Anyone doing the 16/8 hour fasting?

nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member
I am going to take a stab at IF .I ate TERRIBLE this weekend and likely gained a couple lbs. I am going to continue my gym workouts (I was even at gym this morning at 4am this morning yay me) .

The only IF I think I can do without failure is the 16/8. I work early and sit behind a desk all day and still need to work out when I get off so starting today my 8 hour eating window is 11-7. By finishing AT 7 I still have time to go to gym and eat dinner and be done by 7. I am normally at the gym by 5 or 5:15. I like to work out around an hour then drive home.

Any tips? Do you pretty much just eat breakfast at 11 am instead of early? I bring all my food to work so I had my breakfast at 11:15, and I intend on eating my lunch around 3. I may squeeze in a snack but I don't have time to eat all day and space snacks out so I think I will be eating less too.


  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I just have a cup of coffee. I do sometimes get a little hungry in the morning, but I work through it just fine.
  • nocgirl72
    nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member
    I’ll still bE sure to stay under where I am now. I won’t be eating all day and I think I’ll be eating less than I do now.

    I naturally eat in an 8 hour window and have done so long before I knew it had a label. My preference just happens to be eating breakfast around 11 am and I like to eat dinner by 6:30, so by 7 pm I'm done for the day.

    You still have to pay attention to calories with 16:8- it's not a magic diet. I both gained and lost weight eating in an 8 hour window. If it adds more structure to your diet and helps you keep within your calorie budget, that's great. But it's the overall calories that matter, not when you eat them.
    I naturally eat in an 8 hour window and have done so long before I knew it had a label. My preference just happens to be eating breakfast around 11 am and I like to eat dinner by 6:30, so by 7 pm I'm done for the day.

    You still have to pay attention to calories with 16:8- it's not a magic diet. I both gained and lost weight eating in an 8 hour window. If it adds more structure to your diet and helps you keep within your calorie budget, that's great. But it's the overall calories that matter, not when you eat them.
    I naturally eat in an 8 hour window and have done so long before I knew it had a label. My preference just happens to be eating breakfast around 11 am and I like to eat dinner by 6:30, so by 7 pm I'm done for the day.

    You still have to pay attention to calories with 16:8- it's not a magic diet. I both gained and lost weight eating in an 8 hour window. If it adds more structure to your diet and helps you keep within your calorie budget, that's great. But it's the overall calories that matter, not when you eat them.
    I naturally eat in an 8 hour window and have done so long before I knew it had a label. My preference just happens to be eating breakfast around 11 am and I like to eat dinner by 6:30, so by 7 pm I'm done for the day.

    You still have to pay attention to calories with 16:8- it's not a magic diet. I both gained and lost weight eating in an 8 hour window. If it adds more structure to your diet and helps you keep within your calorie budget, that's great. But it's the overall calories that matter, not when you eat them.

  • nocgirl72
    nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member
    I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I just want to binge eat all day. I need to change my eway of thinking. I have lost 20 lbs or so, lost many inches, toned up and I don't want to back track and slip into old bad habits.

    I am going to do this until my birthday weekend, do my best to not totally binge. then start back up again.

    It is very hard to do this all the time and have a social life.

    ladyzherra wrote: »
    Hey there. Yes, I do this fasting program and I find that is it most achievable for me. In the past I have done longer fasts, such as two day fasts twice a week, or eating every other day -- but these did not resonnate with me at the time for several reasons such as: triggering a disordered eating mentality, messing with my menstrual cycle, and I was not in the most balanced mindset at the time (going through a divorce).

    When you indulge or binge or otherwise overeat and then fasting comes to mind, know that this is signal of disordered thinking about food. I note this because I do this myself all the time. I will have a day or week of eating a lot -- I struggle with binge-eating -- and then my mind will go to fasting. I have enough experience with this to know that fasting from this place never works for me. Using fasting as a quick-fix-remedy for binge-eating, overeating, or other unhealthy mental and emotional issues is not going to solve the problem; it may even make the problem worse.

    I have recently begun the 16:8 fast again because I have been doing a lot of personal work on my thinking and actions around food, I feel that my life is balanced (as much as possible) right now, and feel in control with 16:8 due to the large eating window (when the eating window has been too small, in the past this has encouraged me to binge and feel justified in doing so).

    I hope that helps!

  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I’m doing the 16:8 window too. I still get the calories for my three meals, but I push the last two closer to the end. It seems to quiet the need to overeat at dinner or snack after. Since I am focused on losing seriously again, I’ve cut out after dinner snacks for a while, drinking more water throughout the day, and having coffee with the next to last meal. It seems to be satisfying me. We all have to find our own plan. Trial and error!
  • nocgirl72
    nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member

    Hi I’m eating at a calorie deficit already because I don’t have time to squeeze I all my eating. I find this a good idea so far as I cannot simply eatcall day. I need to train myself and mindset that I only eat between 11-7 and I stay below 1200 cals. I will need to occasionally tweak this. I bring all my food to work with me so that only gives me 4.5 hours to eat at work since I don’t eat until 11 am and I usually leave by 3:30. Then I go to the gym for at least an hour.

    I’m going to try this for a few weeks and see how I do.
    I’m currently doing 18:6 (as in just started) after doing OMAD 22:2 for 45 consecutive days. Whatever meal timing you choose, it should be the one that creates 100 percent compliance with the calories deficit that will allow you to achieve your weight loss goals. You may need to ramp it up to meet the 100 percent compliance benchmarks.

    For example, you may need to do IF 16:8 with a 500 calories deficit 3 days a week initially and eat at maintenance the other days. Once you get 100 percent compliance doing this, maybe add another day of deficit. This approach inches you towards full-time calories deficit while maintaining 100 percent compliance.

    While IF isn’t necessary to achieve calories deficit, some people, like me, find it incredibly effective, in achieving continuous daily calories deficit. I’ve lost 39 lbs. in a little less than 8 months and have stellar discipline that I thank IF helping cultivate.

    Hope this helps.

  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Thanks for clarification. What I like about IF windows, including a very small one I just finished, is my time isn't spent with all this food preoccupation, thinking about what to eat because it's mainstream eating time, preparing it, eating it, cleaning up, thinking about how good or bad it was and then planning the next one. Very time consuming to me.
  • nocgirl72
    nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member
    Same. I pack and plan out just enough to keep me satisfied for my 4.5 eating window at work. I am going to be at a deficit because I cannot simply, nor have the desire to, cram in all my before dinner calories in this window. So I am bringing with me 1 small meal, and 2 snacks to eat. I basically eat breakfast at 11 am now.

    Thanks for clarification. What I like about IF windows, including a very small one I just finished, is my time isn't spent with all this food preoccupation, thinking about what to eat because it's mainstream eating time, preparing it, eating it, cleaning up, thinking about how good or bad it was and then planning the next one. Very time consuming to me.

  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am so glad that you posted this because today was my first day on the 16:8 fast. I decided to forgo eating breakfast. At Noon my window starts & will close at 8 pm. Then I won't eat again until Noon the next day. I had coffee this morning & lots & lots of water!!! I talked to some of my friends who have done a similar fast & water is key to staying hydrated & calming the hunger. I actually felt pretty good once I got to my window. I planned out my snacks/meals for when I was at work & have dinner already planned out. It is not as simple as just eating during the window, it's making sure that you eat foods that are healthy so you don't just cram in everything in that time frame. Good luck & let us know how it goes!!!
  • nocgirl72
    nocgirl72 Posts: 139 Member
    edited April 2019
    I agree. All my meals and snacks are planned out. I plan on staying well below my 1200 cals because I am a working mom on the go....I am just unable to eat all day. I don't have much more weight to lose but would be happy with 5-10 more lbs.

    I don't eat in my car....and really trying to avoid going to store or picking up any food. What I eat is on my desk at work or in the fridge, or at home.

    some days I may have to do 12-8 I do my best to plan accordingly but sometimes as a mom things come up and I have to eat later than intended.

    awolf2011 wrote: »
    I am so glad that you posted this because today was my first day on the 16:8 fast. I decided to forgo eating breakfast. At Noon my window starts & will close at 8 pm. Then I won't eat again until Noon the next day. I had coffee this morning & lots & lots of water!!! I talked to some of my friends who have done a similar fast & water is key to staying hydrated & calming the hunger. I actually felt pretty good once I got to my window. I planned out my snacks/meals for when I was at work & have dinner already planned out. It is not as simple as just eating during the window, it's making sure that you eat foods that are healthy so you don't just cram in everything in that time frame. Good luck & let us know how it goes!!!

  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    I do 16:8 every day except Sunday. I *do* eat breakfast/lunch/dinner + snacks in my eating window, but I just eat dinner by 4:30pm. You can make it work however it best fits your schedule.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    nocgirl72 wrote: »
    I agree. All my meals and snacks are planned out. I plan on staying well below my 1200 cals because I am a working mom on the go....I am just unable to eat all day. I don't have much more weight to lose but would be happy with 5-10 more lbs.

    I don't eat in my car....and really trying to avoid going to store or picking up any food. What I eat is on my desk at work or in the fridge, or at home.

    some days I may have to do 12-8 I do my best to plan accordingly but sometimes as a mom things come up and I have to eat later than intended.

    awolf2011 wrote: »
    I am so glad that you posted this because today was my first day on the 16:8 fast. I decided to forgo eating breakfast. At Noon my window starts & will close at 8 pm. Then I won't eat again until Noon the next day. I had coffee this morning & lots & lots of water!!! I talked to some of my friends who have done a similar fast & water is key to staying hydrated & calming the hunger. I actually felt pretty good once I got to my window. I planned out my snacks/meals for when I was at work & have dinner already planned out. It is not as simple as just eating during the window, it's making sure that you eat foods that are healthy so you don't just cram in everything in that time frame. Good luck & let us know how it goes!!!

    I too am a working mom. I have 4 boys, 2 teenagers & 2 younger ones, & they are very much wrapped up in sports, as you can imagine. I plan out my meals while I am at work & during the day on weekends...when I can....& then for dinner I try to make it as healthy as my kids & husband will tolerate so that I don't end up making 2 meals. No one has time for that!!!!!! It is all about balance.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I'm doing 23:1 right now
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited April 2019
    @tmpecus78, I just finished 45 consecutive days of 22:2 and am curious of your feeding window time and average calories consumed daily. Thanks.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    @tmpecus78, I just finished 45 consecutive days of 22:2 and am curious of your feeding window time and average calories consumed daily. Thanks.

    Depending on my day i'm either 23:1 and/or 22:2, but neither are etched in stone. I am currently consuming 2,250-2,350 kcals, and weights fluctuates about 1-2lbs depending on the days activities.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    tmpecus78 wrote: »
    I'm doing 23:1 right now

    Why such a small window?
    I started IF almost two weeks ago planned on 16:8 but how my life goes being a busy mother I end up fasting 18 hours because I don’t want to eat anything after 6. I get all the kids to school then get to the gym by 9:30, home by 11:30 and make my fiancé lunch and have my first meal by 12:15. I do my best to have dinner ready by 5 so I can be done eating by 6. I thought this was going to be tuff for me but I actually really love it and my drive to fast keeps me from snacking at night. Love it. I even had one day I fasted 22 hours. 137 pounds down and 39 to go.

    Ah I have been fasting for years and it has really allowed me to control my hunger and eating habits. I'm pretty busy throughout the day and never really get hungry. I also find most of the time that I tend to want to eat more at night, so I've played around with longer fasts allowing me more calories at night time and I've really enjoyed being able to consume a larger meal at night when I get home from work.
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Started 16/8 a few days ago just by skipping breakfast and so far it seems to work suprisingly well. I am a bit foggy in the morning, but not nearly as hungry as expected. My main binge times are morning (work stress) and evenings (letting go), so it might be a good fit for me to avoid food during these times altogether. I just have to loose a couple of pounds and am on 1200cals a day, which is really hard if you stretch it out over 3 meals. However, with 2 meals and a snack, I seem to be doing alright. - Fingers crossed, this will work for me in the longer run.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    @tmpecus78, I can relate to what you share. What I learned from my OMAD 22:2 experience with a feeding window beginning when the sun sets, is that I enjoy the big eating that 22:2 offers. The slight discomfort of an extended fasting period goes away as the discipline builds or doesn't exist with a busy work/life schedule.

    If there was a slight discomfort, it was small, for me, in relation to the joy of a big meal after an extended fast. And, the food was absolutely delicious. Never ate a bad meal and never was not lukewarm satisfied with what I ate. In fact, I was very satisfied. Also enjoyed fasted-state workouts which included a 60-minute Sunday run generally during the 15th hour of my fasts.

    Not for everyone but great for some. I don't push it but will share my experiences to those who are curious and suggest "safe" ways to begin and have abundant success. The spillover benefit of the IF discipline is great in other areas of life.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    @tmpecus78, I can relate to what you share. What I learned from my OMAD 22:2 experience with a feeding window beginning when the sun sets, is that I enjoy the big eating that 22:2 offers. The slight discomfort of an extended fasting period goes away as the discipline builds or doesn't exist with a busy work/life schedule.

    If there was a slight discomfort, it was small, for me, in relation to the joy of a big meal after an extended fast. And, the food was absolutely delicious. Never ate a bad meal and never was not lukewarm satisfied with what I ate. In fact, I was very satisfied. Also enjoyed fasted-state workouts which included a 60-minute Sunday run generally during the 15th hour of my fasts.

    Not for everyone but great for some. I don't push it but will share my experiences to those who are curious and suggest "safe" ways to begin and have abundant success. The spillover benefit of the IF discipline is great in other areas of life.

    def not for everyone, but I find that being in a ketogenic state it is really effortless to fast for long periods of time. Now if I was consuming 300-400g of carbs I would want a larger feeding window.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Started 16/8 a few days ago just by skipping breakfast and so far it seems to work suprisingly well. I am a bit foggy in the morning, but not nearly as hungry as expected. My main binge times are morning (work stress) and evenings (letting go), so it might be a good fit for me to avoid food during these times altogether. I just have to loose a couple of pounds and am on 1200cals a day, which is really hard if you stretch it out over 3 meals. However, with 2 meals and a snack, I seem to be doing alright. - Fingers crossed, this will work for me in the longer run.

    Today is day 2 for me on the 16:8 IF. I thought it would be extremely hard, but so far, so good. I was a little more hungry this morning, but I had my black coffee & drank a ton of water. I also find that I'm not as hungry as I expected to be. It might be water weight, but I'm down 2 lbs from yesterday. But, I will take any loss that I can get!! I've got a good 30 lbs that I would like to use, but realistically if I could drop 15 of those 30 I'd be a happy camper :smiley:
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    @awolf2011, one "trick" to having lasting IF success is to fuel your body with quality food, always working on making smart choices to meet your satiety needs. If you eat poorly and junk at the end of your feeding window, the next day is going to be extra challenging and you may fall off. Food is fuel for your body and brain. Get your joys with something else.
  • sjb11973
    sjb11973 Posts: 13 Member
    I’m doing 18:6 start eating at 12 and finish at 6. I find I have a lot more energy, which really surprised me!! My training has improved also. I now look at it as my way of eating and doubt I’ll ever stop. I basically eat two high calorie meals per day with min 2 litres water and an apple cider vinegar mixed drink which has also settled my digestion troubles that I’ve had for 29 years. Good luck with it hope it works as well for you!
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    @sjb11973, thanks for sharing the benefits you've experienced. Wishing you the best.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    @awolf2011, one "trick" to having lasting IF success is to fuel your body with quality food, always working on making smart choices to meet your satiety needs. If you eat poorly and junk at the end of your feeding window, the next day is going to be extra challenging and you may fall off. Food is fuel for your body and brain. Get your joys with something else.

    Exactly. I did a lot of research on what foods to consume to fuel my body. I have to say that from a person who "LOVES" sweets, I only had 3 miniature candy bars this past week. That is a huge win for me. I'm finding that I'm not craving those junk foods as I once did.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    sjb11973 wrote: »
    I’m doing 18:6 start eating at 12 and finish at 6. I find I have a lot more energy, which really surprised me!! My training has improved also. I now look at it as my way of eating and doubt I’ll ever stop. I basically eat two high calorie meals per day with min 2 litres water and an apple cider vinegar mixed drink which has also settled my digestion troubles that I’ve had for 29 years. Good luck with it hope it works as well for you!

    I thought that my workouts would be affected by the fasting, but I actually think that I have a clearer head while doing it. I fast from 8 pm to Noon & I workout at 5:30 am, 45 min workouts and it works really well. I do have some bouts of hunger around 10 am, but I'm trying to drink a ton of water, which helps with that.
  • Elle562018
    Elle562018 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm doing the 16/8 IF also. I started this last Monday. Good luck on your journey.
    awolf2011 wrote: »
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Started 16/8 a few days ago just by skipping breakfast and so far it seems to work suprisingly well. I am a bit foggy in the morning, but not nearly as hungry as expected. My main binge times are morning (work stress) and evenings (letting go), so it might be a good fit for me to avoid food during these times altogether. I just have to loose a couple of pounds and am on 1200cals a day, which is really hard if you stretch it out over 3 meals. However, with 2 meals and a snack, I seem to be doing alright. - Fingers crossed, this will work for me in the longer run.

    Today is day 2 for me on the 16:8 IF. I thought it would be extremely hard, but so far, so good. I was a little more hungry this morning, but I had my black coffee & drank a ton of water. I also find that I'm not as hungry as I expected to be. It might be water weight, but I'm down 2 lbs from yesterday. But, I will take any loss that I can get!! I've got a good 30 lbs that I would like to use, but realistically if I could drop 15 of those 30 I'd be a happy camper :smiley: