Please, will someone help me to work out my calories burned?

I've just completed my usual walk and as I don't have a step counter I decided to do it manually as I'm trying to figure out my exercise calories.

So, I walked 7090 steps in 48 minutes.

I walk at about 4 mph if that's relevant.

I'm a 5ft 4 inch, 50 year old female.

Current weight is 112.2lbs.

Any help in working out roughly what I would have burnt would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to do it myself but I'm totally confused! 😮


  • whoami67
    whoami67 Posts: 297 Member
    So you walked about 3 miles? I'd estimate that to be about 150-200 calories, roughly. Maybe a little less since you weigh so little.
  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    whoami67 wrote: »
    So you walked about 3 miles? I'd estimate that to be about 150-200 calories, roughly. Maybe a little less since you weigh so little.

    MFP calculates it as 208 (IIRC) but I thought that was a bit high? 🤔
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited May 2019
    A chart I found online would put you at about 160 calories for that walk.

    A calculation I found:

    0.57 x weight in lbs = calories burned per mile

    However since I don’t know how many mile you covered it could be anywhere from 120 ish calories (2miles) to 191(3 miles).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    There are lots of calculators. This site, many other calorie calculators.

    Sounds like you are using some sort of tracking device since you know steps, why not trust it for a while?

    No one can give you exact numbers, or no more exact than any walking calculator on the web.

    Track it for a month and adjust based on your weight.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited May 2019
    i'd keep it simple as mentionned in the other thread. if you are doing that sorta walking daily, i'd just increase the activity level one notch up from sedentary and eat that for 3 or so weeks and monitor.

    ETA: or just set it to maintenance as mentionned and track.

    the only way to REALLY know is to try for a good amount of time and monitor.
  • whoami67
    whoami67 Posts: 297 Member
    Why are you on 1200 calories? Are you trying to lose weight? You are already at the lower end of a healthy weight range. I would think you could eat quite a bit more and maintain your current weight.
  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    I'm just trying to figure out my calorie burn so that I can work out my TDEE. I don't really want to lose much more weight but neither do I want to gain too much.

    Maintenance it is then. I'll see how that goes after my holiday.

    Thanks 😁👍💐
  • whoami67
    whoami67 Posts: 297 Member
    sefajane1 wrote: »
    I'm just trying to figure out my calorie burn so that I can work out my TDEE. I don't really want to lose much more weight but neither do I want to gain too much.

    Maintenance it is then. I'll see how that goes after my holiday.

    Thanks 😁👍💐
    Oh, got it. Thanks.
  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    whoami67 wrote: »
    Why are you on 1200 calories? Are you trying to lose weight? You are already at the lower end of a healthy weight range. I would think you could eat quite a bit more and maintain your current weight.

    Yes, I wanted to lose some lbs before my holiday so that I can eat more relaxed. I've lost more than planned though and it's not a good look so I'll look to maintain after the holiday.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited May 2019
    Walking at 4mph for 48mins would be 3.2 miles.

    Using physics (mass X distance X efficiency ratio) would give you a net calorie (note not gross calories that many apps and databases give you) would be 112lbs X 3.2miles X 0.3 efficiency ratio = 108cals.

    BTW the efficiency ratio found by @shadow2soul sounds like it is a running formula (running is approximately twice as inefficient a movement as walking).

  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Walking at 4mph for 48mins would be 3.2 miles.

    Using physics (mass X distance X efficiency ratio) would give you a net calorie (note not gross calories that many apps and databases give you) would be 112lbs X 3.2miles X 0.3 efficiency ratio = 108cals.

    BTW the efficiency ratio found by @shadow2soul sounds like it is a running formala (running is approximately twice as inefficient a movement as walking).

    So about 50% of MFP's calculation? I halve all exercise calories already so I'll keep doing that. Thank you 👍
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    sefajane1 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Walking at 4mph for 48mins would be 3.2 miles.

    Using physics (mass X distance X efficiency ratio) would give you a net calorie (note not gross calories that many apps and databases give you) would be 112lbs X 3.2miles X 0.3 efficiency ratio = 108cals.

    BTW the efficiency ratio found by @shadow2soul sounds like it is a running formala (running is approximately twice as inefficient a movement as walking).

    So about 50% of MFP's calculation? I halve all exercise calories already so I'll keep doing that. Thank you 👍

    I wouldn't advise halving ALL exercise calories as few are double reality. If you believe that a particular estimate is double then, and only then, does halving make sense in a mathematical sense.
    Better to work on making your personal selection of regular exercise estimates reasonable.

    The difference between net and gross calories is far more significant for low rate of burn but long duration exercise - like walking.
  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    sefajane1 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Walking at 4mph for 48mins would be 3.2 miles.

    Using physics (mass X distance X efficiency ratio) would give you a net calorie (note not gross calories that many apps and databases give you) would be 112lbs X 3.2miles X 0.3 efficiency ratio = 108cals.

    BTW the efficiency ratio found by @shadow2soul sounds like it is a running formala (running is approximately twice as inefficient a movement as walking).

    So about 50% of MFP's calculation? I halve all exercise calories already so I'll keep doing that. Thank you 👍

    I wouldn't advise halving ALL exercise calories as few are double reality. If you believe that a particular estimate is double then, and only then, does halving make sense in a mathematical sense.
    Better to work on making your personal selection of regular exercise estimates reasonable.

    The difference between net and gross calories is far more significant for low rate of burn but long duration exercise - like walking.

    You're calculation was close to half the MFP estimation and as walking is the only exercise I can get at the moment it seems I'm right to halve the MFP calorie burn, as I have been doing.

    I thought that maybe I'm burning more calories (via exercise) than I realised but, it seems I'm not.
  • leonoraoropesa
    leonoraoropesa Posts: 41 Member
    MyFitnessPal app has the answer for you. You input what you desire either losing weight or gaining muscle it automatically computes it once you input your exercises. That’s a better option for you rather than computing it yourself. The app tells you how much weigh you will lose with a computation of food caloric intake, height and caloric deficit to get your desired weight. Hope that help. It’s easy and convenient too.
  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    MyFitnessPal app has the answer for you. You input what you desire either losing weight or gaining muscle it automatically computes it once you input your exercises. That’s a better option for you rather than computing it yourself. The app tells you how much weigh you will lose with a computation of food caloric intake, height and caloric deficit to get your desired weight. Hope that help. It’s easy and convenient too.

    Thanks but I understand all that. It's just I'm losing more weight than I want to (5.2lbs in the last 14 days, for example) so I thought it may have something to do with exercise.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited May 2019
    but you ARE losing faster than expected/wanted - so regardless the real life data is saying you do need to ADD calories. Real life data trumps calculations.