Anyone else happy to just be an "average" weight?



  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My goal is within the average weight for my height. A trainer though I should aim lower though, but I don't know about that. I was comfortable when I was at that weight so I'd like to be 125 and toned.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    I'm on the same boat. I could never even imagine myself weighing under 60 kg (or even close to it), so now I'm just trying to get under the high end of the normal on the BMI scale. My height is something like 5,5" (168 cm) and I yet have 8 kg to go until my goal weight.
    I have actually never been lightweight since my teens, cause I kept on moving so much. You just couldn't tell that from looking at me, since it was not fat :) So I'm just trying to get rid of the fat, not so much of the weight :) Does that make any sense?
  • HazelAngelstar
    I've always been on the heavier end of 'normal weight' since my late teens/early 20's ... if i achieve my goal of 170lbs I will be just over 12st which is an ok weight for me - and its only when I get to that weight, and see how I feel healthwise - that I will decided whether to maintain that weight, or lose a little bit more. I am currently a size 16-18; and would like to drop down to 14-16 if I can.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I just want to be back to a comfy size 14, maybe a 12 if I can (UK sizes). That would definitely put me at the upper end of the healthy BMI range, but I think I would be happy with it. I don't think I'd be able to maintain anything smaller to be honest.
  • oliviaforever
    oliviaforever Posts: 36 Member
    I, personally, would very much like to be 100 - 110 lbs, but that would make my BMI 16.1 - 17.8, and I would be very underweight. So my ultimate goal weight is 115 lbs, making my BMI 18.6, to satisfy my doctors and parents.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Currently I am aiming for 140lbs which puts me at the very top of the normal weight catogory for my height.
    I will then concentrate on getting my fat % down and maybe look to drop another 20lbs.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I'm aiming for the high end of my BMI, though not really going by weight anymore. I've got a large frame for my slightly under 5'9" height, and I've always felt healthy at that weight, even though it would be considered 'heavy' by some. I started at a size 20, I'm now at a size 14/16 and my goal size is a 12/14 (haven't fit into that size since I was 16). Not really caring what my weight is, as I can lose a dress size or two without losing much actual weight.
  • BeeMarieG
    BeeMarieG Posts: 61 Member
    Yep -- me! :)

    It's interesting you posted this topic as it's been on my mind quite a bit here at MFP. I LOVE being curvy and, in all honesty, have no desire to be skinny. My goal is to be down to 200 lbs and/or a size 14/16. Ironically, this would be fat to lots of people or a starting point for them, but that's cool! I have always been comfortable with myself and my husband loves me just the way I am, so I'm not trying to fit into any of society's molds with my goals. I simply want to be healthier, comfortable in my skin in a physically active way, but still be a curvy, plump girl. Works for me!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i'm the same way. the charts say the highest weight of my healthy range is 154. i'm shooting for 165 - that's a bit more than what i weighed in college, and even though it was a higher number, i could share clothes with all of my friends who weighed 20 to 30 pounds less.

    that damn number gave me a complex! but now i know that it was a good place for my body.
  • futurefitgirl88
    I just wanna look good naked. (I totally stole that from someone but don't remember who). I'm not proportional at an "average" weight. I have tiny boobs and huge thighs. I want to make my thighs tiny so they match.

    OR I could get huge boobs.... Hrm.... decisions, decisions.

    You just stole the words I had in my mind!!! :) haha.... with clothes on I probably look pretty slim (people have commented, I don't think so!!!)...I'm a healthy BMI... however I still have weight to lose!! And I know that when I look at myself naked!! I want ripped abs and non fatty thighs... :) And the only way to do that is loose fat%...

    To be honest I would not even care if my weight stayed the long as I lost fat% in my body!!!
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I just wanna look good naked. (I totally stole that from someone but don't remember who). I'm not proportional at an "average" weight. I have tiny boobs and huge thighs. I want to make my thighs tiny so they match.

    OR I could get huge boobs.... Hrm.... decisions, decisions.

    You just stole the words I had in my mind!!! :) haha.... with clothes on I probably look pretty slim (people have commented, I don't think so!!!)...I'm a healthy BMI... however I still have weight to lose!! And I know that when I look at myself naked!! I want ripped abs and non fatty thighs... :) And the only way to do that is loose fat%...

    To be honest I would not even care if my weight stayed the long as I lost fat% in my body!!!

    Last sentence is important. Take off BF, add muscle. Puts you back in normal range anywho :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This has probably already been said, but people have different frames and heights and there are a lot of different ages represented here, so you don't really say someone else's goal is too low without knowing a lot of variables.

    I'm 5'3". I'm small-framed. I was 100-110 pounds in high school. Before I got lazy, I was down to 132 pounds. Did I like that size? Sure. But I still had flab around my waste that I wanted to get rid of and it wasn't something that was going to go away with just toning.

    My BMI range is 103 (I think) to 141. I think 115 is a perfectly reasonable goal.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    My primary goal is to be fit and healthy and to have the energy to do anything I want to do. The number on the scale or on my clothing just gives me a target for which to aim. I've never been in the supposedly healthy range for my height, so I want to try it and see what it's like. Maybe 145 will be just right for me (at 5'5") or maybe it will still be a bit much or even not quite enough. But I at least want to get there and see.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    My goal is at the higher range of "normal" also. I'm built like an East German swimmer (no lie) so any thinner wouldn't work.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I started at 230 pounds and have lost 20. I ask myself occasionally what my end goal is. I just haven't set one yet.
    I have to see how far I can go. I'm 61 and haven't seen a weight in the 130's, (normal for my height), in 3 decades. I'll stick to mini goals for a while longer and see what happens.
    I totally agree though that weight and fitness goals are as different as people are. One size fits all doesn't work in clothes or life in general.
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    My original gw was 130, then I thought that I would try for 120. Well that ain't happening because honestly I'm quite happy at 130 or so. I honestly got real tired of eating only 1200 cals and really kind of fell of the wagon once I hit 130. I don't log anymore but have been holding for over 2 months now, so I think I'm doing good. I may end up dropping more come October when I have time to start Zumba( if I like it)lol:drinker:
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    My personal preference is for a little bit chubbier women, so by all means, don't get TOO skinny :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Weight means nothing to me i want to be fit. so if i am 145lb and toned i would love it. I wouldnt love average, just weigh it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    No, I want to be a bit thinner than average. I'm 180 right now and wearing a size 12 comfortably and that's too big (I'm down from a size....who knows 210) still.

    I do think I know what you mean where some people have their weight goals set INCREDIBLY low - the bottom of the BMI range chart is not appropriate for most builds or for people with muscle and people without muscle don't LOOK as good as people with so if their goal is to look good, they're doing it wrong.

    I would like to be 130 but I don't know if that's realistic. I'm probably going to be pretty happy at 145. But in the end its all about SIZE and I'd really like to be a size 6 - last time I was 135 I was a small 8/large six. But that was also Highschool and I wasn't very fit.

    I'd like to be in the low low 20s for body fat though - I think if I was there, I'd be a size six no matter what I weighed.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    At 0% body fat, I'd still be in the healthy range according to BMI...:laugh: So yeah, I'm definitely going to aim for an average weight!

    Anyway, the first time I lost weight, I maintained for 4 years at 148 lb (BMI 24.6, body fat ~25%) and was very happy with it. My new goal is to drop my % body fat, and my goal %-age puts me at a BMI of 22.5, which seems about smack dab in the middle of average. That might end up being a bit skinny for my tastes, though...I'll see how I feel when I get there.