Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Sara - I love the Fred Rogers quote. I have to remember that.

    I hear you on the costs of eyeglasses. I never did get another pair of computer glasses once the first pair became incorrect. I just use my transitional eyeglasses and get my neck out of joint from holding my head uncomfortably whenever I use the laptop, which is too much!

    At one time there was a Meg from Baltimore. I hope that our Marselli stops by again soon to straighten me out, once and for all, on how to spell her name. I have too many gals in my life with that name, which is why I mix them all up. It's time for me to print up another little cheat sheet to tape onto my laptop.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited May 2019
    Not many steps yesterday as I spent most of it in bed with allergies/sinus flare-up. Am back at work today but the med the dr called in for me makes me feel like I am drunk. Not sure that is a good thing or a bad thing. May make workday more tolerable! Ha!

    Am down another 2 pounds. Not sure why or how but I'll take it! Only thing different than usual has been the Ultimate Accountability Challenge and the Biggest Loser Challenge. I post every or every other day on those.

    CW - 151
    HW - 216
    GW - 145
  • marsellilove
    marsellilove Posts: 122 Member
    Close, it's Meghan~ I got out of the good eating habit for a while but regained a vending machine habit... you know you're not really hungry or thirsty but you just want to get up and do something. I don't take real breaks so instead I walk to the vending machine :sigh:

    Sara- I'm aghast that she said something like that out loud but more aghast no one called her out on it. That could open up a discrimination complaint easily along with just being plain unprofessional.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Lana - I am still trying to learn everyone's names in this group too. I get very confused and when I'm not sure revert to screen names. I have looked at WW in my area because I think the in person meetings would give me a good boost, but at the time I looked there was nothing in my area for times that would work for me. Maybe it's time I looked again.

    @Tilliesmommy1 - I am shocked and appalled that people in your company shrug her remark off. That is not acceptable. She should be brought to task for that one and if she does that in meetings with witnesses I would shudder to think what she says behind closed doors. I hope you find yourself another job soon or better yet, if you like your job I hope she is fired soon.

    I can share some of the wedding crafts I am making, I will do that in a different post as they are on my phone and I am on the computer.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Tracey- love the crafts! So creative :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member


  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - those are the greatest!! :D
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Thursday is almost over!!!!
    Sara - I hope you feel the love of everyone and it helps you through your days. This really stinks for you!
    Tracey - love what you are doing :smile:
    Kathryn - congrats on the 2 loss!
    I cheat and have a sticky note by my desk with peoples names - I too miss some and forget though.
    Stuck at this 189 mark. Lost .8 but I just looked back at my weight log and it has been another month gone by since I broke the 190 mark to be at 189.8. I know...better than gaining, but I gotta get this trend down again - have a dress fitting 6/3 for my mother of bride dress. I would LOVE to pay for it to be taken in! :smile:
    Hi to all! Have a great evening!

    CW 189.0
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Finally got a day off. Had planned on finally taking pup to park to walk. Day did NOT go as planned. Something broke with our well for water. Can't get fixed till Saturday. DH has dug hole. Was going to be about $600 to have it dug and fixed. Should be considerably less with him digging hole. Hoping for an easy fix.... fingers crossed.... what a way to spend day off...

    Now, I'm getting ready to cry my eyes out... the final episode of my favorite show, The Big Bang Theory is on at 7:00. No real idea why I became so obsessed with this show. Will be incredibly sad for it to end. And, Sunday is end to my other favorite show... Game of Thrones... think it's time to move on and get
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Finally got a day off. Had planned on finally taking pup to park to walk. Day did NOT go as planned. Something broke with our well for water. Can't get fixed till Saturday. DH has dug hole. Was going to be about $600 to have it dug and fixed. Should be considerably less with him digging hole. Hoping for an easy fix.... fingers crossed.... what a way to spend day off...

    Now, I'm getting ready to cry my eyes out... the final episode of my favorite show, The Big Bang Theory is on at 7:00. No real idea why I became so obsessed with this show. Will be incredibly sad for it to end. And, Sunday is end to my other favorite show... Game of Thrones... think it's time to move on and get

    I just watched the finale of Big Bang, there is a special on after Young Sheldon too. I think they did a very good job on the finale.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited May 2019

    Good morning,

    8792 total steps, thought I posted last night.....

    Had a nice chat with former coworker. I told her my voices were horrible the last couple of weeks and they finally shut up. I also said that that could sound wrong- but my voices are the ghosts from my past not actual voices. Luckily she understood and laughed. She answered a couple of my questions well enough that I will continue with the idea of working for the state.

    Lana former coworker told me that WW at work costs more - is this true? I had been "budgeting" out WW based on the $$ I paid before but if it is less in the community......

    I will be looking for some seriously funky magnifying glasses at CVS to see if they help, why not have a little fun?

    TGIF before I forget and woohoo!! I am taking in the first cross body pouch I knitted for chemo patients to hold what ever little things they need while getting chemo - phone/music even a water bottle etc. It has been such a negative filled week that I have to do something positive to balance it.

    Lurking when I get to work, Wave to all who follow.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracy! Those are adorable - how are you making these, Cricut??
    Sara, It's Friday praise be!
    Lana - I'm hopeful for you on the WW. You seem excited by the possibilities.
    Hey Lynn!
    Marsilli - I hear ya - found that vending friend again recently

    All - exciting news. Son came home form vacation with girlfriend and is engaged (and we really like the girl).
    Took today off. Dentist at 8, meeting friends at 930, and off to small town nearby for lunch on the square and antique store crawl.
    Waves to all!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Sara - you are so awesome - those pouches sound perfect!
    Hello Suzu - great news about the son! it is always great to see them find someone "good".
    Hello to all who pass through. will be lurking
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Only one eye is open so far......

    Sara - So you'll be pursuing the state? Sounds good.
    Suzu - Congrats on son's engagement!
    Dawn - sending good vibes for repairs going well with the well 😜
    Lynn - you can do it! Stay focused on the weekend!

    Waving to Tracey and Meghan (thank you!) and Birdie and Kathryn and Tracy in TN and Eryn and Saltine and Tess and Missy~~ Runa where are you? and anyone else who pops in for a visit.

    The Cabana Boys have a very nice Happy Hour planned for us - foot massages and zero-calorie cocktails all around


    246.8 today (relapse)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    @Tilliesmommy1 - I so admire all of the crocheting and knitting you do for charity and just to make others feel happy. Glad you had a nice visit with your former supervisor and hope you get the State job soon.

    Suzu - Congratulations on your son's engagement. It is always a bonus when you like the new family member. Yes I have a Cricut, it was my Christmas present so I'm still learning.

    I had a great swimming lesson last night, this is my 3rd round of them. I wasn't going to do another one, but a friend asked me to join her and she paid. I am so thankful that I did. I am learning so much more than I did the first two. Last night the instructor told me that on the 1st night, 3 weeks ago watching me as a lifeguard he would have been very worried and sure that sometime throughout my swimming he would be getting wet. At the end of the night last night he told me that he would be thinking, "she isn't very strong or fast, but she knows what she needs to do to keep herself safe". That is such an accomplishment for me as my fear was the deep end, and last night I was in it with the instructor at the other end of the pool.

    Today I am crafting with the Maid of Honor and my other daughter preparing more for the bachelorette party.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    suzu - congrats on the son's engagement!
    Dawn - hope everything gets fixed up quickly!
    Sara - I've worked county, state, and federal jobs the majority of my entire working life. How does state employment pay vs other companies out there? I know in IN it is low pay yet they expect more work from you. You really have to play office politics too. <eyeroll> Hopefully they accommodate you where you are or you can go out and find the right fit!
    Lana - cant wait for Happy Hour!!
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    I saw the title of this thread and thought yes this is me, I found my people lol...As of May 13th, I started my umpteenth weight loss journey.. Hopefully, this will be my last, and I will finally learn to maintain once I reach my goals. Ready to Go !
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member