Major gain, I am so ashamed



  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Read the Success Stories thread! So much inspiration on there from people who kept picking themselves back up and trying again and eventually reaching their goals. You can do it! Whenever you “fall off the wagon” just get right back on and keep trying. If you keep it up, and don’t quit, even if you have setbacks and it takes a while you will accomplish your goals.
  • mummapositivity
    mummapositivity Posts: 4 Member
    I am feeling you on this post. I was on here years ago when doing keto. Lost weight, felt great... then fell off the wagon, tried other 'diets' went up and down and am now about 10 kg heavier than when i stopped doing keto. It is depressing, it is shameful, but it is also a lesson for us to learn from.
    Good luck with your journey.