Maintainers Weekly Check In - April 2019



  • 307114882
    307114882 Posts: 45 Member
    That's really a good habit, i will keep on it.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Name: Jim
    Total Weight lost:197.8 (SW 376.2)
    Time it took to lose: 5 years,
    From 1/17/13 to 3/29/18.

    How long in maintenance: Since 3/29/18.
    *Maintenance range:179-184
    Average weight recorded in 2018 180.

    Average weight recorded 2019:
    January 178.6
    February 177.2
    March 178.8

    Weigh In
    4 April 178.6 (-.4)
    11 April 180.6 (+2)
    18 April 181.2 (+.6)
    25 April 176.6 (-4.6)

    Success/struggles of the week

    Success: Big Whoosh Lost today -4.6!!! :flushed: A pre WI bathroom visit was a BIG LOSS! :lol:

    Since my last Wi I had pizza Fri, ribs Sun. Leftover pizza 2X, 3 mozzarella appetizers left over!
    It was spread out over the week and I’m still surprised!

    Struggles: Get back on healthy meals prepared at home. Need to prep and make healthy meals.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    Name: Jenn
    Age: 34
    Height: 5’2”
    Total weight lost: 32lb
    Time it took to lose: approximately 18 months
    How long in maintenance: I reached my goal weight about a year ago, but kind of bounced around for a while.. it's taken til now since the beginning of the year to be getting consistent weigh-in's in the range I want to be in. So, I'd say only within the last couple weeks I've officially been in maintenance
    Maintenance weight range: 124lb-127lb
    Average weight recorded from 2018: ----

    Average weight recorded from March: 124.6

    Week of…
    March 31: 125.2
    April 7: 124.0
    April 14: 124.4
    April 21: 123.6
    April 28:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: Was pleasantly surprised with that low weigh-in, below my maintenance range even! I felt like I really struggled to stay within my cal goals this week, I guess I did better than I thought as a whole. Looking forward to a day-date and dinner with my husband Sunday to celebrate our wedding anniversary, I will for sure be splurging!
  • reversemigration
    reversemigration Posts: 168 Member
    Happy anniversary, @JennJ323!
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    Happy anniversary, @JennJ323!

    Thank you :)
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Name: Faebert
    Age: 40
    Height: 5’6
    Total weight lost: about 50lbs
    Time it took to lose: on and off 3 years. First 30 in 4 months and then gradually reduced goal weight
    How long in maintenance: 23 months
    Maintenance weight range: 115-120
    Average weight recorded from 2017: 121
    Average weight recorded from 2018: 114.6

    Average weight recorded from January: 117.4
    Average weight recorded from February: 117.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.8

    Week of 7 April: 117.75
    Week of 14 April: 117.25
    Week of 21 April: 116.25
    Week of 28 April: 116.5

    Successes/struggles: A bit up and down food-wise this week with Easter etc but seem to have mitigated the worst of it with banking exercise calories. Want to try and aim for a bit more consistency again. Good to be back in the work routine but the early morning workouts and runs do feel very early! At least it’s lighter in the mornings now. A question for any runners - how do you know how to dress for early runs this time of year? I do around 10k so am out for less than an hour. When I set off at around 5:40am it is cold, but then I get hot pretty quickly. Is it better to under or over dress??

    Have a good week everyone
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,007 Member
    @Faebert I usually dress as if it is 20 degrees warmer than it actually is. It is best to be a bit chilly starting out. If you are warm starting out you will probably be too hot once you get going.