Hi I'm 428 lbs! WOW first time I ever announced that outloud! I need friends & support please.


Hi there , yes I am 428 lbs. and Wow as embarrassing as that was to admit, it honestly feels good to say it! I'm 428 lbs. I'm 428 lbs. I'm 428 lbs.! I have hid myself for 20 years sad but true. The health scare I had 6 months ago has brought me here. My body swelled up to almost 500 lbs. from overloaded fluid retention. I went to the hospital not able to hardly breathe or fit into the ambulance gurney. I fell asleep at the hospital and woke up paralyzed able to hear and feel all around me but couldn't move an inch, with a tube down my throat. It was the most horrible feeling hearing my son crying praying for me but not able to wake up open my eyes to show him I was awake now after being out of it for a week. Spent two months in ICU doctors telling my family I had a slim chance to surviving. So here i am alive THANK GOD and I have lost weight down to what I am now..428 lbs. yes 428 lbs. Feels good to say it! So I need all your help and suggestions all welcome. I did my first exercises today of ZUMBA chair dance aerobics. They are on YouTube..and last as long as the song they do usually 2 and a half minutes so I just watched this awesome lady thru to make 30 mins of Chair Zumba Cardio and got to say it looked easy but for 428 lbs. my heart got going and I broke a sweat! Very happy to found that lady! I ordered kettlebells 2 (10 lb.) kettlebells to use the chair kettle ball work outs I found for strength training until I can get up and have more balance. I use a walker currently to walk 40 ft one way and back. I have bad knees so I have to set once I get to the other side for 30 seconds but i get back up and today I went back and forth 5 times. This is leaps and bounds for me going from lift chair to potty chair. Another sad but true. My Goal weight? 160 lbs. I need some friends please feel free to say something to me. I will consider you a blessing no matter what your size. I need some rooters and I will be your biggest fan too I promise! my body has decided I don't sleep at night and I have fought it for years but have decided to outsmart it and now I started eating backwards. My day starts at 5 p.m. eat my biggest meal, then snack at 9, then meal at 12 midnight, then mid snack by 2 , and last lightest meal all done eating by 4 am. I got to sleep at 8 to try to get the good sleep I need so it gives me 9 hours which allows me an hour of that with waking up to pee and the initial first 30 minutes to fall asleep. OH I use my ab doer routine 15 minutes a day. well starting tonight. I'm going to try all that and see how my body reacts. Hopefully I don't wake up not being able to move! All help and friendship welcomed and appreciated. Now if I can get the diet right! HELP!


  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Congratulations on making the decision to turn your life around. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all have bad days. Get a nutritionist to help if you can. Sounds like you are on the right track, doing baby steps with the exercise until you get stronger. Gradually you will see results, losing 60+ pounds is a great start. This is a good community and there are loads of folks who have started where you are. Best of luck!
  • Soof65
    Soof65 Posts: 8 Member
    You have done the hard bit which is deciding to try and change your life. There is no point in lying to you, it won't be easy and some days you will feel like giving up. On those days just stick a message on the board and you will get support. I convinced myself for years that I wasn't clinically obese but am now trying to get down to a sensible weight. It's hard but stick at it! Varying your exercises helps, once you feel a little fitter there's nothing better than a walk to help you build up your strength, even if you do it a couple of yards/metres at a time. It's surprising how quickly you can build up a fair distance and sometimes it's just nice to get outside, even if it's raining - I have a sit down job in an almost windowless office and it's good just to see daylight sometimes! Good luck.
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    You can do this! And we are all here to help. Good for you for getting started. That's the hardest part.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited May 2019
    Everyone should read your story - very inspiring. I am now 415 days on MFP: stick with them, use their calculations, record everything you eat and drink. If you have some (previous) psychological damage, make sure this is addressed. Get a good doctor, who is prepared to listen to you and your needs. If you think a dietitian might be able to help, do it sooner than later. If you want to visit a gym, ask for someone who has been overweight before - the thin ones have no idea what you are going through. Try water aerobics - total bliss for your joints, your bones, your body, your mind. Just float about and enjoy. (My starting weight: 170 kg, 375 pounds. After 415 days: lost 33 kg, 70 pounds.) Welcome to the club! We can do it! Tried to send you a "friend request" message but was not accepted. Stay in touch.
  • Sirro712
    Sirro712 Posts: 2 Member
    You got this! Keep it up!
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    You can do this!!! You should be really proud of yourself for taking the first step towards changing your life. I was very proud of you after reading your story. The hardest part is starting, so you're doing great already. You already got some great advice here. Water aerobics would be great for you, as would a meal delivery service to get you started. I also agree that a nutritionist and trainer would be a smart investment to get you started. Just remember to take it one day at a time, and keep checking in here for motivation and support. Patience and baby steps are key. You got this!
  • wobblemcwobbleface
    wobblemcwobbleface Posts: 92 Member
    hey well done for this step - you sound like your mind is now in the zone to sort out your life so well done for that. It will be a journey but you have taken the hardest step of all. Good luck with your journey - I look forward to hearing about your success as you move onwards
  • rustyvicinie
    rustyvicinie Posts: 63 Member
    The first step is the hardest and you've taken it. All downhill from here! You can do this!
  • DKLI
    DKLI Posts: 63 Member
    Way to go! The first step can be hard but each day gets a little easier. Just keep looking ahead, you will do it!
  • jlstanch
    jlstanch Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome first step and amazing courage!!! One piece of advice is always move forward and never beat yourself up. I've done this way too much. After college I gained around 60 lbs and have been trying to loose it for the last 15 years (eek, first time I ever wrote that). I am on a good run now but holly *kitten* have i wasted time feeling bad about myself and getting frustrated over a lack of progress. In hindsight it was such a waste of time and worse counter productive, eg, keeping me in that downward spiral of feel like *kitten* eat like *kitten*. NO MORE!!

    Also, I realized will power comes in two forms. 1) The instant power to say yes or no, and 2) The long term persistence to keep trying even when the first form fails you. Both are built over time and neither is fool proof.

    Best wishes. Take it slow, make it fun, think about the long game and find folks to help you stay accountable. That's helped me.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Thank you all so much! WOW! I never been a part of anything like this , just hid out at home. Its easy to feel you are the only one going thru this nightmare when you dont see other people much and kinda hide out. HOW DO I ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS? I NEED YOU GUYS? neugebauer52 Im so sorry your friend request was not accepted. Im trying to figure it out. ANYONE? Congratulations to all your success! Wow I cant believe I got 5 replies and met 5 incredibly kind people already! I feel like a million bucks in heart. Thank you and please try to keep friending me until I figure it out. :)

    Hi, I don't think there is anything you can do with "friend request" set up. Seems to be some sort of software kink, I'll try again tomorrow. By the way, did a blood test today to compare my first one a year ago. Amazing to see all those improved results but it looks like that my thyroid still needs a little help and encouragement!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I sent a friend request, you just have to accept it.
  • thesatchito
    thesatchito Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I'm glad you made it through. My only advice as someone who once peaked at around 350lb is simple. JUST. KEEP. MOVING.

    When I thought of exercise I usually thought of being out of breath and wanting to die right then and there, however, if you ease in the sessions, you can make it enjoyable (or let's admit it, bearable at first) and you will be less likely to drop out or stop moving.

    Think about it this way, it's always better to move a little than not moving at all. I know that the bigger you are, the harder it is to keep up, but always remind yourself that you could be laying down, wasting away, but you're not! You're moving, walking, dancing, whatever you're doing, just keep moving. Just. Keep. Moving.

    You got this!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    I'm so glad you chose to reach out, and say out loud your weight. It is so liberating! I am 57 years old, 5' 3" and weight 195. I want to get down to 170 by the end of the year and I can find myself dreaming of getting down to 140. But, baby steps. There's a lot of supportive people on MFP. Check in daily, share your thoughts, LOG your food and keep moving. Be patient :) You've got this!
  • chrissy66mc
    chrissy66mc Posts: 2 Member
    There's a saying : My race, my pace. Go at this weight loss at your own pace. Small steps are better than none at all. Your already on the right track, just don't give up! There is a lot of support out here and it feels so much better to know, you're not alone. No matter how much weight we're trying to lose, it's always better to do it with the help of friends. You got this! Never give up.