LOL!!! Anyone with me?! I am trying to drink half my weight for the challenge everyday and its killing my bladder! Poor thing is ALWAYS full.. Me and the bathroom have a new found friendship because I am in there so much! I cant wait until I get use to the extra water im drinking so I can stop taking so many trips! I feel like I should pack a bag and move in there!


  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I do want to add that I have only been doing this for a few days and I already feel different. I dont feel so bloated.. =]
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    haha I know what you mean!!!!

    it's especially embarrassing at work. like, hey guys, I know I've been back for 5 minutes but... brb...


    & it's funny cause I'm wayyyy better at remembering to get all my water in me while I'm at work, too!
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    It will pass once your body adjusts.
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Hahaha it does get better, but avoid fountains and waterfalls
  • Connie_TN
    I am right there with ya honey....My bathroom is upstairs. So I look at it as getting some exercise in at the same time. LOL
  • khemsmtl
    Try to drink water at room temperature.
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    YES! I feel like I'm going all the time. My co-workers must think I have a problem!
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    LOL! I'm not doing a challenge, but I tend to drink a lot of water and I'm having the same issue. This week I've decided to limit my water intake between 4-6pm because I'll always be commuting home and feel like I'm going to bust. LOL.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! Oh my gosh. It's so annoying. I've been drinking like I do (15-20 cups of water...sometimes up to 25 cups!) for months and months and months. And my body never stops peeing. I pee all the live long day.

    But when I cut down on water, I'm way too thirsty. I like drinking the water. I like what it does for me.So...I'll deal with the pee. But it really sucks. Lol

  • boilermakerblaw
    Half your body weight in ounces of water you mean? I'm just trying to do the 8 8 oz glasses recommended each day and I feel like I'm going to the restroom ALL the time!!! I've done it for about ~2 weeks now...hopefully it'll get better soon!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Half your weight in water? Be careful! Don't drink too much at once. You can overload your body and die.
  • XiaoRuRu
    XiaoRuRu Posts: 83
    It does get better, just take caution in how much water you are drinking at one time. While water is always good for you, too much is bad. It can cause water intoxication which to the body (but not the mind) mimics drowning in fresh water.

    My recommendation: find a good book or discover a new game on your phone!
  • herillusion
    herillusion Posts: 62 Member
    Right there with you. I never drank much water until the last few weeks and I'm in there constantly. I used to be in there every 30 min. but now its every 10.

    That doesn't even mention the fact on how much toliet paper we go thru. lol
  • LittleFootHafner
    I haven't been taking a challenge, but I have been trying to up my water intake on my own (9 cups on a regular day, and 12 when I work out...) AND - I completely agree! I have been going pee like 6-8 times a day (just during work hours!) ;)
    I feel good about doing it, but I also hope that my body starts to get used to it a little more...
  • Connie_TN
    LMAO That is soo true.:flowerforyou:
  • futurefitgirl88
    i feel ya. sometimes i pee so much i get scared nd think i have diabetes. Or worse, a kidney problem.....
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    haha I know what you mean!!!!

    it's especially embarrassing at work. like, hey guys, I know I've been back for 5 minutes but... brb...


    & it's funny cause I'm wayyyy better at remembering to get all my water in me while I'm at work, too!

    LOL!! Yea, I wouldnt be able to get any work done if I was working right now! !
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I dont think it is necessary to drink that much honestly. Just enough to keep hydrated
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    It will pass once your body adjusts.

    I look forward to that day! That will be my NSV! Not peeing every 10-15 mins. lol
  • cactusjon
    cactusjon Posts: 45 Member
    Started trying to drink more water yesterday and went to the bathroom SO many times! I even had to get up a couple of times in the night!