SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • Emmabella11
    Hi ladies,
    I am so sorry but I have to leave the challenge(I really enjoyed it), I have lost my internet service until further notice. I am so bummed about this but I will only be able to log my food and exercise through my phone. I wish you all lots of luck and thank you for your support.

    Have a great week and I hope we can remain friends.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am sorry my sister(Emmabella) had to back out back out but with no internet there was no way for her to continue. amyelizbradley will now be added to your team, I will send her your way.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I have been SO busy lately!! We have some home improvement projects going on and between that and my 5 yr old challenging me, I have not been on! So Sorry! But I did complete my Cardio Challenge! WOOT!

    Starting MFP Weight : 171
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 169
    Week 1 Weight : 169
    Week 2 Weight : 170 ( at TOM)
    Week 3 Weight: 168
    Week 4 Weight: 167
    Week 5 Weight 166
    Change this week : -1
    Goal Weight : 140

    Strength: 6 - I did get in all those exercises! Woot!
    Cardio: 1 - Above my goal. Only thanks to those projects!
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    Next week looks like a fun one with the challenges!! O.o Let's get it done! Yay! Oh ... I added both my weight and points to the spreadsheet already! :)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Kristy- I'm so sorry to see you leave our team! It was such a pleasure to have you and your positive attitude with us. I know you will continue to do great even without the challenge and meet your goals! Best of luck! ♥
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Kristy- I'm so sorry to see you leave our team! It was such a pleasure to have you and your positive attitude with us. I know you will continue to do great even without the challenge and meet your goals! Best of luck! ♥
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Food Challenge-1pt
    Emotional Challenge-1pt.

    9pts total

    Down 1.8 lbs, not what I wanted but It will have to do! Hoping for a little more next week!

    Ashley, you did great... it's much better than having an increase right? Next week will be better, you will rock it!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I have been SO busy lately!! We have some home improvement projects going on and between that and my 5 yr old challenging me, I have not been on! So Sorry! But I did complete my Cardio Challenge! WOOT!

    Starting MFP Weight : 171
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 169
    Week 1 Weight : 169
    Week 2 Weight : 170 ( at TOM)
    Week 3 Weight: 168
    Week 4 Weight: 167
    Week 5 Weight 166
    Change this week : -1
    Goal Weight : 140

    Strength: 6 - I did get in all those exercises! Woot!
    Cardio: 1 - Above my goal. Only thanks to those projects!
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    Next week looks like a fun one with the challenges!! O.o Let's get it done! Yay! Oh ... I added both my weight and points to the spreadsheet already! :)

    Awesome job! I have been seeing all the projects you have been doing ... you are one busy shrinking lady! Thanks for keeping up with the spreadsheet, and have another great week of productivity!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Week 4 Weight: 335
    Week 5 Weight 330
    Change this week : -5

    Strength: 6 - Rocked them out
    Cardio: 1 - I was also above my goal! YAY
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    I'm chugging along but my train is a bit tired today. Gotta keep going ...choochooo! I know I can, I know I can!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 6


    Set you goal this week atleast 5% higher than it was last week, we can do this ladies!! Amazing job last week!

    **The Team with the highest Calories burned this week gets an extra point!!

    I added Week 6 to the Calorie Burn Spreadsheet

    Please remember to post on your thread and on the main thread how you burned your calories and how many you burned each day, I think this will give us all some new ideas.

    Strength and Nutrition Challenge: 1 point for each per day ( possible 14 points)

    Nutrition - Under Carbs
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor (

    Nutrition - Under calories
    Exercise - 50 push ups (modified as needed)

    Nutrition - Under Fat
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches (

    Nutrition - Under Sodium
    Exercise - 50 Bridges (

    Nutrition - Under Carbs
    Exercise - 50 skater squats (

    Nutrition - Under calories
    Exercise - 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees (

    Nutrition - Under Fat
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each (

    **Some of you take a day or two break so just double up your strength for one day to get the point

    Emotional Challenge:
    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?
    **A special Thank you to LoveNverNds for helping me with the emotional Challenge this week.

    Good Luck Ladies and I hope you enjoy the challenge this week

    Week 6 Points = 16 possible per person
    Cardio-1 per person
    Strength- 7 per person
    Food- 7 per person
    Emotion-1 per person

    Week 6 Team point = 4 possible for Team(this goes in the Team point line)
    Your Team earns 1 point for each challenge the whole Team completed ( your Team only gets the Team Point for the strength and food challenge if everyone completes all the daily challenges.)

    Any Week Picture Point=1 per person
    Anyone who posts a before pic will earn this extra point to add to there normal week points.

    Highest Weight Loss Point= 1 for the Team with the highest weight loss for this week.
    Highest Calorie Burn- 1 point for the Team with the highest Calorie Burn

    Week 6 total possible points=84 ( not including the Calorie Burn,Picture or highest weight loss Point)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am so sorry but I have to leave the challenge(I really enjoyed it), I have lost my internet service until further notice. I am so bummed about this but I will only be able to log my food and exercise through my phone. I wish you all lots of luck and thank you for your support.

    Have a great week and I hope we can remain friends.

    So sorry to see you go Kristy, you will definitely be missed! You're journey and strength has been so inspirational, I will stay in touch and keep up with your progress, Im always here if you need to talk!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I have been SO busy lately!! We have some home improvement projects going on and between that and my 5 yr old challenging me, I have not been on! So Sorry! But I did complete my Cardio Challenge! WOOT!

    Starting MFP Weight : 171
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 169
    Week 1 Weight : 169
    Week 2 Weight : 170 ( at TOM)
    Week 3 Weight: 168
    Week 4 Weight: 167
    Week 5 Weight 166
    Change this week : -1
    Goal Weight : 140

    Strength: 6 - I did get in all those exercises! Woot!
    Cardio: 1 - Above my goal. Only thanks to those projects!
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    Next week looks like a fun one with the challenges!! O.o Let's get it done! Yay! Oh ... I added both my weight and points to the spreadsheet already! :)

    Way to go! Those challenges last week were tough, I'm so glad we got them all done! Nice loss too, you are getting close to your goal!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Week 4 Weight: 335
    Week 5 Weight 330
    Change this week : -5

    Strength: 6 - Rocked them out
    Cardio: 1 - I was also above my goal! YAY
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    I'm chugging along but my train is a bit tired today. Gotta keep going ...choochooo! I know I can, I know I can!

    Thats one amazing loss you had this week! Nice job!! Kudos to you for all you do, you're calorie burns baffle me! And I know you can keep going too!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Okay ... I'm done for the day!

    Nutrition - Under Carbs -> Yes!! My goal is 249 and I got 104 (That's even with PASTA!!)
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor ( -> Done! :)

    Emotional Challenge:
    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?
    Pictures of me. That is what did it for me. I did not think I looked as bad as the pictures made me feel I looked. I pull them up when I feel like I don't want to work out or I want to eat bad or too much! Hahaha! I figured since I quit smoking last year, that this year was my year to shed some pounds/fluff. I really want to weigh less than my husband and right now I don't. I'm getting closer each week though! :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Can someone post the link for the team Black siggy, I just realized that I still have a team red....ugh! Never mind did it myself!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Day one done, under calories, under carbs, hip flexors done, logged my calories...almost 800 burned today! Tired and feeling like i might just sleep good tonight, for the first night in a week! Hope everyone had a wonderful day!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hello Team Black! I am crossing over from Team Orange... looking forward to getting to know you! Karie/ NewLife_11 asked me to post the "balance" that I had not yet posted from Week 5's challenge, so here we go....

    Sun. 8/21 Yoga 148
    Mon. 8/22 Cardio Kickboxing 400
    Tu. 8/23 Personal training & spin 650
    TOTALS for whole week = 2742
    ** I approximated on a lot of the cals. burned- the MFP numbers have always have been off for me; my HRM needed a new battery and I finally got one today!

    Completed all 6 challenges in the order listed (whew!)

    FOOD CHALLENGE: Healthy Kids Meal
    (modified the recipe from "Family Fun" magazine; sounds weird but my kids love these!)
    Ham & "??" Morning Muffins
    Makes: ~ 1 dozen
    1 1/4 cups unbleached flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour)
    3/4 cup fine yellow cornmeal (I sometimes use in place of or mix w/ the cornmeal ~ 1 c quick cook oats & ~ 1/2 c oat bran)
    1/4 cup sugar (I used Splenda)
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 cup mlik (I used vanilla unsweetened almond milk)
    2 large eggs (I used egg subsitute)
    1/3 cup corn oil (I used unsweetened applesauce)
    1 cup finely diced ham
    ** I have also mixed in ~ 1 c of a Craisin/ raisin mixture & ~ 1 c of chopped pecans)
    Heat the oven to 375°. Coat a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray or line the wells with paper liners.
    In a large bowl, whisk the dry goods (except for raisins/ nuts/ etc. if added) In a medium bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, and oil, then pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until blended. Fold in the ham, and any other "additions".
    Spoon the batter into the prepared cups, filling each three-quarters full. Bake the muffins until their tops are lightly browned, about 20 minutes. Let them cool in the pan on a wire rack for 3 minutes, then turn them out onto the rack and let them cool completely. The muffins can be frozen in a plastic freezer bag up to three months.
    Nutritional Information:Per serving (1 muffin) Calories 191, Total Fat 9 g (14%), Saturated Fat 2 g (12%), Cholesterol 43 mg (14%), Sodium 262 mg (11%), Total Carbohydrate 22 g (7%), Fiber 0.8 g (3%), Sugars 6 g, Protein 5 g (10%)
    ** the nutritional information varies quite a lot depending on what I have on hand/ mix in; this is generalized :)

    Excuses... there have been so many but if I am HONEST with myself, the excuse was that I was not worth it. I kept justifying my emotional use of food by saying "I deserved it", no matter whether I was stressed or happy, or whatever. Not falling back into that trap is my biggest challenge; always will be. When I find myself down, I just make sure that I reach out to someone who can give me the honest support I need. I try to change the self-depriciating soundtrack in my head (even when I don't believe myself, I still repeat that Im worthwhile). Funny that my weight is so much not about food... hmmm...
    ** I had to add before I posted: I write up my posts while on the move and try to enter them into the computer at night, while also touching base with my team... evidently I was MIA longer than I thought, because when I logged in tonight, and read the postings, I discovered I had been let loose of the Team. I completely understand the why but I cant say that it didn't hurt- I caught myself starting to emotional eat ("I don't care") and then I stopped, sighed, and logged it all. When we stumble, we stand & dust ourselves off; that's the point we learn & grow. It's a journey, right?

    Weight (as of Tu. 8/22 am 155) -1.5 pounds for Week 5, I believe
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Strength - 1 ...... or is it 7 for all the days completed??
    Cardio- 1
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    No weight loss, but no gain either!!

    Maintenance can be a GOOD thing! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Food Challenge-1pt
    Emotional Challenge-1pt.

    9pts total

    Down 1.8 lbs, not what I wanted but It will have to do! Hoping for a little more next week!

    Wow! A 1.8 # loss is awesome! Better than a gain right? But it's always good to challenge yourself as long as you appreciate your effort so far!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I have been SO busy lately!! We have some home improvement projects going on and between that and my 5 yr old challenging me, I have not been on! So Sorry! But I did complete my Cardio Challenge! WOOT!

    Starting MFP Weight : 171
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 169
    Week 1 Weight : 169
    Week 2 Weight : 170 ( at TOM)
    Week 3 Weight: 168
    Week 4 Weight: 167
    Week 5 Weight 166
    Change this week : -1
    Goal Weight : 140

    Strength: 6 - I did get in all those exercises! Woot!
    Cardio: 1 - Above my goal. Only thanks to those projects!
    Emotional- 1
    Recipe- 1

    Next week looks like a fun one with the challenges!! O.o Let's get it done! Yay! Oh ... I added both my weight and points to the spreadsheet already! :)

    But you've got it done! Way to go!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Day one done, under calories, under carbs, hip flexors done, logged my calories...almost 800 burned today! Tired and feeling like i might just sleep good tonight, for the first night in a week! Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

    Way impressed! Sleep well! Here's to our tomorrow!