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Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member

    Good morning. Dog up early

    T - shirt contest had so many rules (glad the legal department was working hard). We shall see what we shall see. I showed it to 2 people and they liked it and the simplicity of it. It could be easily reproduced.

    Windows open for a little while - cool air until Monday and then another couple HOT days.

    Normal errands and then knitting/reading - napping.

    Would you put sliced raw turnips (white little ones) into a sandwich wrap? I got some in the fruit/veg box and just wondering if that would work.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hanging at the library, then off to the grocery store. I have a work event tomorrow afternoon so it will be a short weekend.

    Never tried turnips, Sara. They have them at the CSA but haven’t had the courage to try them. Don’t they tend to be a bit bitter on their own? Whoever suggested I try roasting radishes - thank you! While I didn’t exactly roast them, I did cook them in a pan with olive oil, onions and beets - with a splash of lime juice and just a dash of raw sugar. Delicious!

    Happy Saturday all,

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member
    Tess, turnips and radishes are sweeter when roasted or cooked like you did. I got white turnips in mine and I decided to roast with whole carrots and put into fried rice (with scrambled egg) and slice and put into sandwich wraps.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member

    Good morning,

    Groceries then home. Zucchini Enchiladas (on Skinnytaste.com) today. Will also try and finish knitting the doll for coworkers baby shower in July.

    More sleep? Hope so.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Wow...I fell at work yesterday... on concrete floor, of course... boy, my body is screaming at me, today... miss the days of bouncing right back..hehe

    My mom's oldest brother and sister are trying to cause more grief and I really just want to yell at them.. because of them, my Gma is upset with my Mom, because she took Gpa out of the hospital at his last stay. Gpa was upset, didn't want to be there and it was going to be bad. They have Gma convinced, if he stayed they would have been able to "make him better" when, in all reality, they would have prolonged his suffering and it would have been worse than what he had to deal with. Not one person in my family understands or wants to accept that he had this horrible disease. I don't want to. But, I had to. I read about the disease and it is definitely what he had. They don't want to accept things. There's no point in causing issues. No one wants him to be gone. But, him being here, we were all wishing the suffering would end.

    Sorry for being a downer. It's just been getting to me. It's so hard to believe how horrible my family truly is.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Dawn, I can empathize. At various points in my family history, something similar has happened and the recriminations lasted for decades. It serves no purpose and is only making the grieving process more intense for your Gma, your Mom and you. I’m so sorry.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Tess - thank you. I always looked up to my Aunt and Uncle, growing up. Now, I'm having a hard time even believing we're related. I know, sickness and death can bring out the best and worst of people. I honestly, hoped it would bring us all together. Instead, we're all further apart than we have ever been.
    Thanks again...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    edited June 2018
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Wow...I fell at work yesterday... on concrete floor, of course... boy, my body is screaming at me, today... miss the days of bouncing right back..hehe

    My mom's oldest brother and sister are trying to cause more grief and I really just want to yell at them.. because of them, my Gma is upset with my Mom, because she took Gpa out of the hospital at his last stay. Gpa was upset, didn't want to be there and it was going to be bad. They have Gma convinced, if he stayed they would have been able to "make him better" when, in all reality, they would have prolonged his suffering and it would have been worse than what he had to deal with. Not one person in my family understands or wants to accept that he had this horrible disease. I don't want to. But, I had to. I read about the disease and it is definitely what he had. They don't want to accept things. There's no point in causing issues. No one wants him to be gone. But, him being here, we were all wishing the suffering would end.

    Sorry for being a downer. It's just been getting to me. It's so hard to believe how horrible my family truly is.

    Dawn, this is difficult stuff for people to handle, and some do it badly.

    Hospital stays are rough on young, "healthy" people. You get no meaningful sleep when you are there. Now, give this horrible situation to an elderly person, such as my father or your grandfather, and things get worse by an order of magnitude: the lack of good sleep opens the door for dilirium to step right in. Stress goes way up, and It stinks.

    Some people just cannot accept big life events. They need to place blame. They don't know any better. That's how they are. They cultivate resentment, and this behavior extends their own pain, maybe increasing it. It pollutes the grieving process, delaying healing.

    Hang in there. When people put their minds to this behavior, nothing short of a lightning strike will change their minds. I am sorry for what your mother has to go through her siblings; encourage her to not engage with their anger or bad behavior.

    Big hugs,
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Sunday, all!

    It's been a busy weekend. Went to a local animal society event yesterday and came home with a puppy - so that's kept us pretty busy. :) Still eating well and got a workout in yesterday.

    It's been gloomy and rainy off and on so we've been mostly staying indoors and doing some house work.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Eryn-What kind of puppy? I used to work at an animal rescue... I'm all about animals and adoption... congrats to you on the new addition to the family...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - you said it perfectly... I've always noticed this in my Aunt, she has to be center of attention... my Uncle, I saw a glimpse, a few years ago with a situation with then wife...I saw it fully when he said, "I'm not putting my life on hold to take care of him" "Him" being his father. I think part of the reason Mom has wanted me there for so much, she is afraid she'll say something she shouldn't and, be less likely if I'm there...she has pretty much cut ties with both of them. She is ok with it and I encourage it. She deserves to have the peace as does Grandma.
    Thank you so much Lana
    Hugs to you
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member
    edited June 2018

    Good morning, back to the workplace, blech.

    Weight up, but then I at least got on the scale and will work on it.

    Dawn/ Lana - Thank you Lana, I wasnt sure how to answer Dawn - death brings out the worst traits in people and they act like they are still in diapers. Why people get angry about the past, like doing so can change it?? Sounds like you are on the less dysfunctional side of the family, be grateful.

    Left my enchiladas out overnight and what a pain as that was lunches, but oh well. I can buy salads at the cafe. I just threw them out and saw that I had given myself double portions - ha!! not good, but I did find a single enchilada in the freezer, so there is one meal.... Just shaking my head.

    Will lurk from work.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    Not really thrilled about Monday being here and being back in the office, but what can you do?

    A bit tired this morning but doing ok! Had a nice loss last week and have been doing really well with eating. Need to get some exercise in after work, and definitely try bed earlier tonight.

    Hope all are doing well! I'll be lurking as well. :smile:
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Joining the lurkers! Very crowded in the lurking corner. ;)

    I overindulged in food and alcohol this weekend, but only went up one lb. Back to the gym today and will try to bring focus back. Did meal prep yesterday, so lunches are sorted.

    Happy Monday to all!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ErynVee wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Eryn-What kind of puppy? I used to work at an animal rescue... I'm all about animals and adoption... congrats to you on the new addition to the family...

    The puppy is some sort of Staffordshire terrier mix! Mom was a smaller, 40 lb staffie but they don't know who the Dad was. I guess the Mom was abandoned and they took her in and discovered she was pregnant! I love animals too. This is dog #3. Hahaha


    What a face! Good thing they got the momma and she had the pups there. Congrats again... such a cutie!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- thank you. I appreciate you and everyone in this group. Somehow, I got lucky with my side of fam. Mom wants to say things, I wanna say things, but we've got pretty good at just letting it go. I even stopped mom from sending a text to her sister, because I knew it would cause issues. Sadly, once Gma passes, I don't think we'll have anything to do with those two. At this point, I don't feel like that is a bad decision at all.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    Hi All
    Checking in.

    Eryn Such a sweet face your new puppy has!

    I never did find a scale in the fitness center. Looking forward to being home, oddly.
    Wednesday—back in NYC.

    Bringing back several Cabana Boy candidates for Sara to interview/audition.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member
    Lana!! I love good news! Thank you for thinking of me...... Wow- you did have a good time!

    My goal for the summer is to walk 10- 15 minutes after dinner to add more steps in and be less of a couch potato. I will mark my calendar (paper) with a w when I do, thinking of rewards if I behave.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member

    Sara - your after dinner walking plan sounds good! Would you like a partner? I could use an after dinner walk every day; not too long, just enough. Have you started already or is it tomorrow/Tuesday or when?
    I have a paper calendar too!

    Bidding sweet dreams to all~~
