump (I still jump AND land sort of staggered, I'm just not comfortable with it.)
    3. Fast footwork. I'm not sure how to measure that.

    Non-Derby goals:
    1. Lose 10 more pounds by my birthday on September 26.
    2. Keep up with at least 3 days/week of kettlebell cross training.

    There's a chance, due to life circumstances, that I may be taking a step over to the Z-Birds and refereeing for a while, but right now I'm skating just twice a week.

    And GO FRESH MEAT girls! *cheers* I'm so happy to see such varying levels here! Thanks for everything you're doing Rock-Hit!
  • DavyRockhit
    Awesome MadMoxie! Thank you for sharing your goals and for joining in on the fun. Today is the first day of challenge week 1 so I hope you will be able to jump right in as you see fit. We are going to keep this group open to skaters/refs all the time so anyone that is new can just pick up where we are and modify the challenges as needed. I am trying to get more derby girls that I already see on MFP to participate but it's all for personal interest and motivation :)

    if any of you would like to use the Team Derby Life tag in your signature here it is... just change the captial IMG to lowercase and it will be ready for you.

  • MerryKhaos
    MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! I know I'm a little late on this, people have already responded a lot, but I just got onto a computer that can handle this site.

    My name is Merry Khaos, I skate for Harrisburg Area Roller Derby's Nuclear Knockouts (and occasionally the Femmes when they need a vet). I am celebrating my 2 year DERBY-VERSARY this week! When not on skates (which is rare), I am a full time worker (between Torchbearer Sauces where I make and sell hot sauce, Precision Wireless where I'm a secretary and being a freelance writer for, FiveonFive, and now!), and I also attend Penn State Harrisburg full time.

    Yes. I'm insane.

    I am at a higher level of athleticism at this point, but it doens't mean I don't have goals. One is to be able to acheive my 25 laps in 3:30. I'm down to 3:42 the last time I time trialed. I would liek to be able to complete this by NOvember 1.

    I also have jammer goals; I need to be able to compete under pressure. During scrimmage and challenge bouts I'm awesome, but when it comes to sanctioned gameplay I choke with the star.

    I also would like to be able to acheive a 6 minute mile by November 1. And I want to lose one more dress size by Oct 22.

    I feel like I've very much been on a plateau for the last 4 months and I'm trying to kick it. Maybe everyone can help me!!