SAHMU 60 Day Challenge * Week 6* (closed Group)



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Remember everyone post your weigh ins and points and recipes for last week on week 5. This post will be our new week 6
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Already done with hip flexor and i misread it as 50 and completed it..hahahah
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Nutrition challenge for this week looks good! I tend to eat a lot of the same things (I've had the same breakfast for weeks now). This will make me look a little closer at the specific nutrition intakes. That being said, there is no way I'm meeting the carb goal for today. It's my b-day and I will be indulging in a piece of cake. But it's on for the other days! Good luck everyone

    Happy Birthday and have a fabulous day!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Nutrition challenge for this week looks good! I tend to eat a lot of the same things (I've had the same breakfast for weeks now). This will make me look a little closer at the specific nutrition intakes. That being said, there is no way I'm meeting the carb goal for today. It's my b-day and I will be indulging in a piece of cake. But it's on for the other days! Good luck everyone

    Happy birthday!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    My moment of clarity was after I had my 1st daughter and seeing pictures of myself. I started working out but then life got in the way. When she was 4 1/2 I decided I wanted another baby and we struggled with this for 1 1/2 yrs to find out I have high levels of Cortisol hormones and there is nothing they could do for forget about trying to get pregnant OR lose weight cuz Cortisol is caused by stress and this holds on to fat....great, huh? I did some research and went to the Natural Food store and bought a generic pill called Cortisol Lowering pill....starting working out again and taking pill and with in 2 months I lost 25lbs and was pregnant!! Now since I had baby #2 I am done 45lbs ( had her in Dec).......27lbs when I started here in March and am pushing to lose at least 50-60 more lbs and hopefully be at goal by next summer! With this hormone issue it has been coming off very slowly but this is also a lifestyle change and I am trying to change for the better!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi all, back from the hospital, not Tourette's(yeah)!!! Just a tick, that is most likely puberty induced, and should fade in late teens early 20's (or it might not fade, just don't know).

    Anyway, can someone post our spreadsheet link, not the cardio one the first one with the points? My son was playing on the computer and It's now gone, Thanks!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi all, back from the hospital, not Tourette's(yeah)!!! Just a tick, that is most likely puberty induced, and should fade in late teens early 20's (or it might not fade, just don't know).

    Anyway, can someone post our spreadsheet link, not the cardio one the first one with the points? My son was playing on the computer and It's now gone, Thanks!!

    So glad to hear the good news thats great! Heres the link!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Let's do this blue team!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Under carbs and 25 hip flexors per side...check! :happy:
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    I had 53 carbs left for the day today! YAY!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Blue Team........

    Stacey:9 pts
    Jennifer: 7pts
    Melanie: 9 pts
    Julissa: 9pts
    Devin: 8pts

    Total Team Points: 42pts

    Melanie: -1.6lbs
    Jennifer: 0
    Stacey: -1lb
    Julissa: -2lbs
    Devin: -.0.6lbs

    Total loss: -5.2lbs.....Yay!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Circuit training, general JM 30DS

    25min - 236 calories burned

    Stretching, hatha yoga Crunch Sexy Stretching

    22min - 65 calories burned

    Kickboxing (including Turbo Jam) Kick Butt Kickboxing ATT ON DEMAND

    20min - 244 calories burned

    Pushing or pulling stroller with child Walked to and from the park with my babies

    12min - 35 calories burned
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Wish us well Ladies, taking my 12y/o to All Children Hospital, hoping for a diagnoses. Our fingers are crossed for something less than what we think it will be, Tourette's syndrome, but even if that's what it is, at least we have answers.

    Hope everyone has a good weigh-in today, I won't be back on til tonite if at all, depending on how the day goes.

    Praying for you! Good luck today!

    I actually didn't see your original post (just the quote) but I had to reply... to make a really looooong story short, I have a 9 yr. old son with several problems one of which is "mental illness of unknown ideology" as the docs say, so I truly understand. If you need any input/ support/ etc. from a mom who is facing what sounds like similar challenges, please send me a message. All the best to you and your family,
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 5: 230.6
    Weekly +/- : -2lbs
    Total +/- : -30.4lbs!
    Goal: Did not acheieve my goal to kiss the 230s goodbye this week. Still, lost 2 lbs, so that's great. I'm a little disappointed because this loss did accomplish my goal of losing 30lbs, but I fee like that is tarnished by that stupid .7lb more I needed to lose to weigh in at 229.9. That would have been great! But alas, it was not to be. So my goal for this week is to keep working hard and see that number drop below 230. More importantly, I felt really good about how hard I worked this week and I want to keep feeling like that, so regardless of the number on the scale, my real goal is to exercise every moment I am able

    This week's challenge looks awesome!!!

    I love your take on your disappointment; that's a great way to look at it... thanks for sharing!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    From the Black Team:

    For Wed. 8/24...
    goal to burn = 3150
    Body Pump = 175
    Yoga = 146
    Run/ treadmill (warm-up) = 100
    Total for today = 421

    Strength & Nutrion:
    Under Carbs = 99 g under
    Hip flexor = 25 each side

    Okay, let's ramp it up for tomorrow... I've got a calorie burn goal to make!
    Hope everyone gets a good night sleep!
  • tigertown11
    did day one of week 6 and what a struggle!!! i am a carboholic so I already have a low number start with, but I did it and i am super starving this morning. Craving red meat!!
    today under calories and have to travel.. another challenge!

    those hip flexors didn't seem that hard, but I feel it in my lower abs today!
    pushups.... YUCK, coming from a person with a bad neck and upper back. i do modified of course.!!!

    how is the rest of the Orange team today?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Can everyone please go to the spreadsheets and input there total points and weight loss this week, remember ifyou have gained weight count it as 0 for the week, also make sure the previous weeks are complete as well. Thanks and as soon as this is done I will give a little update on who won the highest weight loss for the week and who earned the most points.Here is the link
    Make sure your calorie burns are entered as well, here is the link
    Also make sure you go to week 5 and vote for a recipe!!!

    If you have questions about points please go to the main challenge spreadsheet I created, it includes all the challenges and how many points you can recieve per week on there, remember if you are new, you can put all possible point on the week you were not here.
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Just wanted to give you a big thank you for all your hard work. It seems like it is getting to be more and more work for you to stat on top of the challenges. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate it. You're hard work is paying off big time at keeping all of us motivated and healthy. Thanks!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Just wanted to give you a big thank you for all your hard work. It seems like it is getting to be more and more work for you to stat on top of the challenges. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate it. You're hard work is paying off big time at keeping all of us motivated and healthy. Thanks!

    Could not agree more! You're the best Karie!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Emotional Challenge: (I figure thinking about this will help me recommit as well as earn a point for our team:wink: )

    for me the moment of clarity was a double whammy. I was super concerned and stressed about what type of finger foods to introduce to my then 9 month old son. all I could think was "if he gets used to eating bad foods like hotdogs, KD, anyhing with added sugar then he will end up fat like me". I was terrified about what I should and shouldn't give him. I swore he would never eat fast food, never taste a hot dog, and never drink juice. I was completely committed to keeping him healthy and giving him the best start nutritionally possible.... and then I went to the kitchen and heated up my lunch of pizza pops and poured a glass of pepsi... double standard much? But still I was sure that I could keep him from going down the road I was and had been on for so long. And then it hit me: how am i going to explain to a small child why Mommy is allowed to have McD's for lunch but he has to eat a homemade sandwich on whole wheat bread with a bunch of veggies. Why can Mommy and Daddy scarf down on chips and sweets and he is limited to a single sugar free cookie? And the final kicker was: why am I willing to put my son on a super strict diet (not that I would limit calories per say, but just limit his options. I would NEVER actually make a child diet) when I am unwilling to do it myself? So then, as my son napped and I drowned my sorrows and all my worries in various types of junk foods while sitting on the couch watching bad daytime TV I had a moment where I resigned myself to the fact that despite all my best intentions, my son wuld eventually either a) pick up on all my and my hubby's bad habits or b) rebel against all the fresh fruit and veggies and gorge on junk food at every oppurtunity once he was old enough. For just a moment, I resigned myself to the fact that my beautiful baby boy, as well as an future siblings would be fat like me...

    And then I said "F#@% THAT!". Right then and there I put down the junk food and I haven't looked back. Shortly thereafter my hubby joined me (and can I just say, he is doing awesome!!! he has lost about 45 lbs and looks amazing!) and together we are learning about healthy choices. We are training our bodies to be active instead of sedentary (sidenote: I actually miss exercise when I take a day off). We are learning that the previously-thought "bad foods" are ok in moderation. Becasue we want our son to grow into a confident, healthy, active little boy that doesn't feel encumbered by his weight. I also don't want him to be weighed down worrying about what he eats. In our house we have dessert every day! But our dessert (both for Mommy & Daddy as well as our son) is a bowl of fresh fruit. Treats, on the other hand, like soft cookies or a hot dog for lunch are occasional and that much more exciting for everyone when we do have them.

    So that's my clarity, inspriation and personal philosophy all rolled into one. And all that being said, I feel better about the day. I'm going to work out twice as hard tonight due to my renewed optomism. Wouldn't Jillian Michaels be proud:tongue: