Sisterhood HCP Week 6

Good Morning all!!!
I tried to get this started a little earlier than last week, hope you're happy it's 6AM:grumble: here. Just kidding, I have to go check cows anyway:happy: . I'll let you know the baby count, when they start popping:laugh: .
Well I'm the same again, but after AF and yo-yoing almost 5 pounds because of it, I'm glad to be back at starting weight.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Good Morning all!!!
    I tried to get this started a little earlier than last week, hope you're happy it's 6AM:grumble: here. Just kidding, I have to go check cows anyway:happy: . I'll let you know the baby count, when they start popping:laugh: .
    Well I'm the same again, but after AF and yo-yoing almost 5 pounds because of it, I'm glad to be back at starting weight.
    Hope everyone has a great day!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I am down 4 lbs from 199 to 195! I hope you all have a good week!
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    I went down 3 lbs, from 202 to 199 =)

    Hope everyone else had a great week!
  • 4EverFit
    Wahoo! Good news from everyone so far. I'll add my own bit of good news--I'm down a pound. Yippe!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Christine - should we really be surprised? your a machine girl!!:laugh:

    Livi -- yay, I'm so glad for you. I know you were kinda in the same situation as me. You maintained for 2 weeks, right? Good job. Wow, 3 pounds AND you broke into the 100's, you must be so excited!!:bigsmile:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Yeah, a 2 week maintian. I was super surprised when the scale read 199! I redid it like 4 times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. :laugh:

    I'm kinda sorta keeping myself prepared for it to jump up a pound or so next week. It just seems like my weight does that sometimes. I'm still hoping it won't, though. But even if it does, I've still "hit a new low" so to speak, lol. :bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Yeah, a 2 week maintian. I was super surprised when the scale read 199! I redid it like 4 times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. :laugh:

    I'm kinda sorta keeping myself prepared for it to jump up a pound or so next week. It just seems like my weight does that sometimes. I'm still hoping it won't, though. But even if it does, I've still "hit a new low" so to speak, lol. :bigsmile:
    Yay Congrats! Breaking out of the 200's was a huge step for me. At first I didn't want to be to excited especially when I was 199. I went up to 201 and then back down. Now I am officially out of the woods so I never want to see 200 again.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Christine - should we really be surprised? your a machine girl!!:laugh:

    Livi -- yay, I'm so glad for you. I know you were kinda in the same situation as me. You maintained for 2 weeks, right? Good job. Wow, 3 pounds AND you broke into the 100's, you must be so excited!!:bigsmile:
    I am starting to feel like a freak of nature. Not that I am not excited about the weight loss, but I keep thinking it will taper off or slow down or that I will hit a plato. I have been lucky to keep it up. All I do is work out every day and eat my calories. That's it, I swear. MY husband can't believe how fast it is coming off of me. This happend the last time also. I lost like 60 lbs in 4 months. It was kinda crazy.
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    congrats on everyone's great weight losses this week! I may not weigh in today... hormones are causing me to be a little constipated:blushing: (how do you whisper in email? I wanted to whisper that). Anyway, off to work, have a great day everyone!
  • s_dimples
    Yay for everybody!!!! Thompson I wish I could lose that fast :)

    This week I lost 2.2 lbs which means a total of 10 lbs! Woo-hoo!

    Unfortunately I am feeling SO unmotivated this week. Hopefully I can stay on course.
  • hopetobeinshape
    Christine - should we really be surprised? your a machine girl!!:laugh:

    Livi -- yay, I'm so glad for you. I know you were kinda in the same situation as me. You maintained for 2 weeks, right? Good job. Wow, 3 pounds AND you broke into the 100's, you must be so excited!!:bigsmile:
    I am starting to feel like a freak of nature. Not that I am not excited about the weight loss, but I keep thinking it will taper off or slow down or that I will hit a plato. I have been lucky to keep it up. All I do is work out every day and eat my calories. That's it, I swear. MY husband can't believe how fast it is coming off of me. This happend the last time also. I lost like 60 lbs in 4 months. It was kinda crazy.

    Congrats Thompsons :flowerforyou: What are you doing for your workouts? Please share the wealth :bigsmile:

    I am feeling pretty sick today :sad: but im still going to keep up with the workouts. I think that I am going to wait to weigh in though till next wk :ohwell:

    Congrats to everyone who did so well this week! Keep up the good work :happy:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    gained .7 :sick: so in two weeks gained .4 :devil: i dont get it at all. :cry: never did i think by the begining of week six no cheating and working out at least 5 days a week that i would have lost only 7 pounds and just how awful the last 2-3 weeks have been. :huh:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Christine - should we really be surprised? your a machine girl!!:laugh:

    Livi -- yay, I'm so glad for you. I know you were kinda in the same situation as me. You maintained for 2 weeks, right? Good job. Wow, 3 pounds AND you broke into the 100's, you must be so excited!!:bigsmile:
    I am starting to feel like a freak of nature. Not that I am not excited about the weight loss, but I keep thinking it will taper off or slow down or that I will hit a plato. I have been lucky to keep it up. All I do is work out every day and eat my calories. That's it, I swear. MY husband can't believe how fast it is coming off of me. This happend the last time also. I lost like 60 lbs in 4 months. It was kinda crazy.

    Congrats Thompsons :flowerforyou: What are you doing for your workouts? Please share the wealth :bigsmile:

    I am feeling pretty sick today :sad: but im still going to keep up with the workouts. I think that I am going to wait to weigh in though till next wk :ohwell:

    Congrats to everyone who did so well this week! Keep up the good work :happy:
    Well here is my workout. I vary sometimes, depending on mood and motivation or if I have eaten really bad.

    Monday Gym 8-9:30 Stair climb level 10 for 15 min, Couch to 5 K program Run 4.5-5.5 and Walk 3.5-4.5 off and on 30 min, Weights 30 min
    Evening 200 sit up challenge week 4, 100 push up challenge week 4

    Tuesday Gym 8-9:30 Bike at level 10 for 15 min, New Eliptical 3 in 1 at level 8 interval setting for 30 min, weights 30 min
    Most evenings 4 mile in home walk by Leslie Samson 45 min

    Wednesday Gym 8-9:30 Stair climb level 10 for 15 min, Couch to 5 K program Run 4.5-5.5 and Walk 3.5-4.5 off and on 30 min, Weights 30 min
    Evening 200 sit up challenge week 4, 100 push up challenge week 4

    Thursday Gym 8-9:30 Bike at level 10 for 15 min, New Eliptical 3 in 1 at level 8 interval setting for 30 min, weights 30 min
    Most evenings 4 mile in home walk by Leslie Samson 45 min

    Friday Gym 8-9:30 Stair climb level 10 for 15 min, Couch to 5 K program Run 4.5-5.5 and Walk 3.5-4.5 off and on 30 min, Weights 30 min
    Evening 200 sit up challenge week 4, 100 push up challenge week 4

    Saturday 4 mile in home walk by Leslie Samson 45 min, sometimes also a 3 mile in home walk at a different time

    Sunday 4 mile in home walk by Leslie Samson 45 min, sometimes also a 3 mile in home walk at a different time

    I do not eat anything super healthy. I eat carbs, I have candy, I have icecream, I have chocolate cake, I eat chips. I just stay in my 1500 calories. I do not eat my excercise calories because I was told not to by my doctor. OH yeah the other thing that I think really helps is that I do not eat after 7 pm. Also I eat three meals and 2-3 snacks.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Also I thought it was cheesy at first but I wear a pedometer. It is not always completely accurate especially when I work out, but you should walk between 10,000 and 12,000 steps a day. At first even with all my walking I was only getting about 7,000 steps a day. I was surprised cause I walk almost everywhere. So I have made a point to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. That is something that is easy to change.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    gained .7 :sick: so in two weeks gained .4 :devil: i dont get it at all. :cry: never did i think by the begining of week six no cheating and working out at least 5 days a week that i would have lost only 7 pounds and just how awful the last 2-3 weeks have been. :huh:
    Working out at least 5 times a week -- great. (We all know how far you've come in that area) No cheating on food -- Great. Not eating all your calories, not so great. Pep, you gotta eat hon:cry: . I know it's hard to get over the "I'm on diet so I can't eat that" thing, but you gotta eat. This journey we are all on isn't just about losing weight, it's about gaining a better understanding about the relationships we have to food. Those relationships don't have to all be bad, just modified or changed a bit. This is life-long healthy that we are striving for. I worry about you chicka:frown: . I know you said that you get full and feel yucky if you eat too much, that's understandable. Then eat healthy, but maybe more calories. You have turned a new leaf on exercise and (for me that was the toughtest) that's wonderful. It's something that will stay with you now that you've made it a habit. Now let's work on those calories. You body needs fuel! I think that would be a good challenge for you this week, to be creative and find new food choices that will fill your calories (of course this is completely up to you:smile: ). Let me know if I can help in any way.....K chicka?:wink:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Congrats to everybody so far!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Well, I'm down 1 pound this week... I need to step it up a notch, but maybe I can put AAAALLLLL the blame on me being sick(ha-ha). I know I can do a little more cardio, and this week is also the beginning of my Phase 2 of P90X(so I'm starting my second month today!!!). I'll stop in later to check on everyone's progress!!!
  • tidwelljw
    Seems like we're having a pretty strong week 6. Congrats to everyone! If you didn't hit a weight loss target you set for yourself don't get bummed. Just remember, you have spent another week excerising and learning to eat healthier. It will pay off in the end. everyone's body repsonds to changes differently. For some it's a slow process and for some it's happens quicker. You have to stay strong mentally. We are at a point where it would be real easy to quit if you weren't seeing the losses you wanted. I beg everyone to stay positive and lean on the rest of us here to get through the rough patches!

    ** Sorry for the motivational speech, I just felt like it was time for one!**

    I am down about a lb. I have been sick and haven't worked out since last thursday. I hate not being able to workout, but by the time I get home from work I feel horrible. I am trying not to take off any time now because I am planning on taking off at lest 3 weeks when our baby is born, so i want to save my off days best I can!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good for you Mister Sister... We're in the same boat... I forced myself to go play volleyball last night, because I knew it would make me feel a little bit better to start moving again... That's probably the only reason why I dropped one pound, too. Take it slow and easy, though-I tried to rush things when I was feeling lousy, and the only thing that happened was, I ended up feeling MORE lousy:sad:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    gained .7 :sick: so in two weeks gained .4 :devil: i dont get it at all. :cry: never did i think by the begining of week six no cheating and working out at least 5 days a week that i would have lost only 7 pounds and just how awful the last 2-3 weeks have been. :huh:
    Don't beat yourself up over it. 7 lbs is a pretty good weight loss. It is a little over a 1lb a week. Even though that is not how it is working out. They really do say the slower you lose the better to keep it off. I would think of steping up your cardio a notch. Maybe jog or run some of your walk. Even if it is only 30 sec. It is better than nothing. I run walk run walk on the tredmil and that is the best workout. Your metabolism might just need a kick start. Also make you you are eating all your calories. Not sure if you are having more luck with that. Here's to a better week next week.