Cocoa Powder vs Dark Chocolate



  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    So am I white trash for liking Hershey's?

    Heavens no! That's not what I meant at all. Hershey's makes candy, they're good at what they do. It is what it is, no judgement.

    Not trying to pile on, just an FYI which I found surprising... America's Test Kitchen likes Hershey's natural cocoa powder quite a bit...
    By far our favorite natural cocoa powder, this product had “mild” yet pleasant chocolate flavor that “tasted familiar.

    (Droste was their overall favorite)

  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Here's the difference nutritionally:

    Cocoa powder has had the cocoa butter removed. As a result, the fat that remains is negligible.

    100% pure chocolate has both cocoa butter & solids. It has substantially more fat than cocoa powder.

    You want a bar made for eating, not baking. Montezuma's Absolute Black is a 100% chocolate bar, made with only cocoa solids, butter, and nibs (broken up bits of cocoa bean). Trader Joe's carries them and they're amazing.

    If you appreciate really dark chocolate and black coffee, you might like it. Sugar and milk tends to mask the various flavors in chocolate (as well as in coffee). With low quality beans, you need that. Good beans need little to no embellishment.

    I've found that when I crave chocolate, it takes only a square or two of good 90-100% chocolate to satisfy the craving, whereas with milk chocolate or even regular dark chocolate (~60% range) I have to eat a LOT more before the craving stops.

    So am I white trash for liking Hershey's?

    If white is the marshmallow and the brown paper trash is the graham cracker, then white trash me up.
  • anthocyanina
    anthocyanina Posts: 86 Member
    @NovusDies good to know! So hard to tell online sometimes.

    @kimny72 You're right. It is a flavor profile thing. I love that you can taste differences depending on the varieties and where they were grown. I must have a fairly high tolerance for bitter flavors

    @Kalex1975 actually I really like Hershey's cocoa powder, Gharadelli's too. Interestingly enough, I can't stand either of their chocolate bars.
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    Thanks, @PAV8888. The funny thing is, I hit my macros pretty consistently. With ice cream and without cocoa powder.

    Hitting macros or not you're strong as all get out @quiksylver296 I always get a kick out of seeing the gains you post, all while eating what you enjoy. Awesome. Keep it up.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Milk chocolate is better for me, because it tastes yum and the others don't.

  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    4LeafMint wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    4LeafMint wrote: »
    BTW...never liked chocolate a day in my life. But if I can throw cocoa powder in my protein shake and down it real quick I will try it. Haven't done it yet but there is always tomorrow.

    Why would you do this? It seems like a waste of calories vs. adding something to the protein shake you will enjoy (assuming you don't like it when you do try it). What amazing effect do you think cocoa powder will have?

    (For the record, I use it in cooking from time to time but not in smoothies other than one time when it happened to go with my ingredients. I usually choose ingredients that would not go well with chocolate in my smoothies, IMO, and I want tasty (in addition to healthy) smoothies. Obviously YMMV, but I'm just trying to understand what you believe you are accomplishing.)

    Thanks lemurcat and jgnatca....Finally an honest to goodness informative dialogue. I am going to try adding cocoa powder to my coffee. I realized that I shouldn't be asking questions on MFP. I am a powerlifter trying to lose weight for competition. I have to make every macro calorie count while being in a calorie deficit. Most of MFP have different goals than I, which is awesome! But don't be a smart a$? about it. I will use MFP for tracking calories and macros...and try to stay away from chats. Just want to see how many more woo's I can get then leaving this community. Again thank you!
    There was quite a bit of "honest to goodness informative dialogue" before that. You, however, dismissed a lot of it.