Coffee...How do you drink yours?



  • hotlaurah
    We live in the middle of nowhere- so we have Dunkin Donuts delivered to the house every month. I drink mine with splenda and light vanilla soymilk- or flavored creamer once in a while as a treat. I love the new Almond Joy creamer- like drinking a candy bar. Yummers!
  • 30poundsofbeauty
    I used to drink it with cream and sugar cause my parents did (and still do)

    Went to college, it just became more practical to drink black coffee (too lazy/no time to mix stuff, when all you need is the caffeine anyway) I trained myself to drink black coffee. Now, drinking black coffee is like drinking water! Plus it saves cals!

    Ooh I especially love it when I have something sweet to go with it. Like Starbucks' Cake Pops (170-200cals each) Mmmm!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Starbucks Via iced coffee with 1tbsp International Delight FF white chocolate mocha creamer and ice.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    I usually have 1 16oz mug in the morning with one packet of truvia and some skim milk. And now we are getting closer to fall... I like to add some pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger - any of those things :)
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    1-2 cups a day (weekdays), usually hazelnut, caffeinated, a little bit of lactose free milk and that's it
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I like my coffee like I like my men.. Sweet, creamy and smooth.

    "Damn, you're smooth.."
  • GettingFitterVicki
    GettingFitterVicki Posts: 82 Member
    I love creamy/milk coffee but was drinking so many calories via milk that I just drink it black mostly now.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    usually 2 cups a day...2 equals and 2 teaspoons of creamer
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    With 1/4 cup of full fat coconut milk (the canned stuff).
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    0.25 cup skim milk and a package of splenda.

    Or coffeemate has some new natural creamer which is yummy if you can find it.
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    32 oz, decaf, iced, black 8 splenda :drinker:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Black or espresso. Major coffee snob. If its bad coffee I just can't drink it. Unless I'm desperate, in which case I'll drink it but complain about it the whole time. :laugh:

    Me too. Can't drink the work coffee it is TERRIBLE so I end up making my own at home. Has to be fresh ground beans :-)

    Used to add milk and sugar but now it's black and I love it!

    I started drinking the office coffee more and more. Sometimes it actually tastes good to me. I feel like I've died a little bit inside. :laugh:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Regular coffee at the office: Splash of cream
    French Press at home: Black or a splash of 2% milk

    I like my coffee full caffiene, and I drink about two cups a day. I'd drink more, but lately haven't been feeling it.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Dunkin Donuts Iced coffee-if flavored, cream only.

    If not flavored, 1 cream, 1 sugar.

    I'd love to go to black coffee but I've tried so many kinds and it just is too harsh for me!
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    Dark roast with 2 cream and 2 splendas (20 oz)
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    I have 2 cups in the morning with skim milk and vanilla syrup. Sometimes after work i'll make myself an iced coffee the same way YUM YUM!
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    Black or espresso. Major coffee snob. If its bad coffee I just can't drink it. Unless I'm desperate, in which case I'll drink it but complain about it the whole time. :laugh:

    Me too. Can't drink the work coffee it is TERRIBLE so I end up making my own at home. Has to be fresh ground beans :-)

    Used to add milk and sugar but now it's black and I love it!

    I'll call your coffee-snobbish & raise it.. ad infinitum. :bigsmile:

    I homeroast my own green coffee beans (stovetop). Never drink coffee made with burnt beans! (Ugh - this was all started by THE big-time coffee shop in order to sell stale beans).

    I have about 1 cup each morning with up to a tablespoon of light cream. Found out the calories & fat is negligible (esp since the rest of my day is *usually* very low fat). I drank it black for awhile - but I'm now in an apt that has the world's crummiest stove (two settings on the burners: off.. and high! :grumble: ) So a bit of cream makes it perfect. Still long for the coffee I used to roast w/a better stove (not the horrible, stressful apt situations, though, lol).

    I also roast decaf - most the time it's way better than the decaf you get in the stores or most coffee shops, but it still tastes.. different.. so I just limit myself to one cup a day.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I like mine with 1 or 2 tablespoons of creamer. Either Cinnamon Vanilla Creme, Chocolate Raspberry or Peppermint Mocha. Sometimes I will just mix in a packet of Nestle Fat-Free hot cocoa :) And sometimes I will splurge and get a mocha frappe with nonfat milk and no whip cream from my favorite local coffee shop :) I LOOOOOVE me some coffee!

    Oh, and I forgot to add... I drink about 2-3 cups a day. Yeah......... :noway:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Regular black coffee...on the days I make it, I drink a lot! But I don't make it a lot anymore.
  • Jetjedi
    Jetjedi Posts: 24 Member
    I like my coffee with a splash of flavored cream. I usually follow it up with a 16oz Rock Star to get me going.