RUNNERS: Looking for Support for Running and Weight-Loss Goa

Hi all - I am looking to find some other runners who are trying to lose a few pounds and get to (or get back to) a goal weight. I have a half-marathon on Sep 18th and I am trying to get back to a weight I felt comfortable at for a couple of years after my kids were born. Recently, I have found that running increases my appetite and if I don't watch it, the pounds start to creep on.

So, if there are any other runners out there, please join me here. I could use the motivation and support from others with similar goals. Let's outline upcoming runs, weight milestones we'd like to hit, and race time goals (finishing is a great goal too!).

Who's in? Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have not yet used that part of this website!

Name: Liisa
AGE: 38
HEIGHT: 5'7''
ANY SPECIAL DIET: Vegetarian, mostly vegan

UPCOMING RUN 1: Sep 18, Army Half-Marathon, Ottawa, ON Canada
RUNNING GOAL: Under 1:53:00
WEIGHT GOAL: Under 132

UPCOMING RUN 2: October 29, 10k, Ottawa, ON Canada
RUNNING GOAL: Under 49:00


  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    I had a hard time balancing my nutrition with my running as well. I am now training for a marathon and yes your body is hungry but you have to give it what it needs. You need the food as fuel for your energy. Make sure your getting plenty of lean protein and complex carbs! Good luck you can do it!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I am running my first half marathon October 15 and could use some support. Would like to run the entire race without walking need to lose 7 pounds.

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm not trying to lose, but I'm trying to not gain while training for a half in Sept, and full in Nov! I try to keep carbs and munchies at bay on long run days, so far so good! Been in training since June and I've lost 2lbs (not a lot, but I lose really slow) Would love extra motivation and support!

    Name: Katie
    AGE: 30
    HEIGHT: 5'3''
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: everything in moderation, 45/30/25 ratio

    UPCOMING RUN 1: Sept 17th, USAF Half Marathon
    RUNNING GOAL: no goal, running with a friend, it's her first, just there to help keep her motivated
    WEIGHT GOAL: none, hit my goal this morning!

    UPCOMING RUN 2: Nov 5th, Monumental Full Marathon
    RUNNING GOAL: just to finish!
    WEIGHT GOAL: n/a
  • witchymama77
    witchymama77 Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to join you. I am not training for anything yet, I am still pretty new to running. and still very slow lol
    I can do 5k's on the treadmill and do at least two a month on my own.. ran one with Weight watchers, non officially..
    but not sure where to start finding places to run..

    I still need to lose at least 30 pounds to be happy with myself on the outside.
    I am doing Weight watchers, and body for life. It is working so far! :)
  • 0uTc4sT
    0uTc4sT Posts: 26
    I am running my first half marathon October 15 and could use some support. Would like to run the entire race without walking need to lose 7 pounds.


    I'm gonna guess you're running in the Baltimore running Festival? I'm also running the half on the 15th
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    I am running my first half marathon October 15 and could use some support. Would like to run the entire race without walking need to lose 7 pounds.


    I want to loose 6 before my full and also finishing without walking...I know we can both do this...its all in your training(food included in this)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Yes. I am running the Baltimore Half Marathon in Oct 15.
  • 0uTc4sT
    0uTc4sT Posts: 26
    Yes. I am running the Baltimore Half Marathon in Oct 15.

    Cool.. It'll be my first run as well.. Good luck!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    As part of my training I am running a 5k tomorrow just before Irene arrives. Trying to rest today instead of working out but it's hard.

  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    Hey everyone- Great to meet you. Sounds like everyone has some great goals and some great accomplishments so far too!

    Topsking2010 - Good luck on the 5k tomorrow. For sure rest - or if you absolutely feel the need to do something, go for a super light 3 k jog with a few strides (sprints). That is a good way to prepare your muscles for their challenge tomorrow.
  • LyneaS
    LyneaS Posts: 22
    I am training for a 15K in November and I have done 3 5Ks and have another coming up in September. I have also been stuck at the same weight since March. Running makes me hungry!!!
  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    Picking races as goals is an amazing way to stay on track. Before I run the half on Sep 18th, I need to register for my next run so I don't let up too much... I'm planning a 10k on October 29th and then maybe another on Dec 6th. That'll be it for 2011.

    Looking forward to hearing how that 5k goes tomorrow Top!
  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    katapple: What an amazing journey. Congrats and amazing work on the running goals. They will totally keep you motivated (and motivating others!).
  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    Top and MHackrott - just wanted to comment on your "without walking" goal. I ran my first full marathon in 4:30 or so (11 yrs ago so can't find the exact time online) and I barely walked. Less than a year later I ran my second marathon in 4:01 and walked for a full minute every 10 minutes and I ran across the finish like it was nothing (there were some hard moments in there though - I'm not gonna lie!).

    Just something to consider... at least walking through water stations will give those running muscles a quick chance to relax and stretch out. That's my minimum rule for my halfs these days. I tell myself that no matter how bad I wanna keep going, especially at the beginning, I must walk through the water stations (plus it's easier to drink).

    Don't want you to think your goal isn't a good one, but just wanted to let you know that it won't necessarily make you faster...
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hi, I would like to join. I will need to see if I can keep up. So far so good (:

    I am 47, and I want to lose 5-7 Ibs.

    I am going try to do a 5K tomorrow, not sure what time I am looking for yet - as long as I jog without walking (same as PPs :D ). Next race my goal is to beat this time (: and to continuously improve.

    My long term goal is to run a half-marathon but a date is not on the radar yet.

  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    that is a good point about walking.... still don't want to walk for my 5K tomorrow though but maybe I will walk for my first half marathon (:

    while my goal is not to walk I may have to because my training has been only been on an elliptical/Arc machine... and Zumba, but we will see.... If it feels like I am hurt I will definitely walk.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    katapple: What an amazing journey. Congrats and amazing work on the running goals. They will totally keep you motivated (and motivating others!).

    Thanks! I love what you said about walking, it's not the end of the world to walk! I'm not a fast runner by any means and I walked through two water stations at my last race (10k) and still beat my goal to get under 58 minutes! I plan on walking through many stations for water and fuel at both the half and full. I want to feel alive when I cross the finish line, not dead!

    Have 10 miles this morning :) I'm focusing on keeping my heart rate under 160 for my long runs, because I've noticed I can still get on with my day without having to take a nap or gorge myself on carbs. Training for this half has made me completely reevaluate my running style (hurry up and finish vs just enjoying the ride)

    Happy running everyone!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Name: Lorna
    AGE: 36
    HEIGHT: 5'8''
    GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: on maintain right now, but end goal 127 (driver's license weight :blushing: )
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: No dairy/wheat products.

    UPCOMING RUN 1: First 5K in Baltimore, October 15, 2011
    RUNNING GOAL: Finish first 5K with hubby, 11 year old daughter, and 9 year old son
    WEIGHT GOAL: Maintain 135

    FUTURE GOAL: To complete half marathon.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Name: Teresa
    AGE: 29
    HEIGHT: 5'10''
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: Vegetarian

    UPCOMING RUN 1: 10K run Sept 25
    RUNNING GOAL: Half Marathon October 22nd
    WEIGHT GOAL: Maintain 140

    FUTURE GOAL: maybe a run a marathon
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I first lost 30 lbs last summer and now since the tummy won't budge I think maybe I could lose 8 more pounds and see if it would help.
    After finishing 10K I decided maybe I should try for half marathon.

    I am still up in the air about wanting to complete a marathon.

    I really don't have any goal times as I am just looking to run the distance. I am kind of a slow runner, but I would like to run my next 10k under an hour.

    Today I am running 3 miles and tomorrow 7. Last week I ran my first 8 miles.