Will the last few pounds make a big difference ?

fitnessdiva_ Posts: 127 Member
edited May 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
5”7 currently 168 pounds female, gw of 150. Waist is currently a 31 I’m hoping to get to a 28-29 by my gw. My stomach has gone down ALOT but I still have quite a bit of fat in my lower belly (love handles). I was shopping today and got kind of upset while trying clothes on because my stomach is still not flat. I just don’t want to see a belly when I look in the mirror anymore. Do you think 18 pounds will take care of this ? Feel like I can’t even be as excited about my weight loss because my problem area is still somewhat of a problem area. And yes I do weight training etc etc..


  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I have trouble finding the new posts in with all the old ones.
    Yeah not sure if it will help or not us Women all got a pouch going naturally then age gets you even if kids don’t lol. Keep with the weight loss sometimes it does lessen it. If not picture us Gals with Major Csection hangs you’ll feel better lol. Mines permanent belly they closed me with rolled up pregnancies skin before sewing it shut to strengthen the area. So I get the pregnant belly forever. Luckily at my age the rest of the gals got the menopause belly so I fit in just fine. I’m having fun changing my clothing style up for good. eBay city here allowed myself to change my appearance for the 1st time in decades after decades. Lol will leave my age out of this lol. I’m old enough I’m allowed to lie about it I’m 30 forever even if a birth certificate says otherwise. I’m 5ft 4 175lb range at the moment
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    Everyone is different, but almost 20 pounds can make a huge difference. It all depends on where you hold the weight, when the weight drops, etc.

    Make sure to check out this thread as good examples of the living changes that good posture, timing, water retention, etc, can have on your belly --> https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10689837/does-this-uterus-make-my-stomach-look-fat/p1
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    so, that will depend on genetics. the stomach may be the last to go and it may require going under weight to get rid of it. here are some threads that may be helpful:



  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    2019 loosing weight with kids was mine thought I posted in new members but didn’t. Lol shows my brains capabilities. That makes sense no wonder we see read but no answer just cricket chirps.
  • sheloves89
    sheloves89 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently 150 lbs (my goal weight). Big difference. =) My initial goal weight was 160, and the difference between 168 and 160 was noticeable; to drop another 10 lbs definitely showed. I was happy at 160 lbs, but the extra 10 lbs has been like refining the details, a bit! My hips look slimmer, my belly is smaller (although I still have a pooch - but it's little and I think it's friggen adorable and very feminine and soft and I love it a lot, so I would like for it not to go away haha). The only thing that still bugs me a bit are my thighs - but that's where I retain a lot of my fat, and that's just the way it is! I'm not willing to lose any more around any other part of me in order to bring my thighs in a bit (especially since I'm pretty sure my butt would go, too, and I want that to stay!)
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    She is weight training so definitely will help.
    Mmapags what is this BMI I hear so much about. Never heard of it until my Daughter started getting graded on weight back in her high school years.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    She is weight training so definitely will help.
    Mmapags what is this BMI I hear so much about. Never heard of it until my Daughter started getting graded on weight back in her high school years.

    Body Mass Index. It's a height to weight ratio.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    edited May 2019
    Honestly, the last * 5 lbs * makes a big difference in belly fat for me, and I’m 5’9”. It’s genetically the first place I gain and the last place I lose. Exercise helps, as it can give you a girdle affect when you’re fit. Whatever happens, don’t let it be an excuse to go back to an unhealthy & overweight lifestyle. You owe it to yourself.