Hate Breakfast.. any idea



  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    Is it "breakfast food" that you hate, or are you just not into food at all when you get up? If it's the former, you can eat anything you want, prepped ahead of time if you are trying to get out the door and on with your day. If you're not into food when you get up, just eat when you get around to it. Some people find eating within an hour or two of getting up for the day helps with energy and also with portion control later on. Some find just the opposite. I've been in both places and at the moment, eating with a couple of hours of arising and having some combination of food that results in a fairly substantial protein, high fiber meal is working best for me for now. Could change when the weather gets warmer.
  • kitkat_42
    kitkat_42 Posts: 16 Member
    I feel ya- but I’m an RN on a busy floor, and if I don’t eat breakfast or SOMETHING, that means I won’t eat anything until 2 or 3 in the afternoon most of the time, and by then I’m crashing. (Cue all the reasons why my metabolism got jacked up). But those *early* mornings are impossible for a sit down breakfast even if you wanted it. I go with a breakfast shake or protein shake for in the car, and pre-make/freeze egg bites and Greek yogurt to pop in between patient care, whether I want to eat or not. Find something that works for you, but remember your body is a machine and needs fuel- don’t risk it by always driving with the fuel light on! ⛽️
  • julesdechaine
    julesdechaine Posts: 138 Member
    I love leftover spaghetti for breakfast. I don't like traditional morning foods either - no bacon, eggs, and prefer my French toast for dinner. I usually have a granola bar or an orange. On Fridays I get a bean and cheese taco.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Breakfast is important so don't skip it. Maybe just do a plant based protein shake or eat raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Just because you cram calories in at 1 or 2 meals and stay at your goal doesn't mean you're healthy eating. Wake up drink a glass of water immediately eat something light fruit or veggies if you don't want scrambled eggs and avocado go get ready drink a plant based protein shake and go start your day. Your fitness will thank you

    No, it isn't and it doesn't mean that you are not eating healthy either.
  • mdreddie
    mdreddie Posts: 73 Member
    I'm not really a breakfast eater myself. I usually just have a cup of coffee, black or with heavy cream, in the morning. And on the days I'd like something sweet too in the morning, I have a banana or a plain baked sweet potato along with my coffee with heavy cream.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    You dont have to eat breakfast if you are not hungry. Have some tea, coffee, or water. If you dont like typical breakfast foods, eat dinner foods or leftovers for breakfast if youre hungry.

    Sometimes in the morning I crave sweeter foods and make overnight oats with apples, cinnamon, almond milk, and a little brown sugar.

    Usually I crave savory foods and eat eggs or potatoes. Plus fruit, always
  • 76Crane76
    76Crane76 Posts: 133 Member
    Skip it! Consider it part of intermittent fasting?
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I can’t stand breakfast, but I would be open to some ideas 👌🏻 gotta happen

    What is it you can't stand? Time of day? Type of food?

    A lot of people can't stand a traditional eating pattern because they no longer live traditional lives. Once it was normal for many homes to sit down and eat three meals together every day. The first one obviously was breakfast. Now no one seems to eat together anymore, nor to prepare any meals in their house.

    So, what is it actually that you hate??