Walking to lose weight?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    you lose weight in the kitchen.

    you gain fitness by working out.
  • weighmeless
    weighmeless Posts: 42 Member
    edited April 2019
    I lost 23 lbs walking in about 3.5 months. I started with 5000 steps and went up to 15000-20000 in less than a month clocking in anywhere between 4-6 miles a day .But I did mindful eating. My calorie goal for day was 1200 (age/weight/activity level - everything matters). But I was lot less hungry after I started to walk on daily and always craved for healthy food. So even after eating tummy full, I still would have about 300-500 calories left. I know you need to have minimum amount of calories. But I couldn't get in more . That was my limit. I was full ! My fitness pal helped me show how much less food I could survive on and how much extra I was eating. I never starved. That's the point.

    Carbs / fatty / sugar would make me want to throw up. Not that I didn't eat them at all. What and how I ate was what mattered. my sugar craving was satisfied by eating just 1 single dates. Carbs craving by a spoon or 2 of rice. I would feel satisfied and I didn't have to eat more. But I would gorge in healthy stuff. Just couldn't get enough.

    So walking alone wouldn't help. A planned healthy diet combined with calorie burning definitely works wonders.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Burn more calories than you eat to lose weight. My 20 minute *brisk* walk/jog burned most of my 320 breakfast calories. I get to "start over" my calorie allotment for the day.

    Yeah, that is crazy. Unless you are relatively young, a male, and morbidly obese walking 4mph, you aren't going to get anywhere near that kind of calorie burn. You might want to check the accuracy of whatever calculator you're using. Assuming a pace of 3.5-4mph, the average person will burn 9 calories per minute.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    sflano1783 wrote: »
    Hi all just a quick question how much walking per day do I need to walk to lose weight??

    Without further information on your stats, and calorie intake and how much you are walking no one could tell you.

    As others have said you lose weight when you burn more calories than you take in. If you are maintaing your weight currently, start walking every day and keep your calorie intake the same you may slowly lose weight. If you lower your calorie intake and start walking you may lose a bit faster. If you walk but increase your calorie intake you probably will not lose any weight.

    I would not expect high calorie burns from walking. Maybe 60-200 calories per mile depending on your size and walking speed.

    If you are just starting out with exercise walking can be great. Increase your steps/time/distance gradually.

    Beyond weight loss I walk for stress management and to get places. I am in better overall shape from being more active no matter my weight. I can walk anywhere with no special equipment.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I walked 3 miles a day every day for the month of January for a challenge. I felt a very small difference in my clothes but nothing significant. I wasn’t counting calories. I didn’t gain weight so I guess that was a plus.
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    edited April 2019
    I can walk, but I can't run and I can't descend stairs due to a permanent knee injury and moderate arthritis in both knees. My right right knee only straightens to about 165 degrees. However, I do have full bending range and very little pain. So walking is my main form of cardio exercise. I can go up stairs just fine, but going down more than 8-10 individual stairs is perilous as I have to go down sideways. I also can't run.

    Don't say walking it isn't good exercise! As I continue to lose weight, I hope to find other suitable exercises that can do such as swimming, elliptical, or biking (real or stationary).

    I haven't tried any lower body strength training yet. I know squats are out. Right now, I can barely get off the ground without pulling myself up and I can't kneel at all--that is VERY painful. I'm hoping to get with a trainer or PT soon to see what all I can do, but for now it's walking.
  • echmain3
    echmain3 Posts: 231 Member
    I like using a treadmill. I can use the incline feature and I can use it regardless of the weather.

    I do at least 10,000 steps per day.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    What I have accomplished in the past 12 months of “just” walking and keeping to my calories.

    1. Lost 55 lbs (10 more to go)
    2. Off reflux meds
    3. Off all meds for type 2 (last A1C check was 5.0)
    4. Resting heart rate went from 85 to 60 bpm
    5. Improved mood
    6. Less stress and anxiety
    7. I can do a 4 mph pace for 60 min with hills.

    That is awesome!
  • Remoth
    Remoth Posts: 117 Member
    Eat less, move more. Walking definitely falls under the category of moving more, unless you replace running with walking. It takes effort moving your body, even slowly. Any extra movement a person does above what they normally do is helpful and beneficial. However, anybody telling you that walking will make the weight just fall off is not correct (had one doctor tell me this). Diet first, exercise second by a factor of 10 of how effective it is at weight loss.
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    What I have accomplished in the past 12 months of “just” walking and keeping to my calories.

    1. Lost 55 lbs (10 more to go)
    2. Off reflux meds
    3. Off all meds for type 2 (last A1C check was 5.0)
    4. Resting heart rate went from 85 to 60 bpm
    5. Improved mood
    6. Less stress and anxiety
    7. I can do a 4 mph pace for 60 min with hills.

    Brilliant :smile: I'm walking slowly about 5500 steps a day for medical reasons and I was wondering if I'd ever be able to 'exercise'. I already am :wink: