HELP! Alternative to the birthday cake?!



  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    angel food cake cupcakes with whipped cream for frosting. You can add some orange zest to the angel food or play around with other flavors. A slice of strawberry on top makes a pretty, tasty decoration.

    I would splurge on real whipped cream that you make yourself. No preservatives and a cupcake doesn't have too much frosting on it. You also control the sugar without any artificial stuff.
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member :D

    Ditto! Best site ever!!!
  • I need a plan for this too, it's my birthday next month haha

    My birthday is coming up too and I fantasize about a nice big slice of the most chococaley cheese cake. I fully plan on eating a slice too, I'm just going to be busting my butt at the gym before and after so I feel better about doing it. I figure that your birthday comes once a year and if you've been good, you deserve to celebrate not only your bday but your success as well!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    I recently saw an episode of Hungry Girl where she made a Banana Split Pie that looked really good, only 172 calories per serving. It is an ice cream pie so you will need some time to let it freeze. Just do a google search for hungry girl.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Take a box caked mix and add only a can of diet soda to it and bake. moistest, no oil, no eggs, tastes awesome!

    Someone at my school used white cake mix, diet orange soda and mandarin oranges. It was soooo good!
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    If you still want something totally decadent but not quite so bad as regular cake, how about a flourless dark chocolate cake? They also tend to be so rich that a small sliver will totally satisfy even the most ardent chocolate lover (I speak from experience!).
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    This is one of my most favorite cupcake recipes ever -

    If you make 12 cupcakes with this recipe, the cake part by itself is only 64 calories per serving - then ice it with whatever you want. If you're concerned about fat, then maybe mix some rosewater in with Cool Whip or something? But for a special occasion, the whipped cream icing really is amazing, especially with the saffron, and I use less sugar than they call for in the icing.

    WITH the whipped cream and pistachios, they are only 154 calories each. They are light and wonderful and the spices are so, so good (and easily interchangeable if you don't like cardamom and saffron).
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Fresh fruit tart? Berry shortcake? Fresh fruit and yogurt parfait? Fresh fruit kabob? Fruit pizza?
  • mix a diet soda with a chocolate cake mix - low cal and super good
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I need a plan for this too, it's my birthday next month haha

    My birthday is coming up too and I fantasize about a nice big slice of the most chococaley cheese cake. I fully plan on eating a slice too, I'm just going to be busting my butt at the gym before and after so I feel better about doing it. I figure that your birthday comes once a year and if you've been good, you deserve to celebrate not only your bday but your success as well!

    Bingo! I tried some healthier cupcakes not to long ago and while they were edible they weren't birthday cake quality. I'll be forty this year and it'll be the first non-obese birthday in years. I'm going to dress up a little, have whatever I want for a birthday dinner, have some cake, get drunk then get up the next morning go back to my healthy routine.
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    Low Sugar JELLY!
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    Take a box caked mix and add only a can of diet soda to it and bake. moistest, no oil, no eggs, tastes awesome!

    Someone at my school used white cake mix, diet orange soda and mandarin oranges. It was soooo good!

    Its sooo awesome... choc cake with diet cherry coke... so good!
  • hkopacz
    hkopacz Posts: 15
    Cheesecake? I know of a tonnnnnn of great cheesecake recipes that are great on the health side of the world.
    Bread pudding? Know of good recipes for that too.
    Black bean brownies?!!?! High protein, and mid on F and C?

    i would love to know the recipe for the bread pudding. one of my favorites