Just Lost All Feelings of Accomplishment



  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I looked at your Before and After pics in your signature and I see a HUGE difference! You don't look like a monster to me. We are most harsh on ourselves though when we don't feel our best. Just remember that you've lost 50lbs! FIFTY! That's quite a lot! I know you may feel like "Well I still have so much more to loose..." but remember that most of us out there and on here have quite a bit to loose too. Don't feel bad because you weren't wearing the most flattering of outfits, it happens to the best of us. I think you're beautiful and I'm just some stranger. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, OUT LOUD: "I AM BEAUTIFUL!"
  • zooflute
    zooflute Posts: 50
    You look great! Your judgment right now is totally skewed by your PMS and tiredness.

    Have a fantastic lunch and if you can, go home and take a nap! You deserve it!
  • sabo1974
    sabo1974 Posts: 12
    First of all, the camera DOES make us look bigger. That being said, I know exactly how you feel. 3 yrs ago, I was 110 lbs heavier than I am today. I remember when I started losing lbs, inches, etc....I was on this high. You know...the feeling of accomplishment. You think you're looking better b/c hey! I just lost 50 lbs. Then you look in the mirror and you still see this huge person.

    Our minds are powerful tools. When you see yourself, look at the difference you've made since the heavier 50 lb you. Try to see the goals you accomplished and how much you've done to lose that 50. Then use that to motivate you to lose the next 50 (or whatever it is you need to lose.) Look at your "fat" pants and see what you used to be like and use that to empower you for the next goal. I assure you....you are the only one who see's yourself like this. You are your worst enemy. Don't let your mind mess with you...and remember you are worth fighting for. And your beautiful!
  • Penelope_373
    Penelope_373 Posts: 28 Member
    Looking at your before and after I would have to say you look great! I am also in between so I understand how difficult it is to see pics, it also upsets me to see myself. So, what I do is pull up my before pics at my highest weight and it reminds me that I am better than I was. I know it is hard, but keep in mind that with that 50 lb loss you are gaining good health and you are closer to your goal than when you started. Don't let it get you down. It is okay to feel this way (you are only human) but don't let it set you back from continuing positive and healthy behaviors and reaching that ultimate goal. Look in the mirror (post that before pic on the mirror if you have to) and tell yourself you are beautiful and worthy of feeling great about your accomplishments. Don't look at how far you have to go, but how far you have already come. 50 lbs is awesome girl, congratulations!!!

    Keep smiling and I hope the day turns around for you :flowerforyou:
  • When anyone tags me in a photo on facebook I go into instant panic mode. Because I look horrible in candid photos always. I always get caught making a stupid face or slumping or something embarrassing. But I know that it is just pictures, because i have a mirror and I know that i am not a monster. Sit back and take a deep breath and remind yourself that 50 freakin pounds is an amazing accomplishment! And if some idiot at your work is actually judging you because you have "only" lost 50 pounds, then they are the one with the issues... but I doubt that anyone other than you is thinking that at all.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    Pictures can suck... Please try to remember what you have accomplished, and know that you're just not done yet. You're still a work in progres, right? :flowerforyou:
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    I know how you feel darlin.. but if you are like me for some reason no matter how much I lose when I look at pictures or in the mirror, I never see what other people see, So I decided not to look, and go by how I feel, and i feel fabulous, and you look fabulous, and other people will never see what we see, so go by what they say not by what you see, and go by how you feel, you are totally beautiful and so on the right track:) keep it up gorgeous...
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    Just to echo what others have said, you look COMPLETELY different in your before/after pics already and 50lbs is an amazing achievement - but you're not finished on your journey and remember that!

    I'm sure you don't look as bad as you think - we're always our biggest critics - and I'm sure when you reach goal you'll look back and realise that these pics are all part of your journey.

    Be proud of who you are and what you have achieved so far, and use this as motivation to keep you going!

    Good luck! x
  • Hunskers
    Hunskers Posts: 17
    We are always so judgemental of ourselves in pictures. I don't know anyone who likes their pictures taken.
    I can see a substantial difference in your before and after pictures. I think you look amazing!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I am literally posting this bc I am at work and about to burst into tears and I feel like if I don't vent, I will lose it. To begin with, I am exhausted from my event yesterday and I am pre-menstrual, so I am sure that doesn't help me.

    But there were a lot of pics taken at my event that I managed yesterday and my co-worker just posted a bunch on our intranet and was like "Woohoo, look at all the pictures" and I guess I thought since I have lost 50lbs that I may actually resemble a normal human, but I do not. It was literally heartbreaking and now I am miserable. I look like a linebacker for goodness sake. And I was wearing a black suit so I cannot imagine how bad I look otherwise.

    I guess I didn't want to acknowledge how bad it must have been before I started really trying to lose weight, but I thought after all of this hard work I would look ok in a picture, but I don't at all. So I feel like people must be thinking, she lost 50lbs and she still looks like a monster.

    And now I am just a mess, I am sitting here at my desk crying and of course, I am being taken out for a "job well done" lunch and I have no desire to eat a single solitary thing.

    I am sorry for whining and crying about this, but that just absolutely zapped all of my motivation and I feel like I am going to have an emotional meltdown.
    So sometimes when reality hits, it should be a motivator. You lost 50lbs. You could have been 50lbs heavier in the pics. Do you still need work? Yep. But just to put things into perspective, you have your arms, you have your legs, you have a job, you don't have cancer..............................you know how many people would love to be in your place and if they were what they would do with that opportunity?
    So the motivation should be the NEXT pics to look even better. What other choice do you have? Quit and always be miserable? Or pick yourself up and brush off the dirt and just do it. It ain't easy. It will be hard, but in the end IT'S WORTH IT.
  • This may or may not help. I have been back and forth with my weight and at my heaviest I felt the same way I look like @#$%.
    The thing is that when I did lose a lot of weight I looked good because other people told me that I did but I still thought I looked like @#$%. Sometimes it is hard to feel good about how i look but then I think of all the hard work and energy and most importantly how I feel. That keeps me going along with help from others. So that being said keep up the good work and stay strong. You will love the feeling once you hit your goal.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    The same thing happened to me several months ago. I thought I was doing great and when I saw some pictures, I was disappointed. I thought the same as you, if I look like this now, what did I look like before? Anyway, I didn't give up. I've since lost another 13 lbs and am still going. You can definitely tell in your before and after pics that you are losing. Just don't give up. You will eventually start seeing yourself the way you want.
  • My dear, first of all it is okay to break down and let it all out. Get it out of your system and use this new-found feeling to fuel your fire. It's very hard to come so far, look back and feel like you can still see where you began not even a block away. I saw photos from a family party and just wanted to change my name and hide under a table. It happens. Anybody that thinks less of you is a dink. You've worked too hard to be judged that way.

    You have lost 50 pounds. 50 POUNDS! That's a stack of like 8 or 9 BIG textbooks. That's a young child. That is two 25 pound bags of Idaho potatoes. THAT is an accomplishment.
  • You post made me tear up too. I have so been there! But here is the thing...you did GREAT! And your co-workers are really proud of and excited for you.That kind of support is terrific and so try to enjoy it. No one is thinking about how you look, they are all thinking about what you DID!

    Concentrate on that and find that sense of accomplishment again because you deserve it. Go have a strong talk with yourself in the mirror in the ladies room. Remember that you are still a work in progress, but headed in the right direction. Your body got you through that event, it was strong and capable and that is what really counts.
  • JenGilronan
    JenGilronan Posts: 30 Member
    The picture at the end of your post shows some big differences! I think you look great! Hang in there! Keep up the hard work!!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I don't want to trot out any cliches about the camera adding pounds etc.. but I will give you this fact - unless a picture is massively photoshopped most *normal* people (IE us on MFP!) will not like what we see !!

    We are our own worst critics!

    I lost over 40 lbs some years ago and hated pictures of myself at my heaviest weight AND my lowest weight!

    Please do not be so hard on yourself and please do not let this set you back. 50lbs is an amazing achievement!

  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    First off, I don't see a "monster" in either of those pics. I see a girl who inspires me to work harder. Just stop for a minute... you've lost 50lbs! 50LBS!!! That's incredible!!! Take a deep breath... good, now one more. You got this. You totally got this. Step away from the pics and take a minute and write down all the things in your life that have improved so far (weight loss, lost inches, improved health, to name a few) and BE PROUD of what you've accomplished! Remember: you're not done yet ;D
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    You should be concentrating on what you have accomplished. 50 lbs is a big accomplishment!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. Feel great about what you have done, the lifestyle changes and sacrifices you have made to get where you are now. Look at the pictures as a tool for encouragement and pick your self up, dust off and march forward to continue on your journey.

    As a photographer, I can tell you that no matter the situation, pictures do add weight to a person under certain situations. So don't let the ones you looked at be a gauge of where you are at.

    You look great in your profile pics and those tell me a different story than then one you describe here.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    It's always hard to see ourselves as having any change whatsoever. But, looking at your before and after, there is definitely a change! You look gorgeous!! Keep up the great work!
  • Sarw27
    Sarw27 Posts: 68 Member
    Oh my, that is heartbreaking. If you're anything like me then I'm going to say your PMS is a leading cause in you being so emotional over this. I totally get that.

    It must be tough to see how far you've come yet still feel so far away from your goal. I imagine I'll have days like this when I get to your point too. I guess the important thing is letting yourself be emotional today but picking yourself back up tomorrow.

    Good luck. :)