How far are you from your goal weight?



  • sdewey415
    sdewey415 Posts: 93 Member
    5' 3"
    1st SW(01/18): 226
    2nd SW(01/19): 205
    CW: 183.6
    1st GW: 160
    2nd GW: 135

    I dont know if I want to be much less than 135. I honestly dont know if I want to be that low anyway. I was pretty happy at 153 before. We will see when the time comes!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,927 Member
    edited March 2019
    5'0", F, 53 years old
    SW: 144 lb
    CW: 126
    GW (tentative): 117 lb - will get a DEXA to reassess then. When I weighed 135, body fat was 36%. I might not have a satisfactory body fat % when I hit 117 but I will see.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited March 2019
    Age: 64 not asked

    Height: 5'11”

    SW: 210.8 on 8/31/2018

    Current: 174.3 this morning.

    Goal weight: Initially set at 180, dropped to 177 during journey and then refined to range of 172-177.

    Feeling darn good where I’m at. Need to buy new clothes. I’m a dude and not a shopper so have been dodging that chore. Currently practicing OMAD and eating at maintenance, or at least that’s my goal. Taking maintenance as seriously as I did my boot camp journey of dropping 35 lbs. of middle-aged man LARD!

    How did I get there? Intermittent fasting, detailed food journaling EVERY DAY, eating to lose 1.5 lbs. a week and training with kettlebells, pull-ups, burpees, running and walking.

    Struggle - keeping what I’ve achieved, this time for life. Did this once before and kept it for over 20 years. Dropped my guard a few years ago and got what I deserve. NEVER AGAIN!
  • Suuzanne37
    Suuzanne37 Posts: 114 Member
    Height - 5’2”
    SW - 186 (Highest weight;194)
    CW - 150
    GW - 136 - 146
    136 would get me out of the “overweight bmi”; but I’ll be happy in the 140s.
  • manicdaisy
    manicdaisy Posts: 130 Member
    Height: 4' 11"
    SW: 165
    Current: 134.6
    Goal weight: 120

    I started my journey at the very beginning of October 2018.

    Honestly, I was surprised with how easy losing weight is this time around after yo-yoing between 150-170 for the past few years. I started weighing my food, reaching 10k steps most days, and I'm on a [semi-controversial?] 1200 calorie diet, but for my height and desk job that really is necessary for me to noticeably lose weight. I am noticing that since I hit 135 weight loss is muchhh slower, but I'm confident I'll make it to 120 in time.

    I'm a volume eater, so on days where I eat something calorie dense, I definitely suffer from hunger. Realizing that has helped me make smarter eating choices, though.
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I’m 5’1”
    SW: 176lbs
    CW: 160lbs
    GW: 140lbs

    I lost the initial weight and have kept it off simply by portioning out my rice and pasta to half a cup. Now I’m struggling with the next stage. I exercise 3X/week and walk quite a lot daily. I try to keep my calories under my daily goal but lately have been snacking on the wrong things! Never mind. I’m giving it another push and feel confident I can lose this 20 pounds!
  • NayaYTeague
    NayaYTeague Posts: 6 Member
    CW: 149lbs
    GW: 135lbs

    So 14 pounds! 😊
  • Blythmag
    Blythmag Posts: 252 Member
    3 lbs
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Height: 5’3
    Starting weight: 180
    Current weight: 145
    Goal weight: 125
  • madonifer
    madonifer Posts: 30 Member
    CW- 131
  • ladybug4233
    ladybug4233 Posts: 217 Member
    edited April 2019
    Im 47, 5'3
    SW (1/2018) 155.5
    SW (1/2019 137.5
    CW 126
    GW 124

    Im almost there. I was down to 126 by June of last year and gained about 10 pounds back by January of this year after a very stressful event. Ive been thinking about going down to 119 but that would be vanity pounds so I haven't decided. I think I'll take a break at 124 and try just maintaining for a while and reevaluate in a few months. I have added in strength training this year and can tell my clothes are looser even though I am the same weight.
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    edited April 2019
    SW 208, 5'3"
    Lowest weight 137
    *then I went off the rails after issues with exercise purging, getting frustrated with myself, bouncing around plans, faulty therapy and went up to 164*
    CW 155
    GW I looked pretty good at 137. I'll shoot for there for now. I'm 147 in my profile pic, and I'd be fine with that too.

    I stopped logging for a while, I'm just staring to get into it again. I started Crossfit to reduce my cardio obsession. A day I go over in calories I just write it off, or if I still have meals left I don't say "screw it" anymore, I correct as necessary. So far so good.

  • oceangirl99
    oceangirl99 Posts: 161 Member
    F turning 40 soon, 5'5.5"
    SW 216.8
    CW 165.0
    GW 148 and then re-evaluate.
    UG to look athletic and lose my belly, so whatever weight that is :)
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Closer than I was last week!
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    edited April 2019
    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 167 in 2013 (highest ever was ~180 back in 03-04)
    CW: 135.5
    GW: 124

    I have a small frame and narrow hips for a woman, so the low end of the BMI will be suitable for me. My doctor advised to not go lower than 20 BMI, and that is 124, so I'm 11.5 lbs away. It goes so slow! I get hungry! I want to munch on all the things!

    After I get to 124, I will start lifting heavy and care less about my weight. I was lifting heavy for a little while, but it made me incredibly hungry and was sabotaging my calorie limits, so I'm waiting until I am permitted to eat a bit more. And then my weight won't matter as much (happy spot between 125-135) as long as I'm fit and strong and have a small waist.
  • Torxa
    Torxa Posts: 61 Member
    5' 3"
    SW: 140
    CW: 124
    GW: 120

    I'm going to transition to maintenance at 120 lbs. If I'm able to maintain okay but would like to lose some vanity pounds I may go for 115, but I'm not deciding that right now.

    It also depends on my clothes. I cannot afford and do not want to replace my entire wardrobe. I've already lost some pieces (they are stored neatly for now) and I have, out of 7 total pairs of shoes, 3 pairs that are too loose. This just confounds me. I don't feel like losing 16 lbs should make my feet shrink so much.